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Lawley's Garden

Lawley has added 0 reminders.

Plants Order by common name | botanical name | most recent

Eureka Lemon tree

Added on 20 Mar, 2012 | 0 photos

Mini Orchard planted April 2012 - Hardy Eureka Lemon tree has an everlasting gloriously fragrant foliage and lov...

Scabious Pink Mist

Added on 28 Apr, 2011 | 1 photo

Genus: Scabiosa.
Species: Scabiosa africana.

April 2011 Casualty from B & Q reduced to £1.75

Exposure: full sun
Hardiness: hardy
Soil type: chalky/a...

Agapanthus "Albus"

Added on 25 Jul, 2010 | 1 photo

Genus: Agapanthus.
Species: Agapanthus africanus.

Variety or cultivar: 'Albus' _ 'Albus' is a clump-forming, evergreen perennial with strap-like l...

Alpine "Rock Cress"

Added on 16 Jul, 2010 | 0 photos

Genus: Arabis.
Species: Arabis caucasica.

Compact wooly, grey green leaves, Pink Flowers.
June 2010
In earthen Pot.
Flowers May - June
Matt forming s...

Alstroemeria "Friendship" 2012

Added on 20 May, 2012 | 1 photo

Genus: Alstroemeria.
Species: Alstroemeria aurantiaca.

Bought from St Michaels Flower Festival £5.50

Alstroemeria are fleshy rooted herbaceous perennials forming sp...

Alstromeria "Red Elf" 2012

Added on 21 May, 2012 | 1 photo

Genus: Alstroemeria.
Species: Alstroemeria aurantiaca.

St Micaels Hospice Flower Festival - £5.50
Flowers over a long period
Height 60cms Spread 45cms

Bearded Iris

Added on 27 Jul, 2010 | 1 photo

Blue Iris

In cool Bed



Added on 18 Jul, 2010 | 2 photos

Begonias in apricot shades.
Tried 10 corms only 4 taken
Perfect for hanging baskets produce thousands of doub...

Chaenorhinum "Blue Dreams"

Added on 17 Jul, 2010 | 0 photos

Species: Chaenorhinum.

Blue Dreams' is a dwarf, semi-trailing, cushion-forming perennial that is smothered with tiny mid-blue, snap...

Clematis "Doctor Ruppel"

Added on 26 Jul, 2010 | 3 photos

Genus: Clematis.
Species: Clematis Doctor Ruppel.

Doctor Ruppel' produces striking single flowers, 10-15cm (4-6in) across, that are deep rose-pink with darker...

Clematis "Niobe"

Added on 20 Jul, 2010 | 1 photo

Genus: Clematis.
Species: Clematis Niobe.

Planted side of Arbour in Hot Bed

10ft x 10ft

Patals velvety textured ruby red with bold yellow anthers.

Clematis Florida sieboldii

Added on 15 May, 2012 | 1 photo

2012 From Malvern Spring Show £3.00
White flowers with dense purple centres. It was raised in Holland and then ...

Clematis Hagley Hybrid

Added on 4 May, 2014 | 1 photo

Wounderful large shell-pink coloured flowers and mid green leaves.

Group 3

Clematis Justa

Added on 4 May, 2014 | 1 photo

A compact, free flowering climber with light blue, large, open flowers.

Group 3

Clematis Nelly Moser

Added on 15 May, 2012 | 1 photo

From Malvern Spring Show 2012 - £3.00

Languinosa Group clematis - Pruning Group 2 or B Light Pruning or Tidyi...

Clematis Piilu

Added on 4 May, 2014 | 1 photo

Genus: Clematis.
Species: Clematis.

Wounderful large pink flowers with contrasting yellow centres and mid green leaves.

Group 2

Clematis Vyvyan Pennell

Added on 15 May, 2012 | 1 photo

Species: Vyvyan Pennell.

From Malvern Spring Show 2012 - £4.00

Produces large mauve flowers with lilac centres throughout the summer. ...

Climbing Rose "Dublin Bay"

Added on 30 Sep, 2014 | 0 photos

Planted spring 2014

Climbing Rose "Pas De Deux"

Added on 20 Jul, 2010 | 2 photos

Genus: Rosa.
Species: Rosa (Pas de Deux).

Climbing rose
Long upright shoots with clusters of yellow roses
5 to 6 ft
Flowers Late Spring
Has a slight...

Clinbing Rose "Laura Ford"

Added on 20 Jul, 2010 | 1 photo

Genus: Rosa.
Species: Rosa (Laura Ford).

Planted up side of Gazebo in the Hot bed side.

Miniature Climbing rose. A climbing shrub with lots of dark-gr...


Added on 14 May, 2011 | 1 photo

Genus: Cordyline.
Species: Cordyline australis.

14 May 2012 £4 Morrisons

Likes full sun
Over winter protect from Frost
Fertilize 2 monthly & 1 monthly ...

Dahlia Bluesette

Added on 14 May, 2011 | 0 photos

Genus: Dahlia.
Species: Dahlia.

