Hello winter
By lulu33
Hello folks, been a bit quiet on GoY recently, laid low with first flu (although not a bad one!) and then kidney infection, 8th day now and getting a bit fed up with drinking water, water, water!
My lawn needs raking and mowing (don’t mind the latter but maybe not enough energy to rake!) I have been told that mown leaves are not bad for a lawn but they are mainly sycamore leaves, so not sure. My pond needs cleaning up but don’t want to end up with pneumonia!!!! up to the armpits in cold water, yurk!
I thought I’d post a few of my wintry sky photos, taken with new Android phone, STILL WANT MY OLD PHONE BACK but it’s gone to the big recycle in the sky :(
This first wintry photo is of a couple of the mares here at the stud waiting to have their foals early next year. They are known as ‘The Heavies’ for obvious reasons!! Come January we will have a permanent monitor tv on in our bedroom to keep an eye on the mares closest to foaling and as the last mare foals in about April, it’s a long time with interrupted sleep!!
This photo is of 2 8 month foals, they are wonderful to watch playing in their paddock
They are very curious of Pru, Jazz and Sluggy Pup!!
These next pics are more foals having a play! EEks this is NOT meant to be a pet blog!!
2 foals have just been returned to the paddock, they always squirt around, rearing and bucking, fantastic to watch!
Aha, at last, a wintry sky photo!!
And more skies….
In the garden, there are a few stalwarts still flowering. Not sure if this spring cyclamen is mean to be in flower!!?
The Kaffir Lily.
My neglected pond :(
This stunning geranium always makes me smile as I pass it, so love the colour
And berries everywhere!!
I plan to keep these pyracantha low so I don’t have to lug the ladder from the barn!!
And while I’ve been laid a bit low and not doing ANY gardening…………I finished my owl mosaic!!
Now apart from my pond freezing over, ice on the road and cold tootsies, I am looking froward to frost, of walking in the woods and seeing the shafts of sunlight through the big and silent freeze. And am very much looking forward to Sluggypup bouncing around the snow. Am sure to take some photos!!
18 Nov, 2011
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I hope you feel better soon Lulu. The photos are all lovely, are those berries as deep pink as they look on here?
18 Nov, 2011
Lovely blog, Lulu. I especially like all your horse and sky pictures - beautiful! And that owl mosaic is fab!
Hope you feel better soon, take it easy until you do...
18 Nov, 2011
Lovely blog and pics Lulu. Owl is simply fantastic!!!!! I'm just hoping your blog is not too 'feminine' ;)
(Inside joke) You know whoooo you are........ ;)
18 Nov, 2011
Great pics Lulu..hope you feel better soon :))))
18 Nov, 2011
Hi Lulu lovley pictures - pyracanthas berries beautiful - Hope you feel better soon :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))- water is boring I know
18 Nov, 2011
oh and love the owl :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
18 Nov, 2011
Get better soon Lulu and have a rest
i love those berries, they look so bright and cheerful, the green background on the owl is really lovely.
18 Nov, 2011
Oh Lulu...I'm sorry you're under the weather...I hope you will be back to full strength soon...take care of yourself though...no getting cold and wet for you...get OH to do it! :))
18 Nov, 2011
I had something 'flu-y 2wks ago . Hope that we have got it over with for the winter now ! [You will have to flavour the water with something tasty .]
Love the picts .
18 Nov, 2011
You must be joking KS!!! In 8 years he has mown PART of the HUGE lawn (so he could play croquet on it!!!)
Yes, lovely berries, not pink though!!!
Am feeling a bit better but have to admit to about to be having a glass of wine............I have been so wound up with several delivery failures of my new drum! I got so annoyed in the end I went and met the driver at his next drop off!!!
I am now back home with one beautiful American/Indian drum which looks like the moon...am very tempted to post a pic onto Goy as a full moon pic!!! It sounds great, it has a wonderful resonance!
Thanks for all your comments girls!!!
