New Mobile phone!
By lulu33
Just have to get something off my chest!! New mobile phone stress!!!!
My mobile is an android what do I do?
It’s huge, a giant
and half the size of my shoe!
I need pockets gynormus
and brain power enormous
Oh what did I upgrade my old ericcson to?
It takes 2 hands to work it
(and not much to fling it!)
one hand to hold it
the other to tap.
I tap and I swipe
I search and I gripe
Oh what have I bought
is it all modern tripe!
Voice activation, where is it?
Download it, how does it?
Battery, what flattery
not long till it dies.
I should have a teenager
(now that would be wise)
a young keen downloader
who smiles as she tries…..
…to understand this technology
of mobile biology,
the feng shui of personalizing my phone.
Phone a friend, ask the audience
what I need is claraudience
what I need…………is… Bigger pockets, oh s*d it!
Thanks for listening!
27 Oct, 2011
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What kind of mobile is it Sticki?
27 Oct, 2011
I always stick to mine until they die, hubby however upgrades lots of times, trouble is he then has to learn how to use the darn thing which is very trying as its me who has to listen to all the moans whilst he`s synchronising bluetooth,computer and owt else he can add, voice activation all that type of thing.
After only a month with the flipping latest (s`posed to be THE BEST EVER) darn thing went caput and had to go back, so we had to start yet again..GRRRR.
Sheer coincedence according to hubby but daughter is exchanging hers again today, only had it one month....
Loved the poem Lulu....
27 Oct, 2011
i have an htc wildfire ~ wont have htc again tho. never had trouble with a phone before. its a shame cos its quite a nice little thing.
27 Oct, 2011
Oh Lulu you have struck a cord with me. I am only on my second mobile ever and that is because it was given to me. I will use it for as long as it works as I don't understand most of the new phone technology.
27 Oct, 2011
My trusty old Nokia got stolen with my bag..not much use to the new owner if they are into mobile biology, too old fashioned. My friend gave me her old Nokia...phew thank goodness for that!
Wonderful poem Lulu..and all those big words..brilliant! Makes it sound like Bells Invention of Hell!
27 Oct, 2011
tee hee, thought this may strike a cord with some of you!
The first time it rang, I missed the call because being so big I had left the darn thing downstairs!!
Then I tried to respond by text, hit the wrong button and the automatic spelling disappeared and didn't have my glasses so couldn't work it out! made a phone call instead, at least it can do that!
27 Oct, 2011
does it take nice photos?
27 Oct, 2011
LOL. Aren`t we funny, I can spend hours tending to the tiniest of seedlings but my mobile can wind me up in a nano-second...
27 Oct, 2011
well done Lou, my mobile is usually in the car in my bag, any where, then when it goes off I have to try and find it,
27 Oct, 2011
The next fine day will try out the photos Sticki!
Lucky this phone isn't a parrot, it's language would be terrible!
27 Oct, 2011
You shoulda stuck to your SOny Ericsson! lol
Rick had one and changed to IPhone..bad move..mine takes better pics then his! :)
Love the poem :))))))))
27 Oct, 2011
someone told me sony ericsson took the best photos, that was a while ago tho.
27 Oct, 2011
Well So far mine has been great..i dropped it down the loo at Dads a couple of weeks ago ( before doing anything lol;)) I took it to bits right away and dried it with a towel then the ahirdryer on and off for a couple of days..its fine now :) I have a good camera and the pic quality is as good as that
27 Oct, 2011
i dread to think of all the mishaps my sons phone has had ~ one was dropped in a chocolate fondue, then dried out in the oven!!!
27 Oct, 2011
omg lol
27 Oct, 2011
I did that twice Pixi, don't keep phone in jeans pocket anymore, anyway this one is too BIG to fit in ma wee pocket!
27 Oct, 2011
Hah yeah i take it out to go to the loo now..I always have it in my back pocket of jeans..keep sitting on it
27 Oct, 2011 the poem Lulu, how true..:o))
27 Oct, 2011
the phone is still bamboozeling me! I need a teenager to help!
27 Oct, 2011
lol great poetry lulu but sorry about the new phone, think i will keep my basic little pink samsung haha, good luck :o))
27 Oct, 2011
google it lulu ~ i just put into google the query i have with the name/make of the phone and you will find something helpful ~ eventually!!
27 Oct, 2011
Excellent poem Lulu. I know how you feel. I've got a basic little Nokia I've had for about two years, but in the last couple of weeks it's been acting up. I fully charged it one night, did not use it (not even one text) and the next day, it was flat again. It wouldn't unlock the other day, so I couldn't even turn it off! Had to take out the battery (well a young lad at work did!), put it back in, and it worked fine! Wot's going on with it? I never buy mobile phones either, I get the old cast offs from me kids! lol
27 Oct, 2011
Oh where has my little Ericsson gone? In a little bag on it's way to be torn apart. I am truly grieving!! Everytime I walk past this new phone..........I'm not very polite to it!
