morning all
By ladybug47
I get up realy early and always have,I feel im wasting part of my life and day and cannot lie in bed all day,so was up and about by 5 so took more oics with the new camera(will have to read the instructions even tho it is against my nature to do so)
dad bought this in york on sat,I think its brill and looking for something to plant in his head,ivy maybe
weird little ivy i bought for 75p,grows up in a straight line im told
my first roses,ena harkness,lets see what unfolds and are they as fragrant as they say
figs comeing on ok
around the pond,my daisys took the brunt of the rain
and lastly,tillys kittens at one week old,all boys
11 May, 2011
Previous post: yippee its raining
Next post: hello muffin
The man in the cap scares me !
The rose is gorgeous though - so too those kittens :-)))
11 May, 2011
Morning Chris :)
Lovely kittens. I hope they will have nice homes ...
I thought it was only us men who didn't read instructions lol. I never do - until I get stuck and then I have to succumb lol
Ena Harkness reminds me of my Gran. She had one in her garden and always told people about it. I think it was a new variety in those days.
11 May, 2011
would have been late 50's/ 60's Hywel that Dad had one and he had 'Peace' too--- just after the war
11 May, 2011
What lovely kitties - hope they get some lovely new carers.
11 May, 2011
Yes Pam it was when I was a teenager lol (centuries ago it seems lol)
11 May, 2011
Victor Meldrew with a look of contentment, now thats something you don`t see.
I can`t be doing with written instructions, they always confuse me too much, hubby downloaded the ones that came with my Canon and printed them out for me, honestly theres hundreds of darn pages and I`m backwards and forwards like a flipping yoyo, by the time I finish looking I `ve usually forgotten what I started at so I gave up and use the trial and error way..
Lovely little kittens, some fun days ahead when they are moving about.....
11 May, 2011
Cracking pics...I recently bought my first Rose - a rambler. It seems to be doing well - I can wait til it blooms. Kittens are cutsie! I have 3 x 7 month old kittens who have only recently been allowed out to play. Instructions.....what are they? Better with trial and error is my motto!! or the other one...practise makes perfect!!
11 May, 2011
dear little kittens and well done you for being up so early and getting things done!!
11 May, 2011
Thats who he reminded me of Bloomer.... well done!!
11 May, 2011
lovely pics and the kittens are beautifull, congrats :o))
11 May, 2011
I am also an early getter upper...much to the annoyance of my OH....on weekdays I get up around 4 am, have a coffee, look here and then go down to the garden around 5.30 am before I toddle off to work at 6 am, and at the weekends it´s not much later...because I always think in a few years time I will be asleep forever....sleeping is such a waste of time.
11 May, 2011
erm..I think you got the wrong name,Pam..I am Bloomer..Linclass posted the comment about Victor Meldrew !Lol..made me smile though.Lol.
11 May, 2011
Gosh, the kitties have grown already! They're sooo cute! Ena Harkness is a lovely old fashioned rose, the scent is terrific! Glad to see the fig romping away too! Give the kitties a wee soft pat from me!
12 May, 2011
thats one scary man on your wall but love your red rose thats coming out very yummy !
23 May, 2011
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Morning Ladybug-- it was light around 5 this morning wasn't it!-- love the man in the cap :o)) as to Ena Harkness my dad grew it all my childhood and I remember mum picking them for the house-- lovely scent and a healthy bush ---- ( cute little boys)
11 May, 2011