House of the wood pigeons
By katarina
My house is close to a small river, at the edge of fields.
In front of it grow two large European spruces and very high pine tree. On Saturday I opened the window and heard something clattering above my head.
It was a wood pigeon, watching me. As he realised there is no threat he started to look building material for his simple nest. Do you know that wood pigeon always lays just two eggs?
Balancing upside down on the branch, trying to cut the chosen stick he really toiled for couple of minutes. But thus he had cut several sticks, flew away and again and again returned to pick another one.
When we were kids we used to steal young pigeons from their nests and and grandma made delicious food or soup from them. So, long time ago…How nasty, I see now.
Beauty is so rare and so fragile in the world, that we must protect it. So goodbye, my friend and have a lucky journey to the South, when the time comes…
1 Aug, 2011
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I have wood pigeon's in my garden they can be a pest but I don't mind them :-)
1 Aug, 2011
So do we, Mavis, they sometimes really make me jump when they fly off as they're so noisy!
1 Aug, 2011
they seem to have very big and flappy wings.
1 Aug, 2011
Lovely photo`s and blog Katarina, I like the way you have told his tale, we have them in the big hedge at the bottom of our garden, they are so clumsy sometimes ,one has to laugh, not so pleased when they land on my plants though..
14 Aug, 2011
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Thats a lovely blog kararina, we get lots of wood pigeons but i dont have such good photos as yours, also you made them sound interesting and more attractive than i had thought. thank you
1 Aug, 2011