IF YOU WERE A FLOWER............
By lily2
If you were a flower, which one would you be?
Maybe you would be a big brash Gladioli……….or
a shy little shrinking Violet………or
a Rose, beautiful but prickly…….or
a Marigold, bright and cheery…..or
a Mesembryanthemum who likes nothing better than to bask in the sun all day………………………………..or
a bold Dahlia who is really partial to a drink…….or
a Michaelmas Daisy who always arrives late but is worth waiting for.
Do any of these descriptions fit you or can you think of one that does?
What about me?
Well I would have to be a Lily of course but no……. I’m not bold or showy at all so I would be Lily of the Valley, fragrant, sweet and unassuming but so hard to get rid of……!!
Maybe the theme should be extended to include veggies for certain GoY members to identify with….no names mentioned. :-)))
To take it a step further…..any suggestions along these lines regarding other GoY members?
1 Aug, 2009
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Think I would have to be a tomato plant......as I am strong & supportive for those who need me but if forced to go several days without a drink I begin to wilt! ;0)
1 Aug, 2009
my baz says a rose, a pretty pink one :o) im not going to argue on that one, so thats me a rose, soft gentle and lovely, lol
1 Aug, 2009
Yes San that's just the way you come across so I'm not disagreeing with Baz on that. :~)
LOL Fluff. I never pictured you as a tomato plant but you know best! Where do you do your drinking, down behind the greenhouse?
Morgana, I never knew that was what Bluebells stand for.
1 Aug, 2009
Yes and Canterbury Bells blue too I have a book on the plants what they mean. Lol when I see men chosing their flowers for their girl friends or wife, I alway s say to them make sure you chose right, as each flower has a meaning, so they get me to chose a lot,or say lets hope she does nt have the same book as you lol. Lily of the valley means modesty and friendship sweet.
1 Aug, 2009
Some of the answes on here should be interesting then Morgana! By the way, what is the meaning of Lily of the Valley?
1 Aug, 2009
aww thankyou lily2, yes lily of the valley is lovely to, not the hard to get rid of bit with you though ;o)
1 Aug, 2009
A white rose means refusal I love you not a yellow rose means misplaced affection I love another, pink rose happiness Tomatoe is the love apple
1 Aug, 2009
you are a mind of info morgana, amazing,:o)
1 Aug, 2009
I have alway helped o a p with thier gardening and looked after my mum too for 30 years and read into the unexplained like this info comes from a fortune telling book which I have which has all the old omens in, as I was curious when young how I fortune told just by looking at people, which I no longer do and I found this book in a charity shop even Napolian had a question table omen book which is also in this book certain day s you cannot ask question though. I have read into other things also, certain precious stones they wore or drank grinding into powder to heal them selves years ago too.eg like Carbuncle was worn to protect from the plague. Priest have them inbeded into their breast plates for protection, Queens etc in their crowns. They were more knowledgable years ago than now.I put to a nurse and psyhcotrist about odyle they never heard of it , it what makes the moon glow, we have this in our brain in the celebrium at the back of our neck, if there is an unbalance of this in your body, it causes insanity.this is why they say full moon mad mens night as the moon when full draws your brain up to the top of your head and this is why it affect some people.its like a magnet Barron von Reichenbach found this out in the middle of the 19th centry. I believe this is how I told fortunes by magnetising the info out of the persons brain lifting a door with energy used from meditaion as it use to make me tired after wards. When I ramble like this they say I am mad, lol well its my Welsh brain I inherited, but then was nt it a welsh woman that discovered the experitment they are doing now at Sern.with the magnet which was tested last year also started in spring time this year.
1 Aug, 2009
Can you guess what I'm going to choose Lily? It will be interesting to see if you can guess right. I'll not tell you until you've made at least two guesses. LMAO (seeing as you know what it means now) :~))
1 Aug, 2009
Well I would say its got an eye in it so I would say potatoe as this is the meaning of your name eye.
1 Aug, 2009
Give me a clue Ian, is it a veggie or could it even possibly.....remotely......be a flowery thing? I'll have to consider this over dinner (burnt of course, thanks to GoY!!
1 Aug, 2009
Oh dear, I burnt a salad once but I let it go cold and ate it anyway. (carol was in hospital) Lol
1 Aug, 2009
Lol Ian. Well since no clue is forthcoming, here is guess no.1 and it's a weed (not inferring anything of course!). The weed is Bindweed because attractive and vigorous though it may be, just when you think you've finally got rid of it......it pops up again.....here......there......and everywhere!!!! :o))))))
1 Aug, 2009
I would be a Lavender, it smells nice LOL!!
