Something growing..this way comes!
By llew
Well, there’s not a lot happening at the mo, but at least, something is. The weather is garbage so I can’t get out and do what I want, but I have just given my plants a foliar feed, hoping to perk a couple of them up a bit.
So what have I got? Well, first off, I sowed some seeds 5 days ago and the Broccoli and Sprouts have germinated.
The Red Curly lettuce has germinated too.
No sign of the tomatoes and peppers yet, but I wasn’t expecting them. Some of the herbs are doing OK too. Especially the Basil.
On the plant front, there seems to be a fair amount going on.
The Campanula is doing really well (I think). Having just had a foliar feed, one of the leaves hasn’t stood up yet.
The Knautia ‘Red Knight’ is showing good growth. I like the ‘basal rosette’ nature of this at the mo.
The Dahlias are showing too. This is my ‘Lilac Time’ and I’m really glad to see this.
There are a nice amount of buds showing on the roses, particularly on the Maigold.
The Clematis ‘Voluceau’ also seem to be doing well. But, I really must get out and put new trellis behind these..and quick. I forgot to do it. Doh!!!
My misery at the moment though is my Centaurea. It looks so very poorly and today a new shoot on the peony next to it came away in my hand.
But for all misery, there is joy. These are my joy today. My Eryngium that took very badly to being cut out of a friends garden, put in the post and then stuck in my poor soil (and moved twice) has decided, I think, that it wants to live. I can most definitely see new growth peeking out the middle and a shoot about an inch further down.
Now, my roses. Oh, my beloved roses of which half a dozen have given me some headaches over the last few weeks. Four of the five that I bought from Jersey have given up, methinks. They are still in pots being given a chance, but there are no signs of life. But…my Orange Perfume. That’s a different story. He wants to live and I’m so glad. He’s in the bed and although I doubt I’ll get a good show this year, he will survive. I found no less than 9 buds/shoots on it this morning. :o)
Finally, my David Austin ‘Gertrude Jekyll’. This too looked so sad the other week that I removed it from the bed and stuck it in a pot in a corner. I really didn’t think it would recover, but then it seemed to perk up. So, I gave it a good top dressing, moved the pot to a sunny site, fed it and talked lovingly to it. Today, it is rewarding me.
So there we go. Not a great deal happening. Some life and some possibly near death and for every plant I lose, a little piece of me goes with it, so I sincerely hope nothing dies as I’m not ready to go yet, lol. :-)
6 May, 2009
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They seem to look happy to me.
6 May, 2009
I too worried about a rose that i had to move when the new arch went in, wrong time to move as it was coming into bud but it had to move, well its put out new shoots so i am also relieved, resilient things aren't they
6 May, 2009
I love this blog!
6 May, 2009
such a step forward, everything looks so cheeeful, can you tell me what the waxy stuff is on your roses stems as I have it too, have left it for fear of doing something wrong as it would only be there for a reason
x x x
6 May, 2009
The appalling waxy stuff is put on for protection, especially if coming through the post, Mookins. This is the only time I have had roses with it on and I really don't like it. But, it is harmless and the roses will shoot through it. As they grow, the wax will fall off (if the summer sun doesn't melt it first, lol).
Trying to get it off is not easy, so just leave it, hun.
Well, thank you, Joanii, lol.
Glad your rose is coming along too, Sewin'.
6 May, 2009
I think somebody is getting a wee bit impatient,Lol.your plants are going to surprise you one of these days and you,ll have new life everywhere............
6 May, 2009
Oh dear. Does my impatience show then? Doh! and I try to hide it so well, lol.
6 May, 2009
You seem to have more growing than dying Llew :o)
I hope your centaurea bucks up though. I really like them.
7 May, 2009
Did you manage to get a refund from these peeps for your dead/dying roses?
Sooo heartwarming that one of them has decided not to give up the ghost. I think I would feel very upset if 4 out of 5 lost themselves to me, :-(
Post some more piccies as they grow and let us know about your Centura?
7 May, 2009
Yeah, I did, Craft. The full whack, which was only £13.99 but better than a spit in the eye, eh?
I was hoping that one more of the roses would show some guts, (thought there was bud signs on the lilac perfume) but it's not looking too promising now. They all looked like they were going to the dark side yesterday. I'm glad it it was the orange one, if any, that survived though. :o)
You can be sure I'll let you know about the centaurea. I've not finished boring you with that yet...and it's all your fault you know. Ha, ha.
I'm also glad I didn't give up on the Eryngium too. I nearly did, but after some of you said give it a chance...well, I did and that is definitely a shoot on it.
7 May, 2009
Wish I could send you some of my Centaurea Llew.....Mine is becoming a real nuisance. It re-seeds like nobody's business and I have it coming up in the lawn, in the middle of my digitalis and in the cracks in my pavement. I'm about ready to dig it all up and chuck it. :o(
8 May, 2009
I wish you could too, Gilli, lol.
8 May, 2009
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Cheer up, Llew, there seems to be more positives than negatives in your plant blog and 'Gertrude' seems to be doing very well. And think, for every one that doesn't survive, there will be a space waiting for a new plant! :)
6 May, 2009