More pics of Sunset Owl mosaic!
By lulu33
So darned difficult to photograph! But here you go!
And just a few more….think you get the idea now!
And just to add a tad more interest…a midnight toad, a midnight Milliepuss
And a big fat pigeon!
1 Jul, 2012
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Brilliant work. That owl is so detailed!
1 Jul, 2012
1 Jul, 2012
Added to GoYpedia Mosaics :o)
1 Jul, 2012
Thank you TT :)
1 Jul, 2012
Absolutely brilliant Lu!! I think you are getting much better at taking pics. Fab job on this!
1 Jul, 2012
love the greens and picture 4 captures the light on it just beautifully, magic!!
1 Jul, 2012
That is absolutely gorgeous Lulu. I love it!!
1 Jul, 2012
Beautiful work Lulu and very well photographed too. :-)
1 Jul, 2012
Lulu, that is brilliant, what an imagination and what skill. I see a face at the top of the tree trunk. It is only half visible, but it's definitely there....It looks so different when it's really are very talented Lulu! :D
1 Jul, 2012
The Sunset Owl -excellent name for a pub!
but then again so are
the midnight toad, the midnight puss, the big fat pigeon
great work lulu
1 Jul, 2012
It's nice to see your mosaics. They're wonderful :o) I enjoy seeing what interests people have, other than just plants :o)
2 Jul, 2012
Thank you desperately trying to find the hidden face Karen!
Now I don't know what it was Stevie but early evening still light and still lots of on....Pigeon feathers on the lawn. It couldn't have been a fox, too early and busy, not a Milliepuss surely bird too big and no carcass in her hutch. Pointers not interested...A big golden retriever passed by...could it have been her I wonder. So sad because it had a mate.
On a happier note I have 3 new fish in the pond!
2 Jul, 2012
Fantastic mosaic the big fat pipgeon!
2 Jul, 2012
Big fat dead pigeon now, see my previous post!!!
2 Jul, 2012
hmm, 'the dead big fat pigeon' yes not a good name for a pub : ( sad, oh well new fish great, Are you going to give them names or would that tempt fate. Did you find out if there was an issue with the pond?
2 Jul, 2012
I love the way the light hits off the glass.
2 Jul, 2012
Let's go to 'the big fat dead pigeon' wonder whats on the menu?
No names ever again for my fish...forgot to test the water though but all fish seem well.
2 Jul, 2012
2 Jul, 2012
big, fat, dead, yes sorry order of adjectivals wrong there, although with emphasis it could be a compound noun phrase, the... dead big-fat-pigeon then it would be correct
2 Jul, 2012
You really are talented,Lulu! I love the photos of your mosaic! :-))
2 Jul, 2012
Oh wow, that is beautiful. What size is it? It's difficult to guage from the pics Jx
2 Jul, 2012
Thanks Balcony and Jane. The mosaic is 18 x 24 "
Off to make some more now as there's a chance of a stall in our local Boules day festival on the 14th July!
3 Jul, 2012
Get cracking girl. I'm in same boat. 3 stalls this week and a glass/jewellery party tom night................ 2.30am before bed last night and same again tonight. What am I doing on here..................helppppppp! Jx
3 Jul, 2012
fabulous lulu, looking forward to the pictures!! i have in mind a series of 3 ~ raindrop shape ~ as if we havent had enough!!
3 Jul, 2012
what are you making jane ~ the glass or the jewellery or both?
well done you for working so hard and still managing to pop in here ~ hope you have time for coffee too!!!
3 Jul, 2012
Ah Sticki am female, can drink coffee, type and wait for kiln, whilst planning next firing all at same time. lol. (sorry guys, not really sexist)x
Am making coasters in glass, couple of dishes, with copper fish set in them (inspired by visit to seaside) and dichroic glass jewellery. Working on new technique, that I've not seen other artists do. Will use these pieces to make a bracelet.
I also work with pearls a lot and do stringing etc for other jewellers (not many people still knot on silk) so have a few strings to do as well. These will go down well on the jewellery party.
It's nice to be back with GYO again, but I had better get my skates on and make stock, otherwise I might just be asking for red cross parcels. Need to put some dosh back in the coffers, seem to have spent a small fortune on the garden this year. So nice to watch it being destroyed by rain, hail and slugs. Grrrrrrrrrrr. Jxxx
3 Jul, 2012
that sounds fantastic!! love to see some pictures of them please, if you have time, especially like the copper fish. how amazing. you clever girl.
hope it goes well
3 Jul, 2012
:) x
3 Jul, 2012
Firstly, Lulu: What a talent, those are really lovely pics of your fabulous mosaic.
Secondly, Sticki: You've changed your picture. Where is it - looks fabulous?
Thirdly, Jane: I love the sound of what you are making and agree with Sticki about the copper fish - very appealing. Hope you do well with sales; know all about spending all one's money on the garden - sorry- swimming pool!!!
3 Jul, 2012
its Harris Tuesday bear, i was there on holiday a few weeks ago, wish i was still there.
3 Jul, 2012
Is Harris still there. or has it been washed away?
