just bought some great plants!
Just got some real bargains for summer colour as I dont want to rely on summer bedding this year! Found a web site called garden 4 you.co.uk
I have just ordered for the grand sum of twenty four pounds!
1 delhinium hybrid
1 echinacea pink
1 gypsophlia
25 liatris spicata
4 phlox paniculata in pinks and 1 in red
1 sidalcea
1 solidago
15 brodiaea queen fabiola
5dwarf gladioli nanus 6 aster dumosis blue
3 more delphiniums! pale blues
3 monarda didyma
3 sapponania soapwort
And a free gift of ten iris bulbs! cant wait until they arrive just need to plan where they will go and design some labels to look good in the garden!
going to keep a record of how much i spend on the garden to show my other half !
2 Mar, 2009
Previous post: My cherry tree arrived!
Next post: Great day in the sunshine!
Nice to have a free gift too :o)
3 Mar, 2009
I wouldn't dare keep a record... you are brave.
3 Mar, 2009
Goodness what a Wonderful Load of Plants uv Purchased cant wait2see them all palnted :)
3 Mar, 2009
great list of plants but the ony cautionary note is on the soapanaria, as it can be invasive. sees to behave for a year or two, then you take your eye off it and its all over. its not called 'bouncing bet' for nothing. I pull loads out every year but its pale pink flowers later in the season are very welcome.
i also keep a book on what i've bought from where and how much. thats almost as addictive as GoY lol.
3 Mar, 2009
just a query i googled garden 4 you and got a gardening service but couldnt find plants for sale. am i missing something. help please lindaloganberry
3 Mar, 2009
Recent posts by lindaloganberry
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- lovely weekend in the garden!
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- update on my garden!
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this sounds great. I bet the phlox will be lovely, I believe those usually have a wonderful scent.
Like your idea of the different labels too, though my kids would definitely move them, tee hee. Don't want to give yours any bad ideas.
2 Mar, 2009