Back to school days., junior school, gold stars.
By mad
Isn’t it nice to receive praise from others, especially others you respect. Each time I read a blog or nice comment on my garden pictures from someone on GoY I feel as though I’ve been given a Gold Star. People are so generous on this site, thank you once again. Some are from names I haven’t explored yet, so then I have to search for them, and look at their’s. I am so amazed at what people do in their gardens. As Geoff Hamilton said we all create our little bit of Paradise in our gardens.
10 Sep, 2009
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Mad, i agree about the Gold Star bit, it really boosts your confidence doesn' it ? :)
10 Sep, 2009
Yes it does'e Louise, you sort of know your garden looks good, but you need someone to agree, Dont you. LOL
10 Sep, 2009
Dee and Louise....
Your gardens look VERY good ! :o)
Gold stars to you both... xxx
10 Sep, 2009
That works Terra, thank you :))))
Daisy, yes you do. Especially when the significant other in your life can't do it - wouldn't know a blade of grass from a rose :(
10 Sep, 2009
When I've read a blog & forgotten to 'like the blog' I go back in & do it!
10 Sep, 2009
Recent posts by mad
- Waste not want not
6 Sep, 2010
- Some photos of the house in Italy
13 Aug, 2010
- My daughter in Italy
12 Aug, 2010
- Big baby teeth, and all.
10 Jul, 2010
- An Optical illusion - I hope
8 Jul, 2010
- Chelsea
25 May, 2010
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Gardening with friends since
9 Aug, 2009 -
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21 Jun, 2009 -
Gardening with friends since
10 Nov, 2008 -
Gardening with friends since
22 Oct, 2008
I've just given this blog a "like" so there is another "gold star" for you, Mad. In one of my recent blogs I've written about "golden trowel days" ~ anniversaries of when members joined GoY !
You've certainly made a welcome impact on GoY since you've become a member. Nice to have you on this group. :o)
10 Sep, 2009