All things bright & beautiful!
By lulu33
Hello, after the mornings excitement of a (difficult but successful!) foaling…..I have spent ages making my photos smaller for a little flower blog!
These are some of the flowers in my big border, this one I bought last year and can’t remember what it is, it’s very pretty though! It has geranium type leaves…?
The fantastic thacaltrums (please forgive misspellings..after the very scary foaling my heads been all over the place, I even left my wallet on a table in a shop and am typing very badly!!)
And clematis Toki in it’s 2nd year since planting. Am just waiting for the 10 or so others to flower!
There are quite a few Aliums about! I love them to bits and keep them until about January, huge alium skeletons!
Bright little poppies.
And the tulip bed.
This is my favourite bed of the moment. Later on I will plant more aliums and throw in a few Nigella seeds too!
Furry, fluffy fennel, always good value.
The first of my Iris’s…I promise one day soon to go through my care cards so I can say exactly what kind! I even went to buy a folder with clear pages but they won’t be in till next month! A job for a rainy day.
Chives nearly in flower, thank goodness still contained in the flower bed by big lumps of Cotswold stone.
And the lovely blue of the Lithodora!
More saxefragia, it’s everywhere now, each little tiny plant really spreading.
Potentilla, it’s now been with me for 4 years, flowers all summer, bless it!
Now I know this is a plant blog………………..if you only want flowers….pls don’t look any further in this blog! The doggies got in the way of the camera, so for those of you who want to share!! This next pic is of my best friend Prudence, she is the long suffering Mummy of Sluggypup. I love this photo of Pru in the Cow parsley..
Pru and daughter Sluggypup.
And this is Pru playing ‘Wall Dog!’ a game she plays jolly well!
And last but not least Perry the goldfish, released into the pond for the summer!
28 Apr, 2011
More blog posts by lulu33
Previous post: Foaling
Next post: Westonbirt gathering....
lovely pictures:) i don't mind dogs at all - like them a lot, yours are lovely:)
Iris looks like iris sibirica:) Knew the name of the other plant, forgot it... could it be Trollium cultorum?
Looks like day full of excitement:) Get plenty of rest:)
28 Apr, 2011
i loved those poppies and the white clematis, also the lithodora and the iris.
28 Apr, 2011
your garden is much more advanced than mine Lulu-- its amazing!
28 Apr, 2011
These are self seeded poppes Sheila, I was late with pricking out my Salvias, I do hope they flower!
Thx Kasy, I'm knackered, will be seeing you next w/end!
And thx Sticki and Pam, it's avery hot garden with not much shade!
28 Apr, 2011
awesome - love the fennel - ours is growing nicely - so difficult to get a good picture though - lovely pictures looking very nice
28 Apr, 2011
Fab pics Lulu! You have a really good eye for a photo, throwing the background out of focus, shows the main subject up really well, and the plants aren't bad either! As for the lovely woggies...just gorgeous!!:0) they look like a set of twins! This is going straight into my favs!
28 Apr, 2011
It wouldn't be a proper blog without the dogs :o)
You have some nice alliums. I think I've got some coming up - can't really remember what thet are but I think they're alliums.
29 Apr, 2011
Bloggy doggies! Thanks for your comments :)
29 Apr, 2011
lovely pics lulu and nice ones of the dogs and fishy, i got new fish but dont come up like my others did so a bit dissapointed really, its like not having any :o(
lost about half my aliums so shall get more later, love the poppies ;o))
29 Apr, 2011
Hi Lulu33, lovely pic's especially of the doggies :))
29 Apr, 2011
Thanks Cmsue, we love our doggies too and Sanbaz, I so know how you feel. My fishies are hiding, they are nothing like my friendly and fun first fish that the heron got, am so sad x :(
29 Apr, 2011
Some great pics there Lulu ! Love the Lithodora your soil acidic ? Would love to grow these but read that they prefer acid soil so have never tried.Think ours is fairly neutral ..never tested it, but just going by what does well in it .
30 Apr, 2011
I know my soil is lime, I haven't tested it either!! But this Lithodora has been fine for four years!
30 Apr, 2011
Well that does it,I know what's on my next plant shopping list,... the ever growing one !!
30 Apr, 2011
No garden is complete without its animals - pets and wild one =))
1 May, 2011
Here here !:)
2 May, 2011
Lovely blog and great pics!
4 May, 2011
Thanks Red aly, lots more flowering now and lots more watering to do!
4 May, 2011
Late to this blog, Lulu, but pleased I found it! Don't you have lots of colourful flowers now? I love those Tulips and Alliums. The more pics I see of Saxifrages, the more I think they'd be 'right' in the gravel garden . . . hope you're recovered from the busy foaling time ! : o ))
6 May, 2011
Hi Shirley, yes it was a busy foaling time and glad it's finished now!
Saxe is great stuff, beautiful! xx
6 May, 2011
Lovely Pic;s Lulu especially of Pru!
8 Jun, 2011
Pru is just the best pooch Teds! Gosh it's been a while since I have looked at these photos....they are really quite good!!!! So glad you enjoyed them. I must admit keeping up with GoY has been hard recently! Esp as I had a bad shoulder which meant I couldn't even type!! All better this space!
8 Jun, 2011
Recent posts by lulu33
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- Hello and garden update
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- Possible Polytunnel Guardians!
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- An Easter song and a sculpture.
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- The danger of dead trees
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- A little sunny walk
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Lovely to see so many flowers in bloom Lulu . . . my poppies only just pricked out! Ooops . .
28 Apr, 2011