Ohhh TBear, bet my swimming pool is bigger than yours. Mine has a full garden floating on the top of it too. Grrrrr. Jx
3 Jul, 2012
harris had no rain at all jane, hadnt had for 8 weeks.
3 Jul, 2012
Just adds to the weirdness of our weather. Can we send them some? Jx
3 Jul, 2012
looks like they may have some now, i use igoogle for my home page, it lets you put various weather forecasts on and i always look to see what its like up there ~ rain today if google is right.
3 Jul, 2012
Hello Harris, welcome to our world. x
3 Jul, 2012
oh, poor Harris, its so windy there they dont have any trees!
but it has to be about the MOST beautiful part of the UK
3 Jul, 2012
Jane, you should put a few pics of your crafts on, and join the mosaic crew ; )
4 Jul, 2012
Sticki, I should have realised, having enjoyed your Harris blog at the time.
4 Jul, 2012
yes please jane, some pictures for us to see!!
dont worry tuesday!
4 Jul, 2012
Sticki and Steve,I did a little blog about some of the things I make in glass, that has a few pics on. It's my non gardening blog. have a look there. Jxx
4 Jul, 2012
Oh ok, thanks jane
4 Jul, 2012
Found it! Sorry I missed it before, it was the day I went on holiday!
It's fabulous, you clever lady.
4 Jul, 2012
Thanks honey bunny :-)) x
4 Jul, 2012
How's it going Jane?! You, me, Sticki and Nana and Pimpernel just lurve Dichroic glass! We have expensive taste!
5 Jul, 2012
Hi Lulu. I am making dichroic jewellery as I type.. Infact, it's what I sell most of. I must make about 40 pendants a week, plus earrings, cufflinks and anything else I can think of. Jx
5 Jul, 2012
you should have been making the olympic medals!!
5 Jul, 2012
lol Just got a phone call from my sister (She's equine physio to the British Team) and she's got me and some of the family, tickets to the show jumping. Should be good, never been to an olympic thing before. To tell the truth, I dislike sports, unless they have horses or plants in them :-)
5 Jul, 2012
Lucky you!
5 Jul, 2012
Congratulations, Jane, & I hope you enjoy the show & the horses. :-))
6 Jul, 2012
Thank you, I will. But, I am now having panic attacks, thinking of terrorists and the like. What is our world coming to? Jx
6 Jul, 2012
dont think about it jane, dont let them spoil it for you. surely it is incredibly unlikely.
6 Jul, 2012
Of course it is Sticki, I think it's because I am taking my 2 young nieces and am just thinking of stupid possibilities. Silly really. Jx
6 Jul, 2012
Oh dear Jane, panic attacks, you are as bad as me...I am worrying about 3, yes 3 Lady Gaga concerts dear hubby has got us tickets for! I don't enjoy planes or trains or big crowds anymore!
6 Jul, 2012
and there would i be worrying about what to have in my sandwiches!!!
oh lulu, will you still be able to enjoy the concerts?
6 Jul, 2012
Lol, sandwiches, hows about lettuce and marmite!!
As for the concerts............she's fab to watch on stage, it's just the crowds, last time we had seats, this time D wants to get in with the crowd.........all with their mobiles held monsters!
6 Jul, 2012
will he want to be surfing?
6 Jul, 2012
i have yet to try lettuce and marmite, must give it a go.
6 Jul, 2012
David's band is headlining tonight in Bristol!! Bless!
If you like marmite, adding lettuce is yummy! Almost as good as banana and peanut butter and marmalade (in my youth!)
6 Jul, 2012
WOW well done david!!!
i love marmite!
can try the peanut butter and marmalade tonight on the bread i just baked and nearly burned!
btw have you heard of a band called 'Runrig' ?
6 Jul, 2012
I haven't heard of Runrig Sticki.
OOOhhh peanut butter, marmalade and homemade not good for the waistline!!!!!!! but yummy! Drooling.
Am off to have salad and haddock!
6 Jul, 2012
waist what??
6 Jul, 2012
Hmmmm, I used to have one, it's growing a bit thanks to my nasty habit of buying bacon frazzels everytime I go to the garage!
Right, off to cook!
6 Jul, 2012
now on my second piece of peanut butter and marmalade!! it is SOOO good!
6 Jul, 2012
you dont need to worry you are really slim!!
6 Jul, 2012
Sticki Runrig is Mick's favourite group. From Skye yes? Apparently lead singer ran as MP for Skye, but didn't get there. Jx
6 Jul, 2012
oh, im really pleased!!!! yes im sure they are from Skye!!
i have only just found them but they seem to have had a change of lead singer at some point.
listening to it all on youtube so i can decide which cd is best!!!
6 Jul, 2012
late here Lulu but like us all dont always show on my page, mosaics lovely, great colours to, love the goldfinches, not seen mine in ages, :o)
22 Jul, 2012
stunning art work Lulu...:-)
25 Jan, 2013
Thank you Sandra! Most kind!! :)
25 Jan, 2013
do you do lots of them or is this a one off?
25 Jan, 2013
Lots and lots!!! I've tagged a few in my pics
25 Jan, 2013
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Lol Lou!, lovely pics, no.3 of mosaic is gorgeous with the light behind.
1 Jul, 2012