Happy New Year to all!
Hi, I have been absent for a while due to many things. But I would like to wish you all a wonderful 2013! As the year is not born yet, but expected, it hold promise and it can be the best of your life! My wish is that you take the new year and make every day count, create new memories, nurture the good things, expel the bad, so by the end it will live forever in your mind and dreams! Happy New Year!!
A few pics!
Frithia pulchra
Faucaria tuberculosa
30 Dec, 2012
Previous post: Say Hello to "peanut"!
Next post: I was wondering if you also have plants that remind you...
Thanks! Yes all is well, just hot-hotter summer! Best of wishes...looking forward to share more in the new year!
30 Dec, 2012
Yes definitely, starting with a share in your sunshine please !!!!!!! LOL.....
30 Dec, 2012
Thanks for your good wishes , Little things .
A lovely , exciting year ahead , lets hope for all of us .
Happy New Year to you and yours .
( We could do with some of your sunshine , as Lincs says .)
30 Dec, 2012
hope 2013 is everything you desire and wishing you both well for the safe arrival of your little peanut.
30 Dec, 2012
Happy New Year ! :o)
30 Dec, 2012
Happy new year!!
30 Dec, 2012
Thanks guys!
31 Dec, 2012
Remember us in England when you are out with the camera. We really enjoy photographs of gardens and landscapes, in other countries.
31 Dec, 2012
Will do! My garden is a little in need of love, but with the 30 - 38C being around - not to keen for now! LOL!
31 Dec, 2012
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Lovely thoughts and wishes LT, thankyou, its going to be really special for you and your wife, I hope all is going well with little Peanut..
Happy New Year to you and yours, xx
30 Dec, 2012