This has GOT to stop....
By llew
I did it earlier today and now I’ve gone and done it again!!!!!
As some of you know (especially if you’ve seen my pics) my piece of heaven is mostly concrete with a couple of small beds. I really, really have no room for more plants and I’ve got a goodly selection of pots on the go too.
Still, earlier on (blog: Got some newbies..) I bought some plants, including a quite unusal Echinacea.
Well, tonight, I was browsing t’internet, as you do, and paid a visit to T & M. Oh dear, oh dear. The first thing that jumped out at me was an offer on 5 giant fuchsias, plus DVD, plus fertilizer. FREE! I mean, how could I resist as only £3.99 had to be paid for the packaging. “Bargain” thought I, “I’ll have those. I’m sure I can find another couple of pots somewhere” So, in my basket they hopped.
Now, I had never seen these fuchsias before, and after buying the Echinacea and black stemmed Cornus earlier, it got me thinking about unusal, rare or one off type plants and bummer of bummers…I found some more, lol and all at what I considered bargain prices. Of course, I’m a sucker for a bargain whether I need it or not.
I remember once when I lived in Germany that I bought this fabulous pair of shoes because they were such a bargain. When I got them home I didn’t really like them and never wore them once, lol and I bet a few of you have done that.
Anyway, I digress, so back to the plants. :o)
More fuchsias. This time 3 for £6.99 plus fert’. Lady Boothby and apparently the ONLY climbing fuchsia in the world. Wow! Whether it’s common or not, I don’t know, but I’ve gotta have some, teehee!!
Next I discovered some Impatiens. I’m not usually a great lover of these although I do always have a few but this one is BLUE which I’ve never seen. And yet again, it’s new and apparently is the world’s first multi-flowering, blue Busy Lizzie. They have some strange pricing on this one, but I got 12 for £4.99 yet they also have less plants for more money. It’s a special offer.
To top that, they also have free with every order – 3 Habenaria radiata and these are truly beautiful. I think it will be quite a challenge to grow them, but I’m going to have a darned good go. Tubers the size of peanuts. Funnily enough, I saw a pic of these the other day and I’d never seen them before and now I’m getting some. Yay me!!!
So, could I possibly top that I hear you asking? Well, yes. I also bought some plant labels, lol.
Where I’m going to permanently put these 23 plants (26 if you count what I bought earlier) is anybody’s guess :-) but I do know that it’s something else to put in my new mini greenhouse for a while. :o) So you see…this has GOT to stop.
3 May, 2009
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Usually pretty good at resisting impulse buys as often price stops me but a real sucker for anything cheap and somewhat neglected .. (Jane would say thats how she got me ! ) but think we ve all fallen in love with things first and thought now where can I put it ? Including plants ..
Aw Gillian well if named after you it has to be vigorous if a little tender grown in full sun - not kept in the shade - Should not be cut back hard or restricted as tends to wilt if neglected.. if given right conditions ( employer please note ..) will reward you with healthy growth and cheerful blooms for years to come .
4 May, 2009
Ha. See, I knew I wouldn't be alone, lol.
Bonkers, love your analogy to Gillian. Lovely. :o)
4 May, 2009
Aye Llew nice lady - well originally from Yorkshire so a bit biased ! - sorry to digress on your blog but she may have started something here..plants named after members.
You surely must be Llewisia ..perhaps Llewcothe ?
I d be variegated ground elder having seen this for sale anyone tempted to put this in their garden would need to be truly bonkers ! Advertised as excellent ground cover ..
4 May, 2009
I've had 3 Lady Boothly 's for about 2-3yrs now, but they are brill, and each year they look better & better.
4 May, 2009
its really hard to resist isnt it. Ive just bought an Angelica which grows to 6ft and i really do not have anywhere to put it
4 May, 2009
The Habenaria radiata look like little birds taking off - looking forward to your pics of them, Llew.
4 May, 2009
Oh, that's great, Clarice. Thanks. At least I know I haven't bought something duff. :o) Mine will probably end up in pots though, so hope they'll be OK. I'm thinking of putting one or two on the corners of my ugly old shed.
Ooooeeerrrr!!! Mageth. That's a biggun, lol.
Wagger, I reckon you're gonna have a long old wait for the pics. I've been researching them on t'internet today and apparently they are a very difficult, fussy orchid with precise needs. One post I read was from somebody who'd been trying to grow them for 20 years and only got one to flower.
Maybe that's why T & M are giving them away, 'cause they can't sell the bu**ers, lol.
4 May, 2009
BB ~ Thank you for your lovely words. You're such a sweetie!! :o)
Llew ~ I got 2 tubers of Habenaria radiata which I have just planted. Tsuyoshi sent me instructions on how they are grown in pots in Japan. I can send them to you if you would like.
5 May, 2009
That would be great, Gilli. Thanks. :o) I'll pm you, hun.
5 May, 2009
Good luck with them Llew.
5 May, 2009
Teehee! Sounds just like the sorta' ting I'd do......
Love this blog: Bb, as witty and entertaing as ever! Lol!
7 May, 2009
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Oh Llew.....How I can relate to your blog. LOL.
It is soooo easy to shop for plants isn't it??? There are so many beautiful ones that you just HAVE to have. I bought a clematis today that I HAD to have because it is named Gillian (me). Never had a plant named the same as me before so I just HAD to have it!!
4 May, 2009