Carpet cleaning! Need help!!
By lulu33
Oh my goodness……I need someone’s help!
Now before I go to the huge expense of hiring contract cleaners to come wash our living room carpet……Last year I bought a steam cleaner (it’s pretty useless) But…I thought I would have a go, at least, to rid ourselves of the horrible doggie stench that fills the house when we have been out for a few hours!
I returned today after a dismal day racing (that’s another story!) and found that the Pru/Sluggy/Jazzypup smell has become a wee bit, in fact a whole lot, unbearable! There must be a way I can re vamp the carpet!
Does anyone have any bright ideas other than giving the dogs away and buying a new carpet?
The carpet is dark red (to cover hubby’s red wine spillage mainly!) Surely there must be something I can put in the steamer to clean take away the smell?! I also have the pond vacume which can be used indoors so I can really soak the carpet first, vacuum excess water up, then a steam clean……..
Any ideas guys and ladies? Would be much appreciated!!
Should blog this under pets, as they are the culprit!
4 Jul, 2012
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And then a water based Air freshner and open windows.
4 Jul, 2012
burn some lavender flowers in the room, light them till they glow and then leave them smoking
4 Jul, 2012
got this from the internet
Use Common Household Items
Baking soda is a miracle when it comes to getting rid of pet odors. Sprinkle it on your carpet and let it sit for a couple of house and vacuum. You’ll notice the room smells much, much better.
For a quick, easy, and cheap air freshener that really works:
Mix 1/4 cup baking soda with water in a spray bottle. Shake well and spray. The baking soda absorbs the odor. You can also add a couple drops of essential oils, vanilla extract, or even cinnamon for variety.
Another quick way to keep your house from smelling like a kennel is to spray vinegar into the air. As the vinegar smell goes away so does the doggie odor.
And here’s an extra tip: put a fabric softener sheet in an envelope under the sofa or chair cushion where your furry friend like to hang out. This is a simple way to keep the area from smelling like a dog house.
4 Jul, 2012
Lou have you thought of putting down a wooden floor? Easy to keep clean however the dogs will slip and slide but it would be good for you!
4 Jul, 2012
I was going to mention the old favorites of vinegar or adding lemon juice to water, baking soda sounds good.
Sticki I have a tub of baking power (which i assume is mostly sod bicarb) can i chuck that on my carpet?
can you wash the dogs with a bit of bicarb? sluggy!!! come here!!
4 Jul, 2012
Sluggy has sloped off!!!
Ok, well, not enough bicarb (think I tried that one last month!) So...3 bottles of distilled vinegar bought from handy local garage. Gonna do a quick vacuum then a steam clean with water/vinegar. David is out drumming so drum kit is out of the house.....I may be some time!
Lavender is too darn wet to burn at the moment!
4 Jul, 2012
not sure that would be good stevie ~ there is other stuff in baking powder ~ cream of tartar and possibly something else???
you are right about the bicarb, it probably is mostly that, they even use it in toothpaste.
whatever you use its best to test a small area that doesnt show first.
vanish is good on carpets too
4 Jul, 2012
Lu ...1 part vinegar 2 parts water.
And if you make the same solution up.. Get a sports sock turn it inside out, dip it in the mix wring out, put your hand inside it and stroke the dogs...they get de ponged as well and their coat shines !!!
4 Jul, 2012
Tried to start the steamer...can't get the water inside because the safety screw top won't open...can you her me screaming! What was going to be a shoulder busting evening job, is vastly annoying me already.
4 Jul, 2012
4 Jul, 2012
Ha hahahah Sticki. Well I prevailed, 2 parts vinegar to 1 part water......I may, now, be some time! (the dogs are cringing at my language! I have told them it's all their fault in the first place)
Here I go...........
4 Jul, 2012
bicarb is very good for the body let alone carpet!!
