Few snaps from the place I spent my healthy holiday
By katarina
I decided for healthy holiday. This winter I had serious problems with my spine so I decided to take some week of physiotherapy. Any very hot destination (it is pleasant 29 C even here), more swimming in mineral waters, drinking from hot mineral spring each morning, more excercises, more walks in the nature, more sleep and kofola – is available everywhere (it is Slovak Coca-Cola, but healthier ;-)).
This is the view from my room. So much sun after colder nights these days, that pictures are hazy in the morning.
These are barrels full of healing mud (peloids). It must mature in the hot waters of this natural bay for one year. Then it is used for treatment.
View on the bay with a warm water. Water is warm because naturally flowing waters from river Vah are mixed with hot thermal springs on the bottom of the bay.This is similar principle like on the Volcano island at Sicily shores. These hot springs are here for centuries, they were used by prehistoric men, too.
And these photos I made on my bicycle ride along river Vah. I loved wooden benches made here mostly for fishermen and kids, as adults are usually in permanent motion – cycling, skating or jogging.
These benches are good for spine, lol.
Majority of trees along the river and its beaches are acers and lime tree, so there is now a lot of nice smells around. But I saw also Gleditsia. This tree is so extraordinary, that I made a special blog on it.
I noticed these little legs hanging motionless from the swing. Ah, everything is clear.
This girl was fascinated by the wooden fish. “It is my most favourite bench” she was explaining to people around.
And last snaps on the nature.
2 Jul, 2013
Previous post: Honey locusts.
Next post: Striebornica.
Thank you, Kidsgran. I still have one week ahead, so I really enjoy a slow pace here.
2 Jul, 2013
Everyone should do this. Better than the hot beaches
in Spain ! I always had an activity holiday, cant keep
still for long.
Loved the picture of Vipers Bugloss I remember it from under the hedgerows of
Northamptonshire when I was a child.
Now sadly sprayed into extinction.
2 Jul, 2013
Not quite extinct Diane - I found some on the dunes in SW Wales last summer.
What a great place Katarina. I've always thought hot springs must be wonderful. The benches are great - loved the one with the frog. I hope your holiday does you good and you back feels better.
2 Jul, 2013
Wild flower seeds can be purchased to keep species
if one has a little spare room on an area of poor quality
soil. Might try some Vipers Buglos for sentimental
3 Jul, 2013
If you look on the other side of the river on my photos, these were vineyards at the beginning of the 19th century. There was famous "must house", which Ludwig van Beethoven liked to visit. Unfortunately.Fortunately he started to compose Moonlight sonata here.
3 Jul, 2013
Thank you Steragram. I think I have lost some kilos and after three years I have very cultural week. Lot of concerts with top musicians. Yesterday it was famous violist Sveceny and Gypsy Devils, then American jazz and in a day an iconic Czech folk singer. Amusement for tired spirit. :-)
3 Jul, 2013
It looks beautiful, Katarina. I am glad you had a good week, and hope it has improved your back trouble.
7 Jul, 2013
Great selection of concerts - you chose well for that holiday!
7 Jul, 2013
Melchisedec@Thank you very much.
Steragram@ Here they are for you ;-)
1) J. Nohavica (folk) with R. Kuszmierski (acordion)
2) Gypsy Devils and J. Sveceny playing classic music
7 Jul, 2013
great pics - never thought of healing mud needing to be "cured" before! like the carved benches, and love that kid sleeping - think I could doze quite happily there, too
13 Jul, 2013
Mud in Piestany is certified internationally, which means its quality is proven. Peloids (healing mud) is not simple mud you can see on the street. It is river sediment, which is exposed to long term chemical and biological processes and higher temperatures of thermal sulfur and calcium rich water. This mass after some time (even one year is not enough, I guess) contains special microbial flora (Desulfovibrio desulfuricum, Thiobacterium, Thiospirillum Pistyen Czurda), metabolites of underwater thermal plants and some other elements which altogether have antifugal (antimycotic) and anti-inflammatory effects. That is, for instance, why women who have gynaecologic problems after normal pools will never get any problems here.
However, content of bacteria as well as of microelements, depends on for how long is mud exposed to thermal water (which stimulates their growth), without oxygen.
Because these spas have thousands of patients from all over the world and capacity of river to produce mud is limited, spa has to create also their own, speed up mud. But this one is certified, which means, its composition is on the same level as naturally developed one.
13 Jul, 2013
That is very interesting, Katarina.
15 Jul, 2013
agree wtih Melchisedec, was fascinating!
15 Jul, 2013
Noris was at home while I was in spa. He was with my parents. For him it was better. He was in familiar place, in garden. He is too young and would hardly cope with being several hours alone in a hotel room. I had three procedures a day plus I went to swim and these were places were dogs had forbidden entry.
28 Jul, 2013
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I hope you feel refreshed after a holiday in that lovely place it looks so restful beautiful photo,s .
2 Jul, 2013