Problems between neighbours
By jenlewis
1st I want to apologise that I have not been keeping up recently but life has been very stressful due to our neighbours.
They have been doing building work on the boundary and have even leaned over their boundary wall to attach a bit of wood totally our side. When challenged, they became threatening to make my life hell if I get legal advice. They even told Tim to “go away” while standing in our own garden. They now claim they own 2ft of our garden so can do what they want. This they say was reinforced by us putting our trellis away from their house wall. That it is a fence.
Friday morning we went to see a solicitor. Thanks to advice given by Bamboo, we found that our house insurance covers us up to £50,000 of legal fees.
Friday night in the dark, Tim saw the next door was putting up a cctv camera up that looks like it will cover part of our front garden. Mainly the entrance to our driveway. But in winter, it will also be able to look into our conservatory when the leaves drop from our plum tree. Sooner if I cut that hedge or prune the plum tree. We have taken photos and will be sending those to our solicitor on Monday.
So, as I said, life is a bit stressful. On the plus side, I wanted to loss a bit of weight before my daughters wedding and with the stress it’s dropping off.😀
17 Jun, 2018
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Thanks Dawn, but unfortunately i now hold very little hope that things will get settled easily. The last few times I have tried to talk to them as all websites tell you to, I have been shouted at with a list of all the things they can do if they wanted to to make my life hell. I will say, never swearing, just shouting. I have been advised not to talk anymore to them. As far as the camera, I read on net about the sign, which they haven't done as far as I know. Could call the police but read that they have no power to make them to move it so we thought best just put in the hands of our solicitor. I know about trellis, just wanted to show the sort of things they are saying. Because this last one started due to us wanting to know what work they were doing to a very tall, single brick wall which has a crack from top to bottom my side and could see daylight through part of it. They don't think they should have to tell us anything, even the plan to put the wood totally our side. It not even a little bit on their side. One of their replies was then they want me to tell them every plant I put in my garden with written details of their growing habit. :-/.
17 Jun, 2018
Thats is sad Jen seems they have it in for you and now I doubt any thing will change that . Shame you did nt have a tape recorder or film them when they gave their list on how they can make your life a misery. Yes I would nt speak to them eitger so that was wise advice . If their tall wall falls and damages your property they are liable. I would put fir trees up to give you privacy not many people like them 😄
17 Jun, 2018
Oh Jen,I am so sorry this has started again for you.Why oh why can't people just lead their own lives and stop causing upset for other people.Glad you have a solicitor and are getting good advice.Take care of yourself,and try not to let it get you down,but I know it is very stressful.x
17 Jun, 2018
Oh Jen,I can't begin to tell you how sorry I feel for you. Bad neighbours are sheer he'll to live with. I wonder if they had similar run in with their 'old' neighbours. It would be interesting to find out. Perhaps they're known trouble makers. On a brighter note, concentrate on your daughter's wedding. Do you know yet what you will be wearing?
17 Jun, 2018
Thank you Callie and Waddy. They say it is all us. That they just want a quiet life but so do we. We just get upset that they take liberties with our property and having to put up with their late evening DIY all the time. They think we are mad getting upset about them putting up that bit of wood as they say it looks better, drilling into our front wall and cutting off our water and how dare we go to a solicitor about their new claim of owning 2ft of our garden. Said before, land owner at end of their garden has had to go to a solicitor too, also about them taking part of his land.
Waddy. No not got my outfit yet. It's a hard one as it is going to be a casual theme wedding but I want something nice. Looked a couple of times but not seen the outfit that grabs me. We plan to go out again, maybe going to Liverpool. Sure I will find something 😀
17 Jun, 2018
I would be tempted to erect a post with a plain board on it well inside your own garden but near enough to block any view of your property that can be seen from the CCTV camera. Perhaps even a large bird table at the right height might do the trick and not look so combative..
Your boundary should be clearly marked with measurements on your deeds so that's easily checked. You can also get a plan from the Land Registry for a small fee.
Don't let it spoil the wedding whatever you do - hope you find the perfect outfit!
17 Jun, 2018
Sue, wish it was that simple. We looked up the make on net. It has a v field of view. They have put it up nearly 3m high, looking straight down the boundary, right on the boundary. So the further down our garden it looks, the more it can capture. From what I have read, this comes under the Human Rights act and so we are hoping our solicitor can inform them of that. From what I found on net, people doing this so much that there is a parliament paper on it to protect our rights. Considering how bad things get if we try to talk to them, thought better the solicitor deal with it.