Ok label, yeah the powder had some rice flour in it, but could vacummn dry so,...well with my carpet doenst matter too much ; 0
just had an idea, from a house cleanse (feng hsui/pagan/herbalist perspective) you could use some mashed up dried sage.
I have a couple of home grown bundles if you'd like some
4 Jul, 2012
good luck and dont work too hard
4 Jul, 2012
wd40 is not good for carpets Sticki!! take it seriously ok ; )
4 Jul, 2012
Loos, I had a steam cleaner and it had an safety switch thing so it had to cool down before you could add water.......did you switch it on and have a go first?? might be too hot if you did
4 Jul, 2012
I would think baout getting wodden flooring prolly..idk :)
4 Jul, 2012
Safety switch didn't open even cold. So I switched it on, got rid of any water/steam and tried again.
Floor looks clean, all windows open, lovely smell from lit fire (helps drying process) time will tell!
Anyone want a Pointer x 3?
4 Jul, 2012
WD40 for the safety screw top!???
could you throw some herbs ~ maybe sage like stevie says ~ onto the fire for another nice smell?
4 Jul, 2012
But that goes staight6 up the chimney!
Maybe cook something nice for David for when he gets back from drumming interview for a Blondie band!
4 Jul, 2012
oooh yes, wine in the stew?
4 Jul, 2012
well you'll get that carpet clean "One Way or Another"
4 Jul, 2012
very clever stevie
4 Jul, 2012
Bicarbonate of soda definitely works sprinkled into smelly trainers (OH's) and I keep a coffee jar lid of bicarb in the fridge and it eliminates any smells, so I reckon it could well work on your carpet
4 Jul, 2012
If you go up and down in sort of Parallel Lines, it will give an even finish
4 Jul, 2012
One way or another ...I dine it! Bicarb will be sprinkled when I buy some, just to make sure.
David's dinner half mad (he's still not home 11pm)
Will tell you tomorrow just how even it is Stevie!
4 Jul, 2012
Was there a joke there?
4 Jul, 2012
Dave not home yet, jeez you'll be Hanging on the Telephone ; ) 11pm so he'll be back 11.59 ; )
Well i bet you are tired doing all that work, knees aching, singing 'oh der knees dobeedo' : )
4 Jul, 2012
Having read all this the carpet smelling any better Lulu? Do we have to wait until you buy the bicarb? Is David's dinner in the dogs?
4 Jul, 2012
Wonder if the dogs would be quiet if you had a kennel built for them in the garden, for when you go out ?
5 Jul, 2012
Essential oils are very good for eliminating odours, especially Lemongrass, ... and Lavender is also a lovely one. I used to put them in burners. I use them to clean surfaces in the kitchen and bathroom too. They can be a bit on the deer side but you only need a drop or two at a time :o)
Or you could have the dogs swap places with Milliepus lol
5 Jul, 2012
Then the carpet would smell like cat as well Hywel Lol!
Yes, off to buy bicarb!! there is still a pong lingering.
Stevie, as I can't recollect as many Blondie songs as you I'm just going to 'fade away and radiate' (1978!)
5 Jul, 2012
Diane, we have a kennel in the garden, it's a bit ropey now and full of garden stuff!
5 Jul, 2012
My thinking now is that dogs like a job to do.
Dogs have excellent hearing. Better than ours. I used to have a dog who knew I am deaf. She listened for me all the time. I knew if it was someone coming to my house or the house next door even, and who it was, by her response.
If you put the garden stuff somewhere else, so the kennel is clear, then leave them in there with straw on the floor, as an experiment, when you go out.
They will be in a 'guarding our territory' mode, and keep listening all the time you are gone, for the sound of the front gate, and visitors to the house. Then they will bark.
Therefore, if there are no visitors, they will be quiet.
And pleased to see you when you return, and make a fuss of them for a job well done.
Hope this helps.
6 Jul, 2012
They don't usually Pee in the house. Thinks it was from the time one of them had pups and was caught a bit short during the night for a while, couple with hubby's cleaning up poor water over it, that'll do! NOT!
