Big Wahalla on the Water Front
Some of you may know that we are moving to a new house nearby in the same estate.
I have been waiting patiently for weeks now, in anticipation of having that wonderful small piece of jungle to call my own…
So here’s a small glimpse of what’s been making me so excited…
…a little of the back garden…
…the front garden…
…and the house itself!
Not looking half bad, you’re thinking?
Well, that’s exactly what I thought…especially since that crucial piece of equipment, the generator, was due to arrive at any moment!
As I was sitting, waiting for the call to go and sign for the delivery, a loud siren began to wail…and Esther rushed into the house declaring, ‘Ma, there’s a fire somewhere! They’ve opened all the gates!’.
The fire was in a warehouse at the gas terminal in the docks just next door to the estate and with lots of tankers tied up all around us – BIG WAHALLA – stand by to evacuate!!!
What about the generator delivery, I thought! But common sense prevailed. No need for a generator if all that lot goes up!
As I began to plan what I would throw into the car…dogs, phone, camera, computer…
…the all-clear sounded! Disaster averted!! PHEW!!!
Eventually after having suffered a broken ‘propellor’ (yes, that’s what I thought too!) the truck arrived with the jennie. Yippee!
So I had a quick look around the house whilst I was there to see how work was progressing…
…and this is what I found…
Bathroom 1
Bathroom 2
En-suite… and yes that is a pile of rubble where the shower should be!
When was this? Yesterday afternoon.
When are we moving? TOMORROW!
So, all in all it’s a BIG WAHALLA ON THE WATER FRONT! LOL!
9 Dec, 2011
Previous post: Chinese Whispers
Next post: It's not going to be a cold, cold Christmas!
Ooh, Karen. What a welcome to your new house! Hope it all gets sorted soonish.
9 Dec, 2011
Ha! They've promised that by 09.00 tomorrow, it will all be done!!!! Move over, 60 Minute Makeover! lol!
If it is, it'll be such a miracle that I'll have to post 'the reveal'!
9 Dec, 2011
Look on the bright side, least you can have a pee! :o))..Hope the move goes well,your house looks very nice :o)
9 Dec, 2011
Please do Karen! The garden is lovely though and I like your balcony.
9 Dec, 2011
Ah...perhaps not, Bloomer. Just been down there...(no change yet)...and was quickly interrupted from gingerly lifting the lid, by a shout of, 'No, Ma! Don't look!!' :/
They're still promising that not only will it all be sorted - it will all be cleaned and polished by 9 am! :)
I will, Anella! :)
9 Dec, 2011
amazing garden Karen as to the house well I hope it soon gets sorted.... If we don't hear from you for a while it will hopefully just be the 'jennie' going on strike xxx
9 Dec, 2011
In Estate Agent/Realtor jargon ...
Stunning garden ...
... rooms need a few finishing touches ;o)
9 Dec, 2011
The garden's great, Pam...but it has been 'cleared' a bit...and that's a blog in itself! Watch this space...!
Lol! about 'NO MOD CONS'?? :)))
I'm swithering about whether to go back again this evening...or to just have faith and arrive with goods and chattels tomorrow morning... :)
9 Dec, 2011
Lol. Karen ...
That's it exactly ..
... conned into no mod cons.. :o)
9 Dec, 2011
...seduced by a jungle... :)))
9 Dec, 2011
all the best karen, i hope they put it right superfast.
are there some rooms that are ok?
9 Dec, 2011
Thank you, Sticki. It's only the rooms with water...ALL of them! :/
9 Dec, 2011
... se- juiced ... ???
...those rooms will look fine ..
... after you've had a little jungle juice ;o)
9 Dec, 2011
have you got anywhere to sleep or sit comfortably??
9 Dec, 2011
"A house with lots of character,and quirky little touches " Lol.
9 Dec, 2011
That's just what I'm planning this evening, TT! Captain Morgan's and courage! ;)))
9 Dec, 2011
Lol... aye, aye, courage, Captain ...
.. no sailing into stormy waters across the shower unit ..
9 Dec, 2011
Right! I'm off out the time I come back, I may be three sheets to the shower curtain!!
(er, maybe this is not such a good idea in view of the toilet situation?)
Has to be done - toodle loo! (or not to de loo as the case may be!) :D
9 Dec, 2011
Bon voyage ... :o)
9 Dec, 2011
Cant wati to see it done for you! :)
9 Dec, 2011
Good luck with the moove. I hope you can get it sorted out soon.
9 Dec, 2011
You'll get it all sorted Karen...I have every faith in you! By 9am tomorrow...mmmm....:S
9 Dec, 2011
It'll be great though when it's all sorted. Someone's gonna be busy lol :-))
9 Dec, 2011
Even if it isn't sorted by 9am tomorrow will look back at this 'episode' and laugh :)))......
Stand near the window of bathroom 2 and get Esther to throw buckets of water in through the window :)
9 Dec, 2011
Lol...too many buckets (of Cap'n Morganssss)...update tooomorrrowww..... :)))))))))
9 Dec, 2011
lol Scottish!
9 Dec, 2011
I've showered in worse places than this Pixi!!!!
9 Dec, 2011
Aye me too lol!
9 Dec, 2011
Hi everyone! 07.00hrs here! Your kind words of encouragement have galvanised me and I'm up bright and early -ready for the move!
Unfortunately, OH has suddenly had to mobilise a ship (so he's not usual!) and I've just realised that we don't have the keys!!!
10 Dec, 2011
Good morning Karen..I am up early again too.!...Oh dear,,not a good thing ,without the keys,is it ? ..looks like it can only get better,after a dodgy might as well have stayed in bed a bit longer :o)..At least you can wait outside in the warmth..not like here..everything white,with a keen frost.! bet your glad your glad you're not here ..good luck,and hope all goes well with the move..eventually ! x
10 Dec, 2011
Hi Bloomer - up early, but bright is a slight exaggeration...too much Captain Courage lol... :/
Esther just went down for a look - everything is open and people are there. The wire is 09.00hrs, I think... :)
10 Dec, 2011
Ah,I see Karen..not the 'bright' I was thinking of ! Lol.
Hope Esther has a suitable remedy for you..:o)))
10 Dec, 2011
All the programmes about 'Relocation', 'Place in the Sun', 'Regeneration Man' etc. spring to mind! Hope it won't take too long to be completely livable!
10 Dec, 2011
Thanks Nariz! :)
09.00 - Here we go!!
Got to turn off now and pack the pc...see ya all later! :)
10 Dec, 2011
It's all going on round yours.
10 Dec, 2011
hope you've arrived safe and sound Karen ( and the elves have been busy for you....:0))
10 Dec, 2011
Arrived! In! No reveal as yet, tho' they only got as far as putting in shower trays...but, could shower at least...
No electricity upstairs Sat and Sun nights. Two plugboards blown up so far - one went on fire when I plugged in the Xmas tree!!!!
Hive of activity today, tho''s driving the dogs insane! lol!!
12 Dec, 2011
Just needs a little spit and polish..!
I like it Karen.
13 Dec, 2011
hahah! Thanks Pimpernel! It'll get there... :)
14 Dec, 2011
Recent posts by karenfranceafrica
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- It's not going to be a cold, cold Christmas!
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Egads KAren!!!!!!!! :(((((((((((
9 Dec, 2011