Update on Tiger
By lauram
Tiger is still in the hospital. His prognosis is poor. He has some sort of horrible infection and he’s unable to fight it. Normally, my vet said, these abcesses drain and clear up. But every week, Tiger becomes more dehydrated, his white blood cell count goes up, and he loses body mass. He was started on a new antibiotic, related to Baytril but safer than Baytril; I can’t remember the name. If there’s no improvement by tomorrow – if he survives the night – we have to seriously consider euthanizing him. The vet said a few years back they had a cat with a similar infection who eventually had to be euthanized. But this antibiotic wasn’t around then.
We are all going to miss him so much. He came from the shelter several years ago. He was surrendered by a woman who said she was moving and couldn’t keep him – then she went back to the kennels to look at dogs. For three years he’s been the most wonderful companion. Nearly every night for three years he’s slept right on my chest, purring.
Thank you all so much for your thoughts and prayers. It means a lot to me.
30 Aug, 2010
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I am so sorry to hear about your Tiger, My pets are like family to me, I do hope things work out for the best lauram., Thinking of you x
30 Aug, 2010
A Cat's Prayer (Anonymous)
If it should be....
If it should be that I grow frail and weak,
and pain should keep me from my sleep,
then you must do what must be done,
for we know this last battle can't be won.
You will be sad, I understand,
but don't let grief then stay your hand,
for this day, more than the rest,
your love and friendship must stand the test.
Take me where my needs they'll tend,
only stay with me until the end,
We've been so close, we two these years,
Don't let your heart hold any tears.
31 Aug, 2010
Ohhhh poor Tiger. If you have to let him go Lauram, rest assured that he won't be in pain anymore. I'm still praying for you, take care.
31 Aug, 2010
So sorry to hear about Tiger I do hope you get some better news just hang on in there.x
31 Aug, 2010
Special thoughts and prayers for you Laura, and for Tiger. xxx
31 Aug, 2010
Hoping Tiger pulls through.
I've had to have two pet cats down and it's the most heartbreaking thing in the world. Just take solace in the fact that you're doing the most loving thing you can ever do for him. Don't let him suffer.
You will have lots of loving memories of him.
Thining of you. Take care.
31 Aug, 2010
We're all thinking of you - such a sad time. Be strong! x
31 Aug, 2010
I called the vet this morning and he was doing about the same. When we spoke this afternoon, Tiger was doing a little better. His temperature was up and he was eating some. He'll be there at least until tomorrow, but I would like them to hold him as long as they think he should stay.
31 Aug, 2010
Stay strong Lauram......
31 Aug, 2010
thinking of you & Tiger xx
1 Sep, 2010
just got back from the vet's. I visited him for an hour and he ate pretty well for me. He purred the whole time. There is definitely an improvement since Sunday. He still won't drink on his own. I'll probably leave him there until Friday. That way if he needs fluids or something, they can give it to him. Who knows what will happen long term, but I'm encouraged simply because he's still alive.
1 Sep, 2010
that is good Laura... bless him xxx
1 Sep, 2010
Encouraging report, Laura ... xxx
1 Sep, 2010
That's good news :o)
1 Sep, 2010
Tiger has passed away.
Yesterday afternoon they realized what was wrong. When they fed him, some of the food came out of the incision in his throat where the abcess had been. He had had a hole in his esophagus that didn't heal....it became infected. They planned to get him back into surgery today. But he died overnight.
This is all my fault. One day a couple of months ago, he and Tabby were sitting on a side table in my living room, and with the way the light was coming in, I thought that maybe his chin looked a little puffy. I looked again and figured that it was just my imagination. Well, I should have realized that it's never just your imagination. Perhaps if I had taken him in then, he would still be alive today. He didn't have any other symptoms until a few weeks ago. He'd been a little sluggish, but everyone's been a little slow because it's been so hot. He hadn't been sleeping on my bed at night, but hardly anybody else was, either, really only Sparkles and Pinecone were. Again, it was just too warm to snuggle up to anybody. And he was thirteen & never an active cat anyway. It is my fault, I didn't notice the subtle signs that should have been on the radar but weren't. There isn't anything I can do about it now but I hope he knows how sorry I am that I failed him. Thanks, all, for thinking of us during the past couple of weeks.
