Who are you?
By kasy
It was lovely, sunny Saturday afternoon. So I decided to do something in my garden. You know – the usual – bit of weeding, moving few pots around, bit of watering. My cat Masha was very happy I finally decided to stay home this weekend – she just loves when I am out in the garden.
After a while I decided it was the coffee time – heading for the kitchen – and there she is by the big pot chasing something. My first thought was – she must have found Billy the frog – but don’t worry Bill here I come to the rescue!!!
But surprise, surprise – it wasn’t Bill who needed to be rescued – it was some strange creature – thick brown abdomen, few legs – who are you???
Ok – let’s first take care of the cat. Let’s go home and you are under the house arrest for the rest of the afternoon. And no sulking, please….
The predator at home – where is my camera? Settings checked so let’s take some pictures.
But hey! where are you stranger? last time I saw you you were safe behind the pot – but now you’re gone…
Let’s have a look around
Oh – there you are – high on the bike’s wheel…
But oh dear – you have changed. Something seems to be different since last time I saw you…
I know! you have got some sort of wings, haven’t you?
You know what – I will come back to my gardening and I’ll be checking on you once in a while, ok?
20 minutes later – o wow! look at you!
now you’ve got proper wings.
stay here I’ll be back later.
5 minutes later
Not used to a new look yet? You don’t know what to do with those wings of yours, do you?
I’ll be hanging around for a while – will check on you later.
About an hour later
It is getting late so I am afraid I have to leave you now – just be careful there are birds on that big oak tree. Find yourself a place to hide, will you?
I’ll check on you tomorrow.
On Sunday I went out but the visitor was gone from the bike. I thought he must be gone.
Needed to re-pot the plant so grabbed the spoon and wanted to get some compost from the bag… sounds easy – right?
But it wasn’t – look who was hiding inside ;-)
Still charging your batteries, aren’t you?
So I’ll just leave you too it.
Decided to do the re-potting on the following day, Monday – still couldn’t!
He was still in the bag – but this time he decided to use his wings and landed outside the bag
In the meantime I did my homework – found his name _Noctua _ – Yellow Underwing Moth. But now I have to decide which one he is – Large or Lesser Yellow Underwing. Large is about 300 mm long – Lesser is about 250 mm long.
Ok dear – do me a favour -stay here and wait for me – I need to grab something from home. I won’t be long…
And now be kind enough and stay still, ok?
Say cheese….
That’s lovely – thank you:)
And the mistery solved – you’re a Large Yellow Underwing….
Thank you for choosing my garden to transform yourself into a nice moth.
8 Jul, 2014
More blog posts by kasy
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Beautiful - I love underwings, they are so dramatic. So glad this one honoured you with his presence!
8 Jul, 2014
What a privelidge to see the wonders of nature....
9 Jul, 2014
Solovely. It was nice to see the newly hatched adult moth, getting him/herself together.
9 Jul, 2014
wonderful blog and well photographed too.
9 Jul, 2014
Thank you all for your lovely comments - it was really nice to see him/her changing and charging his/hers batteries in my garden. And being able to photograph the early stages of its life.
10 Jul, 2014
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Recent posts by kasy
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- Victorian Garden at Abergavenny Castle
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- Anglesey Abbey part II
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Really enjoyed that it was like watching a movie well done !!
PS isn't nature wonderful !
8 Jul, 2014