6 Jul, 2012
Those dogs know more than you think they do. They know the sound of every car that comes to your house and who is driving it. Also the neighbours cars and relatives. They know the sound of your footsteps on the path, and the footsteps of all friends coming to the house. If a postman has kicked them they will remember the sound of his footsteps for ever.
Those are the sounds they will be listening for when you leave them in the kennel when you go out.
They will know your footsteps, that you have come home, be wagging their tales with excitement knowing you will let them out to run around.
I think its a wonderful subject.
I keep some biscuit in a plastic container on my allotment. There is a cat which is usually fed by the volunteers on the Community Garden. If they are away this cat comes and tells me. I then feed her. She knows the sound of my car coming in the gate at the end. Its amazing how wonderful animals really are.
Its just that we dont understand them.
I can calm any dog that rushes towards me, just with the sound of my voice. Thats using their extraordinary hearing ability to detect friend from foe.
6 Jul, 2012
As its raining, I went to Tesco yesterday and bought 2 drums of Vanish @ £5 per drum.
Persian cats have to have the biscuit that removes hairballs from their stomachs, by vomiting. So she stains my kitchen carpet. The Vanish removed all these stains. Just had to put her in the spare bedroom with her litter tray for the 2 hours waiting time.
7 Jul, 2012
Lulu, I came across this blog by accident, looking for your garlic bread blog :O) We have dreadful problems, very similar to yours, but with cats, not dogs. I eventually gave up trying to steam the carpets clean - it simply does not work. I treated myself to a proper Vax carpet shampooer (Amazon, about £100 if there's a special offer on) and some special petlovers carpet shampoo. I've been round all the rugs in the house with wonderful results, but a dreadful sense of guilt when I saw quite how much dirt hoovering alone doesn't get out. The whole place smells much, much sweeter, and the rugs are glowing. It's been one of the best investments I've ever made. In the UK we used to hire a huge carpet cleaner from Johnsons the cleaners - expensive and cumbersome. Here in Italy, there is no "Culture of the carpet", so a proper deep-cleaning "Beats as it sweeps as it cleans" vacuum just doesn't exist. We've even had to export our proper brush bar vacuum. Everyone has lovely tiled floors, but we find them very unforgiving. I wouldn't give up my rugs for anything, and this has REALLY given them a new lease of life. I've been cleaning friends' rugs, too, which makes me a popular lady! I keep my little steamer for cleaning the stone walls and tiles, and am now on a campaign of banning from the house any cats that spray. (It's difficult when it's so cold outside - let the 3 house cats in and the rest shoot through the door like furry bullets). It's worth a consideration, anyway. Good luck, and if you decide to go down this route, please let me know how you get on.
4 Dec, 2012
Thank you Gattina. That's very useful to know. Wanna come stay LoL!
Will let you know how I get on.
I can just imagine how dirty the water would be on these carpets!!!
4 Dec, 2012
Ooh yes please! I'll bring the cleaner with me shall I? Yes, it was quite disgusting - about 6 years since their last cleaning, the effluent from 7 quite large rugs looked like the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy - more silt than dirty water. I had to pour it down the cellar lavatory rather than the sink - it would have blocked it: several times over. (We do tend to bring an awful lot of mud in from the garden, and cats aren't well known for wiping their paws) :o) Seriously, it was much more effective than I expected a little hoover-sized shampooer to be. I have a feeling I shall have worn it out before long. It's supposed to do upholstery, too, but it's a bit clumsy and not so effective as I'd hoped on that front. It leaves the rugs a bit damp, but not wet, and on a nice, warm, dry day, you can walk on them after a few hours
4 Dec, 2012
Brill! Thanks so much.
Might put it on my christmas list!!!!
4 Dec, 2012
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Water and distilled white vinegar soloution Lu..The vinegar neutralises the smell...and the vinegar smell wears off after a few hours.
4 Jul, 2012