14 May 2012 Homebase Casualty £1.99 came with terracotta pot.


Added on 19 Jul, 2010 | 1 photo

I think this is "Jaques"
Planted in the Hot Bed
Flowers Begining July

Echinops "Globe Thistle"

Added on 13 Aug, 2010 | 0 photos

Genus: Echinops.
Species: Echinops ritro.

Globe thistle
Echinops ritro

Full sun, Partial shade
Well-drained/light, Dry, Moist, Sandy


Echium pininana

Added on 2 Aug, 2010 | 0 photos

Genus: Echium.
Species: Echium pininana.

Tree echium (Protct from Frost)

In its first year echium forms a low rosette of silver, hairy, spear-like lea...

Elephant's Ears

Added on 15 May, 2012 | 2 photos

Genus: Bergenia.
Species: Bergenia cordifolia.

Exposure: Full sun, Partial shade, Shade
Hardiness: Hardy
Soil type: Well-drained/light, Clay/heavy, Acidic, C...

Eucomis "Pole-Evansii" (Pineapple Lily)

Added on 8 May, 2011 | 1 photo

06/05/2011 Bought from Anglia Bulb Company
Frost Hardy

Propagation: Seperate bulblets in Spring.

Eucomis Sparkling Burgundy

Added on 8 May, 2011 | 1 photo

Genus: Eucomis.
Species: Eucomis.

May 2011 Bought from Garden Bargains .com - Cost £9


Hardy to at least -8C in UK gardens.
Flower spik...

Foxglove 'Illumination' Digitalis

Added on 21 Mar, 2012 | 1 photo

Genus: Digitalis.
Species: Digitalis.

Bought March 2012 Thomson & Morgan 6 x plug plants

Thought to be an impossible hybridisation, this is the...

Fuchsia "Beckie Lou"

Added on 22 Jul, 2010 | 1 photo

Genus: Fuchsia.
Species: Fuchsia magellanica.

Hardy Fuchsia Beckie-Lou.
One of the most floriferous fuchsias

An abundant of large flowers

Purchased 3 ...

Fuchsia Trailing "Southern Belles"

Added on 22 Jul, 2010 | 0 photos

Bella Rosella,
Deep Purple,
Pink Marshmallow
Seventh Heaven.

The richly-coloured ruffles on these giant...

Gazania "Kiss Mahogany"

Added on 22 Jul, 2010 | 1 photo

TLC plant £1 (B & Q)

Over winter and it may be OK net year.

Geranium Scented

Added on 22 May, 2011 | 0 photos

Genus: Geranium.
Species: Geranium Pink Capitatum.

Geum "Queen of Orange"

Added on 24 Jul, 2010 | 1 photo

Genus: Geum.
Species: Geum borisii (Queen of Orange".

Hot Bed (in front)Reliable

Alpine with stems rising abive neat compact foliage bearing single orange flowers...

Hosta also Marginata

Added on 17 Jul, 2010 | 1 photo

Morrisons £1 - 2014

Hydrangea quercifolia "Snowflake"

Added on 8 Aug, 2010 | 2 photos

Genus: Hydrangea.
Species: Hydrangea quercifolia.

A deciduous shrub with large, deeply lobed leaves which are flushed red and purple in autumn and large cream flo...

Iris Gracchus

Added on 2 May, 2011 | 1 photo

Genus: Iris.
Species: Iris "Gracchus".

In top hot border

Red & Yellow
Beautiful Markings

Planted 2009

Iris Setosa Dwarf Form (Alpine)

Added on 13 May, 2011 | 3 photos

Genus: Iris.
Species: Iris setosa.

2010 Malvern Spring Show

Deep purple-blue flowers
Hight 20cm (8") spread 30cm (12")

(Syn. I. h...

Japanese Bannana

Added on 2 Aug, 2010 | 0 photos

Genus: Musa.
Species: Musa basjoo.

Tender Perennial (over Winter or fleece)

Striking foliage - large bright green leaves, arching up from a main...

Ligularia "Golden groundsel"

Added on 2 Aug, 2010 | 0 photos

Common Name: Golden groundsel

The foliage is large and kidney-shaped, with maroon backs, and the flowers are ...

Ligularia przewalskii

Added on 29 Apr, 2011 | 0 photos

Genus: Ligularia.
Species: Ligularia przewalskii.

29/04/2011 Purchased from Pengethly Garden center

Colour: Yellow
Exposure: Full sun
Hardiness: Hardy
Soil ...

Lilies "Asiatic Yellow"

Added on 30 Sep, 2014 | 0 photos

Planted in. Pot 2013

Little Honey

Added on 11 Jun, 2012 | 1 photo

Species: Honeysuckle.

New evergreen, dwarf, creeping form of honeysuckle forming spreading mats of delicate glossy green foliage which...

Lupins. "Chandelier" and "the Page"

Added on 30 Sep, 2014 | 0 photos

Planted 2014
Chandelier is yellow
The Page is Red

Magnolia Standard

Added on 20 Mar, 2012 | 0 photos

Standard Magnolia -The large cup shaped blooms open in spring and put on a great show.