As for the deeds, we have them all here as we have a fire proof 3 ton safe. I spent last night going through them all. Was so interesting as included was a couple of wills of previous owners. My house was the owners house of a cheese factory and the shop next door was the factory. It was called the creamer. Taking all these to solicitor next week as he has more idea what he is looking for. Our hope is our house was built in 1878 and theirs is much later and my house owned most of the land around us.
I won't let it spoil the wedding. Luckily, it being held away from here. 😀
17 Jun, 2018
Ah well, it was a nice idea while it lasted...
17 Jun, 2018
Good luck in Liverpool. Don't forget to let us see what you decide on.
18 Jun, 2018
It was that Sue. We had thought the same, even went out to a garden hardware place to look at what we could put up. Bloke there said it would have to be very large and up too high for permitted height on a boundary. Hopefully solicitor can do something or tell us what to do.
Lol, Waddy, I plan to take lots of photos of the day, well as many as I can as the 2 dogs are included in the day 😀. When Laura was looking for a venue, they had to allow dogs lol.
18 Jun, 2018
Aww, I think that's so nice!
18 Jun, 2018
So sorry to hear about your awful plight. They sound like horrible bullies that want the quiet life by bullying others and just expecting them to roll over and keep quiet. They are just trying to bully you into submission by shouting at you and using the cameras.
You are doing the right thing, by letting the solicitors deal with it now. I really hope it gets resolved for you.
18 Jun, 2018
Thanks Waddy. Should be fun lol. They are good boys but Shadow does still get excited over things. Any outfit has to be dog fir proof as no matter how much German Shepherds are groomed, they shed for England so no dark colours 😁.
Thank you Lisa, we have been warned that when they get the 1st letter from the solicitor, things could get worse for a while but just keep him informed of everything.
18 Jun, 2018
Thats it Jenie. Every document in a letter that comes through the door redirect to your Solicitor without opening it. He is being paid. He does the work for you.
Bet they back down.
18 Jun, 2018
Thanks Diane for the support. That is what we plan. From now on, everything goes through our solicitor. Hate it and it's not now I want to live but we will not be bullied.
19 Jun, 2018
I'm glad you've got a solicitor on the case. I hope something can be done about the situation. It sounds very stressful :(
19 Jun, 2018
Thank you Hywel. Did a bit of gardening this morning. 1st time I haven't been out there for a while. He has either been up a ladder overlooking my garden and now the camera watching me. I didn't feel comfortable but today i decided, blow it and did some weeding. Felt better doing it.
19 Jun, 2018
Oh Jen how awful for you, it must be hard to even venture out knowing some creep is watching you, that would really do my head in, well done for going out and carrying on in your garden, try to do that as often as you can, otherwise the so and so's will think they have won, keep yer chin up and rise above it as the saying goes.... Concentrate on finding that outfit instead, think its really nice that the dogs are included...
19 Jun, 2018
Thanks Lincslass, it's not that I'm doing anything in garden then playing with the dogs and gardening. With all the problems we have had with them, I used to feel that a least there was a break from it all when they were out at work. Now I feel someone is watching me all the time. We think it even captures the back door to the workshop so they can see me taking out Tim a cup of tea at 9pm every night normally in my PJs. I planted 15 runner beans and something was been biting them off at the base over the last couple of weeks that I'm now down to only 4. I'm a early riser and when I get up around 5.30 am, as I let the dogs out, I normally go and check if anymore have been attacked again in my PJs. My back garden wasn't overlooked before but the height they have put this camera, it is now.
We are mad dog people lol. We only go to places that the dogs are allowed, but if they aren't then my daughter comes over to sit with them. As she works with us she is with them everyday so they are as much part of her family as ours that she said she wanted them included in her big day lol. I think if she thought she could, she would have included Star, the cat as well 😁.
20 Jun, 2018
It's hard, but carry on gardening and playing with your dogs and 'try' and forget the camera is there and just get on with your normal business. Cameras can work both ways and your neighbours cameras will prove that you are doing nothing wrong. If they try and use any footage in their defence they are going to look stupid and raise the question in the courts as to why they are watching you. I'm sure cameras are not supposed to look over neighbours or the public highways, but that would need to be checked.
You're all doing really well under strenuous circumstances, don't forget that.
20 Jun, 2018
I think Lisam is right Jen. Try not to let the get to you, be positive and I'm sure you'll win out in the end. I'm sending you hugs. ((()))
20 Jun, 2018
You are right Lisam and Waddy. Has taken me a little while but I am not giving in to her peranoia. They have now put cameras up all around their house and when she was shouting at me, she told me that that she has a dash cam in her car. She said she had enough evidence on it, of people coming to visit us, blocking part of the "scoop" of her drive to cause trouble for our business. Got the contract from solicitor yesterday and in it, he said he will contact us shortly over this camera business So hopefully it will be sorted soon.