1 Aug, 2009
Are you saying you've been trying to get rid of me? or that I pop up where you least expect me? LOL
Sorry thats NOT the right answer......
OK I'll give you a clue, I adore purple flowers ! ! ! :~)))
1 Aug, 2009
The one that would describe me perfectly is 'shrinking violet' but that isn't what I'd choose.
I'd choose a cactus - they're my favourite plants of all. Not that I have a prickly nature - I just told you I'm really a shrinking violet. :o)
1 Aug, 2009
Certainly a better thing to be than garlic SK. Sew lavender bags yes, garlic bags no thanks! :o(((
No Ian, I'm saying that we DID get rid of you but you came back and now you pop up everywhere on GoY but we love you really. :o))) Mmmm....purple flowers...have to think about that one.
Hywel, a shrinking violet?, surely not - you're not afraid to say what you think sometimes. You obviously have a gentle nature so I don't see you as a cactus really, maybe a daffodil, Welsh and popular with everyone. :o)))
1 Aug, 2009
Crocosmia Lucifer cos of the devil in me .
Aquilegia cos once I get a bee in my bonnet ...
Jane says Sea holly cos I often make her blue and I m a prickly so and so ..
1 Aug, 2009
lol If you knew me you'd say shrinking violet aswell I think. The thing I've been told most in my life is 'There's quiet you are ' lol, - Although I have become more of a prickly cactus in my old age. lol
I like the idea of a Welsh daffodil though - Cheering everyone up after a long dark winter. ( not a leek though lol )
1 Aug, 2009
Wow Morgana, you certainly have a lot of talents don't you. You don't have a broomstick in your garden shed do you ? LoL
1 Aug, 2009
GOT IT.....GOT IT......GOT IT !!!!!
Ian you are a BALLOON FLOWER!!! ....oooooh you do like to rub it in don't you? I was trying to think of a veggie but I forgot you've been converted (how could I) and the answer would be flowery. Nearly bought another the other day to take a pic of and pretend it had risen from the compost heap LoL
On second thoughts maybe I should be a gooseberry bush, that would explain all those babies!! (I wondered what was causing them) :o))))
1 Aug, 2009
I'm concidered fragile but am quite strong underneath :~))
1 Aug, 2009
I'm not a balloon flower, just look like a balloon .......
1 Aug, 2009
Lol Lily2 yes I have got a broom stick in my shed, well at the moment its in the garden but normally kept in the shed as I have loads of next door trees over hanging my garden and its only one of these that sweeps the leaves that fall and only this sweeps them up properly.
1 Aug, 2009
I think a Hydranger
1 Aug, 2009
Do you mean you're full of hot air Ian? So that's NOT the right answer then, thought I had it there :o((( Well that's 2 guesses so if you don't give me another clue then I give up!
BB you're quite a little posy aren't you (no I didn't say poser) I'm sure your wife knows best, we always do Lol.
Plenty of flowers ramble too Morgana so do you have a second choice? Do you have a black cat and a cauldron too?
2 Aug, 2009
I wish I had thought of balloon flower though, it really would have rubbed it in....... Never mind. Another clue hay???????
Hmmm Ok I'm related to Bella Dona, she's my cousin! You could say I am a member of the resistance, I do most of my best work underground and I have so many varieties I challenge you to name all of them here :~))
Thats three clues.........
2 Aug, 2009
Deadly night shade
2 Aug, 2009
Nooooo she is a member of the family, But we don't like to talk sbout her..............
2 Aug, 2009
Brunfelsias which has an eye he he purple too or the sacred Datura???
2 Aug, 2009
Is it a spud Ian? I was going to say that before you led me up the garden path from the veggie plot to the flowery things. Don't know about variety but it could be a couch potato ! Lol
2 Aug, 2009
I said a spud already Lily2 but he never answered lol ha ha ha ha about couch potatoe he he hehe hehe
2 Aug, 2009
Sorry Morgana, great minds think alike, I must try harder to keep up!! Guess it's not that then........
2 Aug, 2009
He s just playing hard to get Lily2 his poor wife i feel sorry for her lol he he ha ha
2 Aug, 2009
Yes he's hiding behind that couch because we've sussed him out, he won't be able to stay silent for long though Lol
2 Aug, 2009
Ooooh, sucks you got me, I am a couch potato Lily, (sorry Morgana, I missed your guess to) Actually I was just thinking of potato but if we are going into varieties then I think I should be a Grand old "red Duke of York" lol
This has been a great, fun blog Lily Thanks for the laughs....
x x x
2 Aug, 2009
You were right Lily2 he cant keep quite for long his poor wife I was going to say he is neither up nor down lol
2 Aug, 2009
Well Ian now we've sussed you out (I knew it HAD to be a vegetable really - you're not quite ready to change over to the other side yet are you?). Glad you've enjoyed the blog, me too.