Yep, battery was going a bit as well!
27 Oct, 2011
27 Oct, 2011
I too have only the most basic phone and have rejected anything with any 'functions' I dont need. In fact I am trying to get one of those ones for the elderly with the big keys just to stick my nose up at the phone companies.
But what about your pics Lulu? the old one took a decent image
27 Oct, 2011
I jsut bought my Dad one of those Stevie..and it has an emergency buttin on the back which I didnt realise when I got it..I had to disable it incase he pressed it by mistake and got the cops out lol...but its very basic..he doesnt text..just answers our calls :) Lulu had the same one as takes great pics :)
27 Oct, 2011
It did take good photos, but needed easy access to the internet for the the selling of mosaics.
I am NOT in a good mood about this. I miss my simple old phone. Just sent a long message to David, hit the wrong button, lost the lot and it didn't save it (or maybe it's me that can't find it) Luckily he has just come home and I could tell him myself that I have made some rather runny mashed potato which should be in the dog!
I am going to cry!
27 Oct, 2011
AAAAAwwwwwwww LULU!!!!!!!!
DOnt worry..take your time and play about with it..thats how I learn to sue things..rather than reading all the blurb! You will get the hang of it I'm sure. Cant you borrow a teenager from someone? lol Awwww xxx
28 Oct, 2011
Looking for teenager right now. have tried for 3 hours to copy pics from phone to computer........................
28 Oct, 2011
No lead? WQhats wrong,,amybe I can help
28 Oct, 2011
dont they copy or cant you find them on the computer?
28 Oct, 2011
Think I've sussed it! Was trying to use HTC Sync and for some reason it couldn't read the phone, so ended up of course just going through the computer!
First phone camera photos pending for a blog!!
28 Oct, 2011
oh well done you.
28 Oct, 2011
yay! well done! :)
28 Oct, 2011
David wants to get his beautiful wife, Lulu, something nice for their first wedding anniversary. So he decides to buy her a mobile telephone. Lulu is excited, she loves her phone. David shows her and explains to her all the different and varied features on the phone.
On Monday Lulu goes shopping in the local supermarket. Her phone rings and it's her husband, 'Hi ya, Lulu,' he says, 'how do you like your new phone?' Lulu replies, 'I just love it, it's so small and light and your voice is clear as a bell, but there's one feature that I really don't understand though.'
'What's that, Lulu ?' asks the husband.
'How did you know that I was at Tesco?'
29 Oct, 2011
Announcing the new Built-in Orderly Organized Knowledge device (BOOK). It's a revolutionary breakthrough in technology: no wires, no electric circuits, no batteries, nothing to be connected or switched on.
It's so easy to use even a child can operate it. Just lift its cover. Compact and portable, it can be used anywhere -- even sitting in an armchair by the fire -- yet it is powerful enough to hold as much information as a CD-ROM disk.
Here's how it works: Each BOOK is constructed of sequentially numbered sheets of paper (recyclable), each capable of holding thousands of bits of information. These pages are locked together with a custom-fit device called a binder which keeps the sheets in their correct sequence. By using both sides of each sheet, manufacturers are able to cut costs in half. Each sheet is scanned optically, registering information directly into your brain. A flick of the finger takes you to the next sheet. The BOOK may be taken up at any time and used by merely opening it. The "browse" feature allows you to move instantly to any sheet, and move forward or backward as you wish. Most come with an "index" feature, which pinpoints the exact location of any selected information for instant retrieval.
An optional "BOOKmark" accessory allows you to open the BOOK to the exact place you left it in a previous session -- even if the BOOK has been closed. BOOKmarks fit universal design standards; thus a single BOOKmark can be used in BOOKs by various manufacturers. Portable, durable and affordable, the BOOK is the entertainment wave of the future, and many new titles are expected soon, due to the surge in popularity of its programming tool, the Portable Erasable-Nib Cryptic Intercommunication Language Stylus (referred to by the acronym PENCILS to those in the trade).
29 Oct, 2011
Is the latter an analogy or taking the Michael Skips!!!
Slowly getting the hang of it, although I need hands the size of well, bigger than my Android mobile phone!
29 Oct, 2011
Brilliant Guy! lol :)
29 Oct, 2011
We all need to gripe
About modern tripe
My mobile is lost
And I don't know the cost
Of buying an other
I could ask my brother
But he'd only say
"Get a new one today"
But I don't think I'll bother
.... I never use it anyway
29 Oct, 2011
Lol Mr Hywel! Very good. AAre you feeling better now? x
29 Oct, 2011
Yes thanks Pixi. I haven't been on because of all the renvation work being done in the house and it made me feel stressed lol
29 Oct, 2011
Very funny Skips (both entries) and Hywel - excellent poem!!
29 Oct, 2011
Aw ppoor need a rest :~)
29 Oct, 2011
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clever lulu ~ mine turns itself off and i have to take the battery out to get it going again ~ im not happy with that! it might go back!!!
27 Oct, 2011