Thank you everyone for the support, has meant a lot!! X
21 Jun, 2018
Oh dear Jen, sounds as though she is out to cause you trouble no matter what you do, try not to stoop to her level, let solicitor handle it...Live your life though and carry on regardless in and around your garden....
21 Jun, 2018
I would be tempted to omit wearing the P.J. s.
Its your private land.
21 Jun, 2018
Lincslass, that threat was one of the ones she said would use if I went to a solicitor. Not that she can as no proof that a car parked there is for us. We think that is why camera now filming our drive entrance. Plus only people for us who park there is postman and parcel force or if some random person pulling over. She just hates that we are standing up to her and was trying to scare us off going to a solicitor. Don't worry, I would never go to that level. That is why the cctv camera and plank of wood is still there and we instead went to solicitor.
Lol Diane. Not a pretty sight. My friend had the same suggestion. 😀
22 Jun, 2018
Sorry I missed this before Jen. What a nightmare. I hope things have progressed a little in your favour with the Solicitor's help. Your neighbours sound very unstable.
30 Aug, 2018
Unfortunately Karen, nothing has progressed other then our solicitor having to send them a 2nd letter which we finally got a reply on of all things the morning of Laura's wedding. They had emailed our solicitor to say that we had made it all up and that it was us harassing them and that if we didn't stop they would get the police on us. You See, if the cctv camera is filming into someone else's property then since July this year it can be taken as criminal harassment and our solicitor had pointed this out to them. At moment we have ended up not cutting our hedge or grapevine just to block it but once leaves drop it will see into our conservatory. They also said that if they are made to reply to any more letter then they will charge us £80 per letter or email and will not be moving the cctv camera.In our solicitor's words in his covering letter, one or both of them is slightly barmy
30 Aug, 2018
Certainly are!
30 Aug, 2018
Why not put some blinds on that side of the conservatory?
31 Aug, 2018
Sue, We could do but them filming our garden and into our house is totally against the law. It is against the Data protection act. If they moved the camera to around the corner then there would be no problem. They could still film their driveway but not ours. Once the leaves come off the plum and grapvine then they will be filming all the number plates of all our customers (so will have a record of people who own shotguns). The timing of them putting the camera up (in the dark) was right after she shouted at me that they would make our lives hell. Once the leaves have dropped we can then get the police involved but we wanted to try and reason with them before it goes that far. As said also them refusing to stop filming our property also comes under Criminal harassment and is considered as stalking. Sorry but we have just had enough.
1 Sep, 2018
Well no it wouldn't stop them but at least they wouldn't be able to see into the house.
I hope hubby isn't tempted to use his professional expertise to deal with the camera...
1 Sep, 2018
Lol. He has ranted but what with what we do, we have to be whiter then white. Would loss our license and so our business. We are not going to cut our hedge that side till camera is moved so block it that way. Annoying as last year I paid someone to cut it to a reasonable height. It's a mixed hedge of holly, evergreen ivy and hawthorn. At end of day we will just use the law.
2 Sep, 2018
Right is might Jen. You stick with it! Poor woman must lead a very unhappy life being like that. Mental illness is no joke for anybody and affects everyone else too...
2 Sep, 2018
Sue. Was talking to a friend at the weekend. He is local and known her family forever. He said she is just like her mother. The type that wants their own way and will scream and scream to try and get it. Tim and I now look back over last 3 years and realise there was signs like when we had their builders in our garden for 2 days without warning and not even a thank you or when he went through our water mains on his drive, turned off our water and just shut his gates and went indoors without a word to us. Then wondered why we got upset about 8 hrs without water. Accidents happen but not to even talk to us and then say we were lucky they didn't sue us for the cost of repair lol. Think all we can do is what we are doing. Tim agrees with you and has said for a while that she has mental issues.
3 Sep, 2018
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2 Nov, 2009
Sorry to hear you still having trouble with your neighbours Jen I hope it all gets sorted peacefully. Glad to hear you ve had legal advise and did go to your solicitor . A trellis is classed as a temporary structure with councils. Are they displaying a sticker or a sign up stating they have cctc as its illegal not to do so also cctv can not intrude on to others properties nor a public foot path nor can the footage be used in a court of law if it is this is what the police told me some yesrs back when my car wing mirror kept being snapped off parked out side my home on the road even though it was the pavement side where it kept being broken..
17 Jun, 2018