Now we've sorted you out perhaps we can start on absent friends.... I had Spritzhenry down as a Camellia but after reading her latest blog, I guess she just has to be a geranium. We all know that Mookins is a fluffy pink Astilbe - well you can see from her picture she looks just like one and as for BobG and Mrs Macrimmon I'm a bit stumped, need some help........
2 Aug, 2009
Well Mac would have to be some kind of thistle thingy and as for Bob well now...... Hmmmmm...........how about... naaarrr....what about... ...... Errrrrrrrrr. ......... I know ........no not that!.......... No I'm stumped as well?????? How about an upside down tree buried in concrete or was that Macs blog again?
2 Aug, 2009
I'm not quite with you Ian so it must have been some other blog - must have missed that one, it's hard to keep tabs on it all. Definitely a thistle thingy or some sort of boring heather for Mac and being as Bob worked forever in the cornflake factory, maybe he can become a vegetable too, like you, - sweetcorn
2 Aug, 2009
I think it was Bob who took a photo of 21 trees planted upside down in concrete !?!? Apparently an 'artist' took thousands from Manchester council for this piece of art !!!
If you hang on I'll go and have a look, now no wandering off and no going to the pub while I'm away Lol
2 Aug, 2009
Yep definatly Bob who took the photo. Lol :~)))
2 Aug, 2009
Well, I'm speechlesss for once, make the most of it!!
2 Aug, 2009
Have you seen it then? Crazy hu?
2 Aug, 2009
Its gone awfully quiet in here ...........................
2 Aug, 2009
Sorry having a spot of bother with GoY tonight, won't let me do what I want....well now, where were we....oh yes, I was speechless....no haven't seen it but was unable to come up with a comment either sensible or otherwise just at the thought of it. Where exactly is the pic, I might be able to access it but in the meantime, while GoY has a rest, I'm off for a cuppa.
2 Aug, 2009
Knowing Bob g as I do I would say a red rose for him as he loves the canals and roses are what is painted on the narrow boats he loves the paintings on barge ware.
2 Aug, 2009
The photo is in Bobg's photos Lily, I think the "artwork" isn't far from Bob as he said he went for a walk and saw it ?
2 Aug, 2009
I love the theme of 'Let's think of funny plants Ian could be'
I bet you loved every minute of it Ian. And so unassuming and self depricating of you Ian to pick the couch potato. I don't believe it for a minute!
Nice, fun blog Lily. I'm glad you gave me that nudge to look! I didn't thik I'd missed any photos but I obviously did miss the blogs!
I shall give it some thought as to which plant I am like!
3 Aug, 2009
Perhaps I'm not a plant at all but just a plant's friend. ie : a Scarecrow. Morgana thinks I look like one! And I'm not denying it!
3 Aug, 2009
Yes Paul I do lol, he changes heads now and then, and so funny at times he loves poseing as one Lily2, and yes I have had a black cat and couldren which use to have flower s in it, but rusted away, now I have a cat that calls for a drink, I call it bench cat as it sleeps on my bench and is there in the mornings when I awake, lol some times afternoons when I awake. A cat is the eyes for a witch that is why they go to gether, as history says.
3 Aug, 2009
Perhaps I'm an Oak, strong, dependable, relaible, handsome......... no, perhaps I'm more like a Conker...it's great fun bashing the living daylights out of me!!!
3 Aug, 2009
And there was me thinking you would be balm for fun. how did I get you soooooo wrong.tut tut tut never mind.
3 Aug, 2009
Just had a look at the photo Ian, what a shame I missed all that fun - you all had me in stitches LMAO (now I know what it means!). As regards the trees, well I'm STILL speechless other than to say that's about the worst example of modern art I've ever seen. I never seem to get around to looking at the photos, there's always so much to see on here, but you seem to manage it all Ian. I was right, you do pop up everywhere!!
3 Aug, 2009
Well so do potatoes in my garden ! ! ! :~))
3 Aug, 2009
I think I'll have to watch out for you and your cat and broomstick on dark nights LoL. Maybe you could put a spell on Ian to make him behave ????
3 Aug, 2009
absolutely no chance. The only thing that can do that is when my connection goes south like it did last night :~((
I got withdrawl symtoms
3 Aug, 2009
Glad you like the blog Paul, I thought it might be up your street. I'm still waiting for inspiration for a plant for you but I haven't given up yet. I didn't notice any big strong handsome scarecrows.... but a conker.?....well are you a tough nut? Maybe you should ask Julie, after all wives always know best don't they!! :o)))
3 Aug, 2009
I have already done this Lily2 wait to see his reaction, he he he I wonder which way he ll go cackle cackle cackle.
