got some work done, at last
By kat_pink
well i’ve managed to cut the lawn down alot this week. i’m about half way down on the cutting levels on the mower on the lawn part. and i have taken the mower over the rough areas on the highest setting just to cut them down a bit before the winter sets in.
my mum and sister came round to day and helped to cut down some really high nettles and dig the roots out the chooks helped loads and feasted on the big fat worms. we also uncovered some of a raised stone bed in one corner, it’s almost solid clay underneth.
there a hedge all down one side of the garden, i think it has something wrong with it so we gave it a bit of a trim with the shears and i’m going to get the hedge trimmers on it this weekend
i have already started to write my plant list for the spring, i’m going to order some every week when i get paid to be delivered in april, hopefully the beds will be down by then working to a deadline is always good for me.
it feeld really good to see some progress.
24 Sep, 2009
Previous post: raised border walls
Next post: tyres arriving slowly!!
Nice one Kat, little by little is the way to go. :~))
24 Sep, 2009
thats a great idea, order in bit by bit and then you will get a huge delivery... how exciting
bet there will be some bits arrive and you think " i had forgotten about those"
thats always nice
must cut my grass on sunday, what there is of it!!
x x x
25 Sep, 2009
Hello Mookins, I didn't recognise you there! ! !
25 Sep, 2009
You keep changing too hun
wheres the lil cartoon gone?
x x x
25 Sep, 2009
I have had a royal request to revert back to my former self, and who am I to argue with the queen of GoY? (that'll be Spritzhenry then) ;~))
To tell the trueth I couldn't find my own comments and kept losing the 'plot' as it were! ! !
25 Sep, 2009
good to see you back ...again hehehe
x x x
25 Sep, 2009
25 Sep, 2009
Recent posts by kat_pink
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- a quick blog
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- 61 tyres
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Sounded like a fun and hard work day Kat.
24 Sep, 2009