By lilybell
I took some pictures today of the garden. Summer is definitely winding down.
My uncle gave me 9 tomato plants a little late in the season, but they caught up and did great and are still producing. I grew them all in pots.
This little beauty I started indoors in January. I had 2 seeds left from last year and this one came up. I grew it lovingly in a bright window all winter and transplanted it in May. It was full of yellow flowers and has been producing all summer.
This is a corner of my garden that is in total shade, but I grow Impatiens here every summer. They seem to love it here and bloom all summer. I love the orange and bright pink together.
This Zinnia is called Zahara Rose. It is supposed to have pink stripes in the middle , they did not look like the package and I’m not sure why.
I made this planter with beads and a butterfly. The plant is a begonia with pink blooms. I will be taking this in the house soon, so I will have blooms in the winter.
I bought this Begonia in late summer and it has been bursting with blooms since. I will bring this one in soon too.
The Marigolds I put in between my potato plants to keep the pests away and they really do.
I always try to take a cutting or two indoors for the winter. This year I will take a few pots indoors as well.
I love the autumn, but still hate to see summer go.
I am really enjoying this community of gardeners. You are a great bunch! I am glad I joined!
19 Sep, 2020
I'm glad you joined too Lilybell :)
You have some nice plants in your garden. I'm pleased to hear you had some good tomatoes (I've had the worst ones I've ever grown this year)
I like your hanging pot - clever of you to have made that !
I can see a faint pinkiness on some of the Zinnia petals.
20 Sep, 2020
Have to agree, Lilybell, summer is starting to fade and autumn is appearing gradually. I like summertime too, but the glorious autumnal colour is fabulous isn’t it! I like it slightly cooler - think it’s an age thing too!
Your garden has some pretty colour which extends the summer season. I’m pleased your tomato plants have caught up! You’ll have some delicious produce. I should think about growing tomatoes as I love them, more so the home grown variety.
Your planter is very pretty too, an innovate idea. Yes, you’ll be kept busy indoors through the cooler months with your plant care.
It’s a great site isn’t it! Friendly, cheerful people with a wealth of knowledge too! I’ve been thoroughly enjoying it!
20 Sep, 2020
I love the Autumn but find it gently melancholy too: all the "wrapping up" in the garden that you describe, Lily. I've been taking cuttings etc. too - just hope everything will fit into the greenhouse!
Love your attractive flowers and I'm sure the toms are delicious. I must grow some veg and fruit next year..
20 Sep, 2020
Hiya Lilybell and welcome, I hope you get as much enjoyment from goy as I always have..You have some pretty plants in your garden, I haven't grown impatiens for many years and sadly my begonias failed to flower, guess its time to renew them, summer in the last couple of weeks had another hot burst for us which has been great, think it might have been its swansong but the cooler nights has caused the annuals to go a bit straggly, I don't grow many now, soon be time to remove them and as you say take other plants inside or into the greenhouse, I get into trouble for having too many plants indoors, not that I take any notice, I love the autumn colours it gives a real boost before the winter, hope it lasts a long time, can be a busy time for us gardeners but we love it don't we...
20 Sep, 2020
Thank-you all for your kind words. I am really enjoying
GOY. This is such a fun site because everyone is so knowledgeable and friendly.
I am sad to see the summer end, but I must admit
that autumn is my favorite time of year. I love the cool weather and the colors of the leaves and the pumpkins.
I have been putting some coleus in my windows and begonias. I love seeing some color in the winter, especially when the days get long and dreary.
Tuesday is the first day of autumn. I have already ordered some Sweetpea seeds and started planning for next years garden!
21 Sep, 2020
I enjoyed your blog very much. I mistook your zinnia for a clematis, lol. Don't forget to save some marigold seeds for next year.
21 Sep, 2020
Loving your bizzie lizzies Lilybell. It's the first year I haven't grown any what with making do with what we had when we went into lockdown. I might order seeds now ready for next year.
22 Sep, 2020
Thank-you Bathgate. Good idea, I will save some
Marigold seeds for next year.
22 Sep, 2020
Thank-you Thorneyside. Yes I had to make do to with what I had during the lockdown. I even had to wait to buy fresh plants because of it. I just hope that doesn't happen again. Might be a good idea to order now.
22 Sep, 2020
Welcome to goy Lilybell. It is great being on here especially when we had lock down which kept me in touch with everyone. My hubby told me in March to order all the perennial and annual plants online as I wasn't able to go to a garden centre. That kept me busy potting all the plugs on into larger pots.
You have a good selection of plants but I , like a few others haven't grown busy lizzies for a few years now due to the desease they got.
It looks like we all may have to do that for next year if the virus is still with us.
24 Sep, 2020
Thank-you Rose1949. Yes it is great being on here, I am really enjoying it, wish I knew about it sooner. We were not able to go to the garden center either, so had to make do with what I had planted indoors. When they did open it was a little late but I still bought some plants.
Hopefully next year its not like that. You will have to plant some busy lizzies next year.
24 Sep, 2020
Yes, I will Lilybell! Maybe in my garden trough.
25 Sep, 2020
Hi Lilybell & welcome to GoY! As you've already noticed we are a friendly bunch on here. Hope you enjoy it as much as we do!
29 Sep, 2020
Thank-you Balcony! Yes I am enjoying this,
and you all are a friendly bunch!
30 Sep, 2020
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yes summer is definitely winding down here too. Imapatiens love shady damp sites don't they. I haven't grown many for a few years now, same with begonias as I fancied a change.
your house will be bursting at the seams with all the plants you plan to bring indoors ;o)
20 Sep, 2020