Flowers: April/May


Mimulas " Highland Red"

Added on 17 Jul, 2010 | 2 photos

Genus: Mimulus.
Species: Mimulus aurantiacus.

'Highland Red' is an upright, short-lived perennial, often grown as an annual or biennial, with branchin...

Mini Orchard "Braeburn Apple"

Added on 20 Mar, 2012 | 0 photos

Mini Orchard Braeburn apple tree - yield several pounds of juicy, crisp, fruit, crop size gets bigger and bigger...

Mini Orchard "Conference Pear"

Added on 20 Mar, 2012 | 0 photos

British pears, succulent fruits you can eat. When tree established will produce over 100lbs of delicious fruit...

Mini Orchard "Stella Cherry"

Added on 21 Mar, 2012 | 0 photos

Stella is a proven winner that will give a worthwhile crop from the year of planting onwards, but you can expect...

Mini Orchard "Tulameen Raspberries"

Added on 8 May, 2011 | 4 photos

May 2011 Purchased from

Tulameen Raspberries Canes x 6

In grow-pod in a 'wigwam sha...

Mini Orchard "Victoria Plum"

Added on 20 Mar, 2012 | 0 photos

Mini Orchard planted April 2012 - Victoria Plum tree is incredibly juicy flavoured fruit and bumper crops year-...

Montbretia Emily McKenzie

Added on 28 Apr, 2011 | 2 photos

Genus: Crocosmia.
Species: Crocosmia x crocosmiiflora.

Exposure: full sun, partial shade
Hardiness: hardy
Soil type: acidic, chalky/alkaline, clay/heavy, well-draine...

My Mini Orchard

Added on 27 May, 2012 | 1 photo

Cherry Tree..... Conference Pear......Braeburn Apple.....Victoria Plum...2 Tubs of Tulameen Rasbury


Added on 16 Mar, 2012 | 1 photo

Species: Tete a Tete.

Grows 20cm high
Flowers Feb - April

Bought from B & M (Bargain)

Navelina Orange Tree

Added on 20 Mar, 2012 | 0 photos

Orange tree have an everlasting fragrant foliage and love 'acid soil'.

In 3 litre pots in free-drai...

Oxalis Burgundy Wine (Shamrock)

Added on 14 May, 2011 | 0 photos

Genus: Oxalis.
Species: Oxalis Xalis.

14 May 2012 Homebase £4.95

The burgundy foliage contrast beautifully behind the white flowers of summer.


Pelargonium "Lemon Fancy"

Added on 28 Jul, 2010 | 1 photo

Strong scented leaves of Sherbert Lemon

Flowers pale Pink with dark Pink/Red blotches to centre petals,

Pelargonium "Orange Fizz"

Added on 28 Jul, 2010 | 2 photos

Strong orange scent, flowers light pink and purple with darker paches to centre of petal.

Phlox Laura

Added on 2 Aug, 2010 | 2 photos

Genus: Phlox.
Species: Phlox paniculata.

Lavender pink flowers with petals that bleed into pure white centres.


Height: 90cm (36").

Pieris Forest Flame

Added on 22 Jul, 2010 | 1 photo

Genus: Pieris.
Species: Pieris (Forest Flame).

New foliage orange-scarlet, sometimes white, poduced early spring before turning edark green. In Spring has waxy...

Plumbago "Ceratostigma"

Added on 30 Aug, 2010 | 2 photos

Genus: Ceratostigma.
Species: Ceratostigma willmottianum.

Hardy plumbago Ceratostigma
Full sun. Hardy

Height: 150cm
Spread: 100cm
Time to take cuttin...

Rose "lovers Meeting"

Added on 30 Sep, 2014 | 0 photos

Planted Spring 2014
By the summerhouse.

Salvia "hot Lips"

Added on 30 Sep, 2014 | 0 photos

Genus: Salvia.
Species: Salvia microphylla.

Planted September 2014
Bi-colour flowers of White with red lips.

Sempervivum arachnoideum

Added on 29 Apr, 2011 | 1 photo

Common Name: Cobweb houseleek
Genus: Sempervivum
Species: arachnoideum
Exposure: Full sun

Tellima "grandiflora" Fringe Cups

Added on 2 May, 2011 | 0 photos

Exposure: Partial shade
Hardiness: Hardy
Soil type: Boggy
Height: 80cm
Spread: 30cm
Time to plant seeds: Ma...

Tulip Queen of the Night

Added on 1 May, 2012 | 2 photos

In tub lovely dark colour and seem to last longer than the other Tulips


Added on 2 Aug, 2010 | 0 photos

Genus: Verbena.
Species: Verbena bonariensis.

Tall, narrow, sparsely-leafed stems bear flattened heads of bright lavender-purple flowers that provide useful h...

Verbina bonariensis

Added on 25 Jul, 2010 | 0 photos

Species: Verbina bonariensis.

Tightly packed clusters of lilac-purple flowers on tall, stiff, branching stems from June to September.


Wisteria Amethyst Falls

Added on 30 Sep, 2014 | 0 photos

New variety, a richly flowering hardy plant. grows compactly and at a casual pace.
Flowers from spring until b...