Cottage Garden update
By kate40club
As promised here are some pics of the last couple of days work preparing the soil to plant my first time ever plants which I have grown from seed :) I have Lupins ,Delphiniums, Oriental Poppies,and Hollyhocks.I would like to use annuals around the edge and along the path sides for more colour giving me the chance to change them each year. I also have some Agapanthus bulbs I purchase from Tatton Park Flower Show last weedend (although I’m not quite sure what to do with them).Do you like the wine bottle and glass holder I also picked up..perfect after a hard days graft :).On one of the pics you will see we have added a little fence just for the time being to keep off our big stupid 13 year old golden retriever walking all over it:) What with dogs and slugs its a stressful time isn’t it giving your babies a chance :) LOL
28 Jul, 2011
Previous post: Getting there slowly :)
Next post: EXCITED :)
Coming along nicely, looks really good and promising.
28 Jul, 2011
thankyou :) can't wait to get my plants in now!
28 Jul, 2011
I can see your going to be one happy bunny when all that plantings done. Good for you that you`ve grown it all from seed.
28 Jul, 2011
Luv the wine bottle holder, can you buy via e.mail? I have a goldie, and I would consider leaving the fence up..Their not malices dogs just have a penchant for digging up prized plants. After 30yrs of being owned by them, I know their inner most thoughts and sense of humour.Moving your plants to somewhere more to their liking is just par for the course.
28 Jul, 2011
Well done you and I am so envious that you have managed to grow hollyhocks. I cannot grow a single one no matter where I put the seeds. Hope they all grow well for you.
28 Jul, 2011
thanks everyone :) and Ginellie I had about 20 hollyhock seeds and only 3 survived..but 3 will be enough planted together for a bit of a show.I thought it was just me who had done something wrong. lol Grannyb I found a tag and the website is although I haven't looked on it myself but it should be there..good luck..hope you can get one :)
29 Jul, 2011
i cannt get rid of my hollyhocks!
i started with 2 plants and if i try to seed them where i want them, they will refuse
however if i let them do their own thing , the babies establish themselves under the pebbles around the house and are never watered but grow very strong, not much rain either! so i use these areas as nurseries for lots of plants which prefer the slightly moister conditions under the stones, and then replant elsewhere in their first year.
the first hollyhocks were a pale, salmony pink, now they have mutated from almost pure whit to bright rose pink.
30 Jul, 2011
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Lots of good work ... well done ! :o)
28 Jul, 2011