Grateful for what I've got
Although a lot of flowers are smaller than usual I’ve taken a few snaps of what is flowering today because ITS NOT RAINING!!!! Hurrah :-) But from the weather forecast that’s not going to last long :-(
Lobelia starting to flower after sitting like a big green lump for ages!
Close up of the last remaining foxglove before it gets composted!
Alchemilla mollis and hosta – have three different hostas so going to use the space left by foxgloves to space them out as one is crowding out the other 2 more interesting ones!
Eryngium and lily
Some pollen free snapdragons that freely self seed (and were free from a garden magazine!)
Hoping that the pollen free antirrhinums keep on flowering as long as they did last year so they contrast with the lime green gladioli when they flower :-)
White climbing rose and white honeysuckle
White rambling rose and white honeysuckle…not sure what the difference is between rambling and climbing but one is fragrant and the other doesn’t seem to have a fragrance :-)
4 Jul, 2012
Previous post: The Grows on You Garden - a little poem
Next post: Nature's blessings
Thanks Sheila!
Bilbo - my bridal bouquet had stargazer lillies which was probably a bit OTT but I prefer whites and blues now (the yellow lillies were a mistake but I quite like the contrast with the eryngium and at least they are flowering!! :-)
4 Jul, 2012
Gorgeous, neither my lilies or sea holly have opened yet x
4 Jul, 2012
That hosta looks huge!! I really like those white snapdragons :o)
4 Jul, 2012
I love all the lilies, even the ones that make a mess of my clothing with their pollen, lol, I like the white anthirrinums, still waiting for mine to flower, lovely photo`s Julie....
4 Jul, 2012
Lovely flower pics :o)
5 Jul, 2012
They were all worth waiting for Julie, and those Hostas look fab.
5 Jul, 2012
Thanks everyone for your kind words. It's just past 11 and although it's a bit drizzly and foggy tonight I've been out there tidying up and tying up (sweet peas etc, nothing 50 shades of grey or anything :-D). Now enjoying a nice glass of red grape juice ;-)
5 Jul, 2012
Nice photos of the plants in your garden. That hosta looks big. I hope they'll have more room after you move them.
6 Jul, 2012
Re the climbing/rambling rose thing, apparently a climbing rose will repeat-flower almost all summer (flowering on new wood so you prune it in the Spring), while a rambling rose flowers only once, usually in June (flowering on old wood so you prune it after its flowered, i.e. in Summer usually July or August).
It was on GW a few weeks back where they featured the National Collection of rambling roses and I made a note of it as I knew I’d want to know in a few weeks but would otherwise forget, my memory is hopeless!
6 Jul, 2012
Ah G thanks for the tip! This is their third year in and I seem to remember being advised to let them settle first before pruning but will definite be getting the secateurs out for the rambler when it finishes flowering (probably October this year ;-D)
6 Jul, 2012
I'd best add that bit of advice to my note too Julie! I don't have either at the moment but would quite like one, or two, or three, maybe white or pale yellow, oh and a honeysuckle, and ... I think my wanted-list is getting too big :o)
6 Jul, 2012
I'm pleased i'm limited by (a) space and (b) an obsession with a limited colour preference. But my wish list since joining GoY has started to expand again :-D
6 Jul, 2012
I'll bet your preferences will change if you stick with GOY, mine certainly have...I love and want everything now! Lovely pics Julie, such a pretty lobelia, mine are still hanging back. I put a honeysuckle in last year and it's grown enormously and flowered well, but I'm so smell. I reckon it's going to go:-)
8 Jul, 2012
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Some lovely pics there Julie
4 Jul, 2012