Primroses and Cameras
By mad
Still no sign of my five clumps of primroses since Mr. Mad “helped” me by tidying up dead leaves etc. But he has bought me a digital camera so I can take garden pictures – specially of primroses – IF they re-appear.
Thanks to you who suggested how he could recompense for the primroses (I got him to read your blogs) I can now take more garden pictures.
He has also won a prize of a compost bin, in a competition run by the local council in their recycling efforts. He had to name two compost sculptors of male and figures. They were Lord and Lady Muck. Didn’t he do well!
16 Sep, 2009
More blog posts by mad
Previous post: Back to school days., junior school, gold stars.
Next post: My New Digital Camera
Well done Mr Mad,good names and I guess you can be forgiven your blunder with the primroses as the camera will bring lots of pleasure to Mad,just be careful what you put in that new bin (you dont get second chances) Mad we will be expecting lots of new pics now,lol........
16 Sep, 2009
hey mad, tell your hubby well done from me on winning the competition!!! and i,ll be watching this space for pics from new camera.hope you noticed i finally mastered how to send in my pic.jintymac
16 Sep, 2009
Thanks Drc726 and also from Mr. Mad to Linsclass and Jintymac. I'll post a photo of the new compost bin as soon as it arrives. Exciting eh?
16 Sep, 2009
Well done mr mad and well done to you mad good blog.Enjoy the new camera.
16 Sep, 2009
My bin arrived yesterday Mad and is now up and running I hope it works! The cat thinks its to help him over the fence.
16 Sep, 2009
Hey hey well done Mr Mad! Great names! Get that new camera snapping Mad!
16 Sep, 2009
Great choice of names there Mr M.
I'm so glad he saw reason and did the decent thing of getting a new camera for you Mad. All you've got to do now is find out how to use it! I'm looking forward to seeing the results!
17 Sep, 2009
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Great names, look forward to your new camera pics Mad.
16 Sep, 2009