Argies, lithops & a cross!
Some of my favourite mesembs are the Argyroderma’s, Lithops, Conophytums, Cheiridopsis and Gibbaeums.
For now, these are seedlings I am growing Argyroderma testiculare
Argyroderma delaetii var. areum
They grow in the ‘knersvlakte’, which is loaded with quartz rock, and crunches (kners, vlakte meaning expanse) when you walk on it.
The next is Lithops, here we have L. jullii var. fulleri
L, dorothea
It is winter and they develop new bodies now, as can be seen, so no water, until old leaves are nearly dried out.
Lastly, I want to show off a piece of art, my neighbour gave us over the weekend, to put in the new house, she makes these herself from the shells and so on, we get 150m from the house! I love it, and I am proud of it.
I hope you enjoy the new post, or it tickles a bit of interest! Have a great day! LT
19 Aug, 2012
Previous post: Haworthia's, the small relative of Aloe
Next post: The Owl staredown!
Fascinating they are tiny and rather cute!
The cross is lovely and very special being made for your new home
19 Aug, 2012
Yes, it is Pam. Thanks Drc, Pam.
19 Aug, 2012
They're fascinating. I've never tried them. I'll add them to my wish list :o)
The cross is interesting too ... it sounds as if you live by the sea.
19 Aug, 2012
You must, argies are a little more tricky, but interesting. Yes, about 150m off coastline. Fits my succulent love perfectly! LOL! LT
19 Aug, 2012
I love your Argyroderma testiculare. The stone plants are amazing.
30 Dec, 2014
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Amazing blog thanks
19 Aug, 2012