June 7th
By marann
Sat in the garden on the 7th’
We were lucky to see the Planes taking part in the rememberance services
that were being held on the Normandy Beaches. they were very close to us going over head
The pony that is across the road from us was not very happy as they were very low and he would make a quick retreat to his stable every time they came over.
But they were not the only visitor that we had as we sat there a Jay came to have a look around, he was very interested in the montana hedge where the sparrows have made there home.
9 Jun, 2009
More blog posts by marann
Previous post: Nantes flower show
Thankyou it has taken me a long time to work out how to add the words and photo's
9 Jun, 2009
lovley blog , the pony is so cute looking Marann
9 Jun, 2009
I love the Jay such a beautiful bird, sadly dont see much of them living down south.
9 Jun, 2009
Your Jays R different from ours?? ours are Blue jays or steelar Jays, very "naughty" birds. Good on you for persisting & doing this blog with photos.
9 Jun, 2009
Hi Marann great blog and good shots, My Brother and Sister-in-law from Ireland are over your way at the moment staying in Villedieu-les-Poeles (hope I spelt that right) for a holiday.
10 Jun, 2009
Thank you for the comments .yes Bobq I think you are right it looks right hope they have a good time we love it here, we have been here for seven and a half years and wish we could have come before.
10 Jun, 2009
Great blog Marann good photos.
10 Jun, 2009
Recent posts by marann
- Nantes flower show
28 May, 2009
- Our english Garden
27 Mar, 2009
- Australian Forest distroyd
27 Mar, 2009
- Will this weather last
22 Mar, 2009
- The master
20 Mar, 2009
13 Mar, 2009
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Interesting blog, Marann, with good photos.
Well done :o)
9 Jun, 2009