18 Nov, 2011
please can you put the picture on? i would love to see the drum
18 Nov, 2011
It does look beautiful lou, just saw it on FB. Post it.
18 Nov, 2011
hope you soon feel better lulu, poor you, dont think leaves will harm, iv done it before with them sycamore leaves, lovely pics of horses and owl is fab, love it :o)))
18 Nov, 2011
drum moon posted!!!
18 Nov, 2011
...yes, I was! x
18 Nov, 2011
LoL, I should have married a man like my Dad or Grandpa, they were mowing obsessed!
18 Nov, 2011
Sorry to hear you've been poorly Lulu, hope you have a speedy recovery. Everything can wait until you're ready to tackle it. Nice blog and lovely photos.
18 Nov, 2011
Great photos Lulu. I love to see the horses. Brilliant skies too :o)
I hope you're feeling better now.
18 Nov, 2011
Aw shame he doesnt help you! Shame on him!
18 Nov, 2011
Love your wintry sky and mist foals pics Lou, great blog and the owl is very handsome. Take care now, let the garden sleep.
18 Nov, 2011
Lovely blog, lovely photos and the owl mosaic has turned out beautifully really like it a lot of detail must of taken you ages hope you are well soon:) x
19 Nov, 2011
Well we certainly do have quite a bit in common Lulu, there are a couple of horses near here and I too have that same style radiator ; )
If you haven't already, dont forget to put the shot of that owl on your website and do one for your show.
Lovely blog, nice pics to look at (and recover) after fainting after seeing Lils last pic.
get well soon : )
19 Nov, 2011
heh Stevie!
Can't put owl on website yet in case the person it was commissioned for sees it!!
Loved Lils last mosaic!
19 Nov, 2011
Aw thanks Lu!
Glad you've recovered Stevie. Hope you haven't smeared the lipstick in your faint ;)
19 Nov, 2011
Hi do hope your feeling alot better, loved your photos of the fouls there great are'nt they.
19 Nov, 2011
You might not like that phone Lou but the pictures have come out well, very well in fact !
Hope you feeling better now.
God bless x
19 Nov, 2011
I upped the pixels Val!!
19 Nov, 2011
Lovely blog Lulu! You never have a dull day do you! The pups look as intrigued by the foals as they are of the pups! Mutual admiration society meeting methinks!! Your new phone seems to be taking great pics Lulu, I hope you start to feel a bit better soon, you have seen a Dr, haven't you? x Your owl is just stunning, Lulu, you're so talented!!
20 Nov, 2011
Thank you Libet, oh believe me I do sometimes have dull days!! Days when I don't feel inspired, don't like those kiind of days!
Feeling a bit better, the evenings it gets painful so back to the doc on Monday.
Glad you like my owl. May go to the studio today and work on my dragon and a flowery mosaic!
20 Nov, 2011
Oh yes the dragon! still waiting lol..I am drawing dragons for someone jsut now..but fingers are sore today so day off :)
20 Nov, 2011
Sorry to hear you've been so unwell of late, Lulu. :-(( But this blog shows you are probably over the worst of it by now. Take it easy & get your health back as soon as possible the other things will have to wait till you're better.
Loved the photos of the horses! They are always so full of life! And they don't need mobiles either to make themselves known!
The skies made me shiver as I've a bad cold & have been under the weather as well for a few days - though nothing as serious as you. Lovely shots all the same!
The Owl mosaic is a inspired piece of artwork, Lulu! Looking forward to seeing more of your work in the future!
21 Nov, 2011
Thanks Balcony, I have a new mobile, it's the size of a rock!! And I can't work it out sometimes!
21 Nov, 2011
Recent posts by lulu33
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- The danger of dead trees
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Lovely blog Lulu. Those foals are gorgeous, and I love the winter sky. Poor you, flu and a kidney infection together are not funny. I had a kidney infection once and never felt so sick in my life. I hope you are feeling much better now - don't worry about the pond, it will look after itself for a bit. The owl is beautiful - you are so talented!
18 Nov, 2011