By lulu33
About an hour ago we had a beautiful and very lucky foal born in the paddock at the stud.
I say lucky because it was really touch and go for a while. His head was in such a position that the mare couldn’t foal him. If it hadn’t been for Davids’ amazing experience we would have lost them both. In fact it took 4 stong men and one lass’s help in this birth!
It took David a good 40 minuits to turn it’s head into the birth canal, he was kicked twice and looks like he has been in full on combat! I am so very proud of my husband, he said this was his most difficult foaling and he has foaled over 2,000 mares!!
We now have a very tired mare and foal. Hope you enjoy the photos.
28 Apr, 2011
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That's beautiful lulu33, I'm so jealous that's some thing I alway's wonted to do, life is really cruel ......
28 Apr, 2011
And just the hardest work it was too, even just to watch!
Ahh, Srtipes, pity you live so far away. Have you any friends in your area who work on studs?
28 Apr, 2011
Well done David and helpers and of course the mum, poor thing must have been so stressed and a worrying time for all of you, so pleased alls well now, enjoyed the photo`s ,thankyou for sharing Lulu.....
28 Apr, 2011
Your'e welcome Lincslass. Pity I am having trouble uploading photos, meant to put a few more up. Just had another mare foal too!! Poor David is going to be sore tonight!
28 Apr, 2011
well done to David, the foal is beautiful, yes Lou they both looked tired, hope david is not to sore tonight,
28 Apr, 2011
Arnica, lots of it! And another mare just foaled.....just one more to go!
28 Apr, 2011
Daughter just ooooed and ahhhhed over these pics, horse mad and hoping to become an equine vet!! Glad it all turned out ok, well done David bet he was tired too!
28 Apr, 2011
well done both of you what a wonderful achievement, thanks for taking the time :o))
28 Apr, 2011
David is becomming more sore by the minute! thx Pamg and SK. x
28 Apr, 2011
Thats amazing Lulu, you all must be exhausted, mentaly and physically, poor David (being kicked) But worth all the trouble :) Beautifull Foal and mum..
28 Apr, 2011
Really exausted, me emotionally and David both! Arnica, lots of it!
28 Apr, 2011
Fantastic pictures.Glad the outcome was 100% Successful, and i am sure you will sooth Davids bruises.
28 Apr, 2011
Well I hope the owner is suitably impressed with David's skills Lou, so often mares are lost after difficult births and many of the foals also. I've read a great many entries in the GSB so I know how often it can happen. (Doing research, the GSB is not my usual light reading Lou, altho it is a fascinating record of some very famous mares).
28 Apr, 2011
Isn't it wonderful ! :o) I'm glad they're both doing well. And well done to husband for his expertease ...
29 Apr, 2011
Foal and mare doing well, thank goodness! David now waiting on the last mare to foal this season. Yhanks for all your kind comments. x
29 Apr, 2011
The last foal was was born last night, phew thats the season over. A huge colt!
1 May, 2011
Mmm, my first reaction? Probly not a Derby contender..take to long to mature..but you never know..Grand National perhaps? Might even become a great event horse...isnt it wonderful just to speculate and dream...
1 May, 2011
What Tet, the last big foal or the previous one? I wish the difficult birth had been a filly, we would have kept her and after a difficult birth it would have been a dream to have it race and do well.....we shall see. racing is an odd game! Not a huge fan of it myself but when a home bred does well and I have seen it brought into the world, that's just brilliant!
1 May, 2011
The last big foal.
I would say Lou, that would be something to remember indeed! I love to see a great horse racing, but I do prefer the breeding side. I remember getting quite choked when Yeats won the Gold Cup for the 4th time, but then bawled my eyes out when Persian Punch collapsed on the racecourse! Quite like a few of the jockeys and a handful of trainers, but the rest I could do without. Love it when they interview the lads and girls that look after them tho. You can see they love their charges to bits, even the difficult ones!
1 May, 2011
oh the poor mare - lucky indeed to have such skilled people with her - what a relief for you all - trusting humans and hoarses have recovered well from such a bruising birth!!
1 May, 2011
oh dear =\
HORSES I of course meant!!
1 May, 2011
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Aw bless, certainly looks like it was worth all the hard work!
28 Apr, 2011