Sorry for absence of photo but I am rubbish at downloading them from our camera
4 replies
22 Nov, 2013 Johnmw
Any ideas - a deciduous azalea we've had for about two years in a pot
3 replies
16 Jun, 2013 Johnmw
Hello again everyone - I really love Perennial Wallflowers
6 replies
16 Feb, 2013 Johnmw
Hello everybody - any ideas on 4 ins brassica seedlings
1 Aug, 2011 Johnmw
Hello everyone - for the last three years I have kept 4 dahlias through the winter...
5 replies
22 May, 2011 Johnmw
Hi everybody - anyone have any idea about the likelihood of BSE in ground-up bones...
8 replies
2 Mar, 2011 Johnmw
I've never been a grower of squashes but am now helping in the veg garden of...
5 Nov, 2010 Johnmw
Any ideas about a Clianthus that is dying on its feet
29 Oct, 2010 Johnmw