Chinese Whispers
Dear Aunty GoY,
I have recently been reading some very interesting Chinese stories in a well-known gardening website and I don’t know why, but, pictures of French ski-wear just seemed to pop into my head!
At first, I thought my eyes had gone funny and rubbed them hard, but the images just kept on coming! What’s more I began to visualise the ski-wear being worn in some sort of Oriental ski resort…or was it a factory? I’m not sure now…
Am I just imagining it all…or is someone trying to get to me?
Yours truly,
Cameuptheclyde Onawaterbiscuit ;)
29 Nov, 2011
Previous post: Down the Expressway (with a paddle!)
Next post: Big Wahalla on the Water Front
29 Nov, 2011
It's happening to you too, Imnotasgreen...?
Do you think this might be some dastardly attempt at mass brainwashing...?? :o
29 Nov, 2011
I reckon she must be a gardener Karen as she's not giving up lol..
29 Nov, 2011
There`s flipping loads of them, won`t brainwash me Karen , I gave up after only a few words...
29 Nov, 2011
about 15??? too tiring to wave 15 flags though!!
the first appearance was a photo only, whether it was her or not i have no idea??
29 Nov, 2011
I know......perhaps, she hasn't actually read the dictionary definition of 'subliminal'....? ;)
29 Nov, 2011
I flagged three...and got bored...
29 Nov, 2011
possibly not karen!!??
29 Nov, 2011
I only flagged one but did state that there were loads
29 Nov, 2011
What a time it must have taken them to 'translate' all that stuff!
29 Nov, 2011
What on earth is going on you lot? you've got me totally flummoxed! .....yours, Scunneredaboot Yablethers!
29 Nov, 2011
have you seen all those blogs that have been put on probably during last night karens?
29 Nov, 2011
Not on a water biscuit, Karen - a rice cracker!
29 Nov, 2011
Have they gone now, Karen?
29 Nov, 2011
Oh yes, Ojibway! You're right!...I didn't do my 'translation' either!!! :)))
29 Nov, 2011
billy connolly used the term water biscuit i think???
29 Nov, 2011
no they havent gone.
29 Nov, 2011
Yes, he did Sticki...I was brought up with the same saying, but a different vessel (which is no longer acceptable).
29 Nov, 2011
Really? They're still there??
29 Nov, 2011
Oh! I get it're under the 'fluence'...
I advise that you see a therapist - right away...otherwise you'll be frittering away the family fortune on 'hommage' designer ski-wear... ;)
29 Nov, 2011
I flagged these blogs this morning early. Sometimes I don't think they check for a long time
29 Nov, 2011
Hywel, I didn't look until the afternoon...and by then there were over a dozen!
29 Nov, 2011
think there were 15 this morning.
29 Nov, 2011
There were 15 this morning,Sticki..I have just logged on ,and can't believe they are still there !
29 Nov, 2011
That'll be the time difference, Sticki...all posted overnight, then...
29 Nov, 2011
How very odd. It is just a selling gimmick. I think they have the wrong target group. Ha! Ha! Ha!
29 Nov, 2011
Oh yes, now I see them! What a load of nonsense!
29 Nov, 2011
I them all late last night I flagged two and said there were more. It's quite annoying.
29 Nov, 2011
No they are all still there and its 22.30. I flagged one yesterday and all of them this morning and sent them an email. I am quite annoyed now too.
29 Nov, 2011
whoever their English teacher is wants sacking : )
Not sure how god and fashion coats go together, Chinese heaven is a bit chillier!
30 Nov, 2011
There are new ones today.
30 Nov, 2011
just flagged today's blogs by this person...
30 Nov, 2011
Yes......another 19 of them!!!
They begin just after your's Denise.
30 Nov, 2011
I've got bored with flagging them! Much more interesting things to read - like PROPER GoY blogs! What an irritating intrusion to our lovely site!
30 Nov, 2011
Me too,Nariz...hope they are taken off annoying..grrr !
30 Nov, 2011
I am beginning to feel concerned about security on this site now? if these are not being deleted and membership withdrawn is anyone actually reading acting on the flags?
I am going to send another email about this.
30 Nov, 2011
I'm not happy about it either Denise,..why are they taking so long to delete them all,I wonder..?
30 Nov, 2011
I strongly agree, and that 'baby ' avatar Ica...something appeared on a blog again yesterday with someone elses comments, it happened to Lincs recently too
30 Nov, 2011
I have sent another e mail Bloomer.
30 Nov, 2011
This has happened before. They take ages to respond sometimes. It happened last year. It was days before some unwelcome blogs got deleted. It's not acceptable ... but I haven't contacted them. There's no point. They don't take much notice >:(
30 Nov, 2011
I contacted them on the 17th, received an answer on the 23rd, by which time I had got fedup and came back on anyway, they were in the same mind as lots of us that it is when using the site through aol that lots of the problems occur, I always do my blogs and pics through explorer and have done for ages as it doesn`t take as long, however I still use aol when its working ok, I`m logged on through there now..
They told me that it was possible that the odd comment could come up under that Iciar name, never said why !!!!!!!!!!, it hasn`t however happened to me since, fingersxx..
30 Nov, 2011
I wonder if Steragram is still getting 'Iciar' ? strange !
30 Nov, 2011
as Iciar joined in 2007 and only made one comment i can see, maybe they should send an email and delete them from the site and see if that cures it
30 Nov, 2011
I checked Pam when my comment went on under that name, it was a relief in a way,think how bad it would be it if happened with lots of members, could have fisticuffs at dawn, lol...
30 Nov, 2011
I know of another member who has had their comments attributed to Iciar, on more than one occasion...
So, we can expect another deluge of Chinese 'wisdom' tonight then?? :(
30 Nov, 2011
I see all the blogs have been deleted now.
30 Nov, 2011
GOOD!!! Well done everyone and especially you, Drc :)
30 Nov, 2011
Yes well done Denise and every one else who flagged, I`m just relieved they`ve gone, I was getting cramp at lunchtime and funny eyes whizzing up and down flagging and then checking for more.... I don`t remember ever having as many as that before and I`ve been here a long while now, so I guess our lads will be looking into ways to block in future, good one lads....
30 Nov, 2011
Seconded Lincslass!
30 Nov, 2011
I do hope so, the've been very quiet here recently
30 Nov, 2011
OH HECKY THUMP I MISSED OUT AGAIN, Have no idea what everyone is on about. lol
1 Dec, 2011
You were at the back of the queue ,Oliveoil...just be very wouldn't have got a bargain..:o)
1 Dec, 2011
Think yourself lucky, Olive! They weren't worth bothering about.
1 Dec, 2011
lol :o) ok glad I missed out then.
1 Dec, 2011
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29 Nov, 2011