The Wildflower Meadow
By jacque
Corncockle, Clover, Cornflowers & Selfheal grew in the meadow this summer
But since September its looked like this :(
So with the Sun Shinning & My Garden Grass Strimmer in hand i got it looking like this :)
4 Summer 2010 i thought id add some Pink Clover 2 go with the White Clover that already grows their :)
Hope you enjoyed the Year Of My Meadow Jacxxx
17 Nov, 2009
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Thanx Stripes what u see is only Half of My Garden!! I do it all myself & some times il let my fella mow the grass :)
17 Nov, 2009
You have it looking good girl lovely colours, well done Jacque.....:~))))
17 Nov, 2009
It's lovely Jacque :)) You are so lucky to have space for a wildflower must attract loads of beneficial insects to your garden?
17 Nov, 2009
Love your clover the red one is rare now, your garden looks lovely, can't wait to see it next year when the wild meadow blooms.
17 Nov, 2009
Wild meadow flowers are so delicate & pretty Jac & think of all the insect life you must attract...(well not you personally!)...look forward to the new season's flowering!
17 Nov, 2009
Great pics Jacque.
17 Nov, 2009
I love that corn cockle :o)
Pink and white clover look great together Jacque. There's some growing near here. I'm sure I have a photo somewhere. I'll try and find it to show you .
17 Nov, 2009
Thanx Mobee id really like to have More Flowers in it next yr so its got More Colour in the grasses :)It does get lots of insects Di/Fluff:) The Pink Clover seed i brought/grew thid yr Morg came from Canada!!! it looks white when opening? :) Im glad u enjoyed the Pics/Blog to Hywel/Toto :)
18 Nov, 2009
lovely photos Jacque...... and youve made it look nice and tidy ready 4 next year.... only wish i had room in my garden for one.... : O )
18 Nov, 2009
Hi Holly its mainly because my garden is so big iv added a Wildflower Meadow as its hard work keeping on top of it all! The Meadow looks after itself once the Flowers/Seeds have been planted/Sown :)
18 Nov, 2009
Corncockle and cornflower, who'd believe they are wild flowers - they'd grace any garden. I too, envy you your space. Did you rake off all the cut grass (hay) ? I believe wild flowers prefer an impoverished soil. Have you read Chris Baines' book 'How to make a Wildlife Garden' ? It's inspirational. Can you send me some of that bright stuff in your garden ? - I think it's called SUNSHINE !!!!!!
18 Nov, 2009
All the Hay has been removed now Muddy & il be rakeing some Poor Soil over the area in Feb/March 2010 to sow my seeds into,il also be Planting some Pink Clover Plants into it2 which i grew this yr from seed :) Iv had a peek@Chris Baines Book & like u i think its great :) Sorry no Sunshine today so cant send u any lol :)
18 Nov, 2009
Very much so, i really enjoyed your summer meadow.
18 Nov, 2009 have a nice size garden and the pics of the flowers are stunning.
I 'think' I've got seeds for some of those flowers for my new plantes that arrived last week but they can wait for another time to be blogged!!
Hope the seeds grow into something half as good as these next year!
19 Nov, 2009
Thanx Clarice :) Im sure your seeds will do great OddB :)
20 Nov, 2009
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Lovely pictures Jac,you have a big garden who does it all,lovely Corncockle and all the rest. xxx
17 Nov, 2009