Puss Being Pampered 4 Sarah "Sid"
By jacque
As Puss is Feeling & Looking better i thought a Nice Bath was called 4 as he still had some Dry Blood on his Fur from Last Monday Eveing, This is Me Wetting His Fur ready 4 the Kitten/Puppy Mild Shampoo 2go on
Now a Good Rub/Massage
Just The Rinse & Blow Dry 2 go now :)
Puss all Dry & Happy I think Puss enjoyed that :)
16 Nov, 2009
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He smells of Clean Cat TT lol & feels like Velvet :)
16 Nov, 2009
Lol. Jac..... I love the way my dogs' coats smell after a bath..
usually of coal tar shampoo. ! :o)
16 Nov, 2009
:) what we like TT going around sniffing our Pets coats lol :)
16 Nov, 2009
Poor little thing .... the 3rd picture !!!!!
He looks so vulnerable there ;-)
I'm glad he likes it though and very glad that he's safe, sound and a happy pusscat :-))))))))
16 Nov, 2009
He dont mind it Honest Louise & he was very safe :)XX
16 Nov, 2009
Nice blog Jacque. It's good that he doesn't mind the water.
16 Nov, 2009
Im glad u enjoyed Pusses Pamper Blog Toto :)
16 Nov, 2009
Jacque, he looks so much happier than the other day when he'd just come home from vet's. We had a stray cat years ago that had to have an eye removed because it was ulcerated.
16 Nov, 2009
He's looking great, Jacque! You just wouldn't believe that he'd had such a nasty accident so recently. I'm still amazed that he enjoys water, though. :-))))
16 Nov, 2009
A very good Puss, I didn't think cat's liked baths but he's better behaved than Paddy(and he's a dog!!). he hates baths!
16 Nov, 2009
Puss was a stray 2 Stripes !! I think he was Dumped :( Anyway iv had him almost 2 yrs now & i tried for 3months 2 find his owners & told the Vets if no 1 came foward id keep him,I kept him @ my home all the time i was wait2hear from his Owners/Family & all my other Pets took to him ok which was a blessing :)
16 Nov, 2009
Thanx Spritz/Paul i found out he likes water cos 1 day when he jumped into my bath water when it was emptying !!! :)
16 Nov, 2009
That's unusual for a cat!
16 Nov, 2009
Puss is very Unusaul Paul! hes more like a Dog than a cat ? i think its his breed that make him so different:)
16 Nov, 2009
He knows he's in safe hands with you Jacque. I'm glad he's improving. Pitty about his eye. Will you have an artificial one for him ?
16 Nov, 2009
awww jacque,, bless puss, he is so good having a bath, hows he managing with just one eye jacque, is he getting use to it :o)x
16 Nov, 2009
Perhaps he should be a dog and Paddy a cat. He can't understand why cats don't want to play with him when he's out for his walks. Many a cat has had a swipe at him, they don't realise he just wants to play!!!!!
16 Nov, 2009
What breed is he, Jacque?
Paul - that's so funny! LOL.
H. chases cats - it's in his genes!
16 Nov, 2009
Puss looks great after his bath, Jacque, he's made an amazing recovery, bless him.
16 Nov, 2009
Hywel i dont know if they do false eyes 4 cats? i wouldnt want Puss to have 1 even if they did as i think hes just Purfect :) Hes still a little Clumsy San when walking left of things & slower @ thinking b4 he jumps onto my lap ? If Puss was a Dog Paul my Summer would be Sssssssssssooooo Jealous :( Shes bad enough when Puss wants 2 cum & sit on my lap without Puss being a Dog 2 !!! Hes a Bengal Spritz !! i think their expensive 2 buy & r very clever cats ? Its amazed me the Most i think Gee :)
16 Nov, 2009
No, I agree with you about not having an artificial eye for Puss Jacque. I don't think he'd like it either. I just wondered, that's all.
16 Nov, 2009
:) They do some weird& wonderful things today Hywel & i think if i showed him then id think about it ;) xxx
16 Nov, 2009
He is really enjoying his bath isn't he it must make him feel comfie.
16 Nov, 2009
I think he feels much better getting rid of all the stuff he couldnt lick/clean off himself Mavis :)
17 Nov, 2009
Bless him....we all feel better for having a bath when we've been poorly!
17 Nov, 2009
Thats what i thought PG :)
17 Nov, 2009
Oh thanks for this Jac! I'm just amazed he likes a bath! Neither of my girls would have any truck with water LOL I bet he was purring away all the time wasn't he? He looks like he was :-) And all his whiskers are fanned out too, which means he's enjoying it. The vets seem to have done a tidy job on his eye. Poor Puss. He's still a very handsome boy tho Jac! He looks very contended in the final pic too...
17 Nov, 2009
Im plezd u like the Blog Sarah i made it just 4 u :) xxx
17 Nov, 2009
I love it :-D
17 Nov, 2009
How about you Jac? Are you feeling better now?
17 Nov, 2009
Yes Thanx Sarah im well over My Flu now & feel great :)xxx
17 Nov, 2009
Thats good :-) It was sitting in that water did it lol
17 Nov, 2009
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I bet Puss feels lovely and clean
...and that his coat smells wonderful..Lol. :o)
16 Nov, 2009