Happy face seed delivery :)
By jewells
Well I have just been going through my seeds and I feel all of a tingle a bit like a kid in a sweet shop!!! The ones I can sow now are Passiflora,Aubrietia,Lobelia,Dahlia & Coleus. Good start me thinks. Now if anybody has any tips please let me know. I have to say a Big Thankyou to my mum. I popped over to see her, when I arrived I was really grumpy but by the times I left she had made me laugh lots. I am glad she has joined GOY and she loves it. well I have to say i was getting all excited the temps were rising slowly but my goodness they dropped thursday and friday. I was working and on thursday we had snow and friday was very chilly. I just want to get going on all of my gardens and looking forward to some rays of sunshine, the rabbits are having a field day with all of the spring bulbs I planted earlier this year especially the tulips. They have eaten the lot and in one garden you are talking hundreds. I find it odd that they don’t seem to keen on the daffs lucky for me !!!! I will have my day with the rabbits as it took so long to plant, you never know one or two may have survived. Fingers crossed .
29 Jan, 2011
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It's a relief to be able to do some gardening after the harsh winter. Good luck with your seeds. Sorry to hear about the rabbits eating your tulips but I'm glad you still have the daffs to look forward to :o)
30 Jan, 2011
Thanks Littlelegs is it best to soak sweet peas overnight or put a little nick in them. hope all of your seeds germinate well:) Hywel the tulips are for a customer of mine and there was about 1,000 bulbs and now there is about 300 but not alot I can do about the bunnies just keep trying and hope for the best. The worst of it is they have spent so much money on fencing as they also get alot of munkjack deer but I saw one inside the fencing on wednesday:(
30 Jan, 2011
Theres no need to nick or soak sweet peas Jewells, I just put them on top of compost and cover with a little vermiculite, keep moist.
30 Jan, 2011
I have always soaked them. I thought they germinated better, but I don't know.
30 Jan, 2011
ok thanks for that Hywel will have a go :)
30 Jan, 2011
good luck with your seeds jewels ;o)
30 Jan, 2011
oh littlelegs that sounds easier. I will give it a try at one of my customers as I am only there monday and wednesday so to pop them straight in would be easier. I was hopeing to get started today Sanbaz but didn't get a chance, mind you have bought some more trays and vermiculite etc so will do it 2morr hopefully :)
30 Jan, 2011
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Good luck with the seeds Jewells, it's very satisfying growing from them and seeing an end product. At the moment I have Petunias, Gaillardias, Rudbeckias, Sweet peas and cape Fuschias on the go. I'm glad Mum is enjoying the site. :o))
30 Jan, 2011