2 Sep, 2010
Laura... please don't blame yourself too much ...
It seems like it was a mixture of different reasons which led to Tiger being unwell.
Tiger knew you loved him and that you were trying your best to help him.
God bless Tiger. xxx
2 Sep, 2010
Laura - I'm so sorry to hear your sad news. I'm thinking about you...and Tt is so right - you mustn't take on guilt as well as being sad.
I send you a hug. {I} xx
Good night, Tiger - sleep in peace.
2 Sep, 2010
please don`t blame yourself,you took Tiger in & you loved him ...i`m so sorry for your loss but Tiger is at peace & he will always be in your heart...sending you a hug & god bless Tiger beautiful ginger boy xxx
2 Sep, 2010
The vet said that normally holes in the esophagus heal right up without intervention. He didn't know why Tiger's didn't and then became so infected. Tiger must have ingested something that cut him. I don't know what that could have been.
2 Sep, 2010
So sorry to hear this....but it was not your fault. Tiger is at peace now x
2 Sep, 2010
My condolences to you, Laura. It's terrible when you lose a beloved pet. Don't blame yourself too much, remember that Tiger is at rest now. Take care xo
2 Sep, 2010
None of this is your fault Laura. You've done so much for him, taken him in, loved him, looked after him.
It's just one of these things.
They are such a joy to have, but in the end cause us no end of heartbreak. The pain will get easier in time, having your two other cats will bring you some solace.
He's not in pain anymore that's the main thing.
3 Sep, 2010
So sorry to hear your sad news Laura.
3 Sep, 2010
It's kinda odd....I have another orange and white cat, named Big Boy. He is in the photo above with Tiger, on the right. Big Boy is a sweet cat but not lovey-dovey. He isn't an attention-hog. But ever since Tiger died, BB has been all over me - jumping on my lap, relaxing next to my computer, wanting cuddles all the time. He and Tiger were not close. I would expect Tabby to behave that way, because Tiger and Tab were best friends, but not BB. Anyway, I have a friend who's a medium....she generally works with human spirits but sometimes animals as well. She told me once that a departed animal spirit will sometimes come back in the body of another pet - she called it a pass-through. So you may see one of your other pets behaving in the same way as the deceased animal. They will ask permission, and then come back for a time. BB has not done this before, even after Bridget died in March from anaesthesia - so I can't say that he's just sensing my sorrow, because I was perhaps even more upset with Bridget (I had a premonition for 2 weeks that she would die during routine spay surgery, but I went ahead with it anyway, talk about guilt). Well, I know how bizarre that sounds - but I do believe there's an afterlife for animals as well as for people.
I am trying my best to get over this, and to not become resentful and bitter and angry. So many people have told me how hard it can be to see symptoms of illness in cats; they often hide them until it's too late, and lots of folks have a similar story and they have beaten themselves up just as I'm doing now.
3 Sep, 2010
i can agree & understand a lot of what you`ve said...when i lost my Archie 2 years ago(he was ginger & white too) my Jake seemed to take on a lot of Archie`s ways for a time....i still miss him so much but my other cats have certainly been a great help & even more so when we got Celia as she makes the same noise a sort of puffing sound that Archie used to make ...& as for hiding their illness Archie was fine then seemed to have trouble breathing & the vet discovered he had a tumor in his chest which he said would have been there for quite some time...3 weeks later he passed away & we felt guilty, felt we should have noticed something.... your not alone in your feelings & time will help,so will your other cats too...take care Laura xx
4 Sep, 2010
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so sorry to hear this about beautiful Tiger...i really feel for you as i know how you must be feeling as i`ve been through a similar thing with one of my cats...sending you a hug & one for Tiger too xx
30 Aug, 2010