3 Aug, 2009
I think I've heard that expression before on GOY Lily!
No I'm not a tough nut, just a nut!
4 Aug, 2009
Sorry Paul, am I repeating myself? I do it a lot these days or so I'm told! Well if you're a nut how about a coconut, rough and hairy on the outside with 2 eyes and wouldn't look amiss on a scarecrow but tender and tasty on the inside? Or would you prefer to be a sunflower, tall, strong and cheers everybody up with its happy face?
4 Aug, 2009
It would have to be a very strong spell Morgana, some things are just too far gone!!
4 Aug, 2009
And your not just whistling Dixie there Lily, :~))
4 Aug, 2009
........ ??? am feeling a bit thick this evening Ian. Is this a Midlands expression?
4 Aug, 2009
No, I think its american but it means your not wrong !!!
Anyway who was it that started all this on the photo? who was it said it resembled a certain friend? (without the cute bit?????)
4 Aug, 2009
Didn't you notice that I mentioned no names...... it was those others......honest, especially that Gilli ....would I say you're not cute? :~))
4 Aug, 2009
Hmmmm. I've been and checked. Although you supplied the bullets, you didn't fire the gun! ! ! So I guess that makes you innocent................................ Ha, about as innocent as any one else. Lol :~))
4 Aug, 2009
HArrrrrr are you accusing my friend Lily 2 of aiding and abetting shame on you lol
4 Aug, 2009
I am innocent in all things and it's not true what Morgana says about me elsewhere, she's jusy trying to lead me astray! A whip is something with a walnut on top isn't it? I don't like this being awake at 4 am :~((((
5 Aug, 2009
I should just ignore those rude comments. I'm sure she is just trying to lead you astray!
Oh poor you, its a horrible time isn't it? nothing to do, nowhere to go even the cats have gone out, or are fast asleep. I often end up watching the wildlife, if it stops raining long enough. :~((
5 Aug, 2009
Up most of the night with horrible pain in the .......back, painkillers useless but it will pass, always does in the end. Still it stops me thinking about the pain in my knee!! What am I complaining about, you have problems all the time and don't complain;so now I've had a whinge I'll shut up and count my blessings :~)) The cat is STILL asleep!
5 Aug, 2009
Aw sweety, if we can't listen to each others whinges then how can we call each other friends? Thankfully I seem able to sleep a bit better just now but I'm not celebrating just yet. When I say better then that means I'm getting as much as FIVE hours at a time. :~))
5 Aug, 2009
Only five Ian? Why am I complaining about once in a while, I know I'm lucky really with a good 7 hours nearly every night. I know a lot of people have sleeping difficulties, it must be really awful both at the time and next day 'cos it makes you feel so lousy. Three cheers for GoY at 4am!!
5 Aug, 2009
At least theres somewhere for us to go Lol :~))
5 Aug, 2009
Did you write that sneaky blog overnight? Even hardened veggie men can have their heads turned by a pretty flowery face. I can see your veg plot becoming history, especially after this year's disasters :~)))))
5 Aug, 2009
Well not quite history but certainly 'revised' Lol
5 Aug, 2009
A coconut Lily????? Do you mean I'm a bit shy? Boom Boom!
5 Aug, 2009
LOL LOL !! I can see where your son gets it from Paul! It must be great fun in your house when you're together :o))))))
5 Aug, 2009
I don't think Julie would agree on that one Lily. There's only so many jokes and wise cracks ne wife can take!!!
6 Aug, 2009
Hey you all talking about me while I'm not here? haha yes Morgana a red rose definately, a beautiful flower, ahhh ..... oh...... sorry just getting carried away. I am back off holiday now so you cannot talk about me behind my back :o))) I will endeavour to catch-up and will post a blog with some pics soon I promise.
Great blog Lily I love it.
9 Aug, 2009
Welcome back Bob we've missed you, hope Scotland was kind to you. Roses can be a bit prickly and get covered in all sorts of nasty things though.......... but they DO smell nice! :o)))
They're all being silly on blog confused.com at the mo instead of doing their gardening. Happy catching up, should take you weeks!!
9 Aug, 2009
Hallooooow Bob, and its about time. These girly types have been ganging up on me........ :~((
9 Aug, 2009
Come on Ian admit it.........you love it really! :~))))))))
9 Aug, 2009
HeHe HeHe :~))
9 Aug, 2009
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I think I would be a blue bell.as I am alway faithful
1 Aug, 2009