Growsonyou & funny codes???
I always enjoy looking through the Growsonyou site at least once a day, preferably twice if i have time. I must admit that it’s taking longer to check all the blogs and pictures each time i come on as there are so many – But they are all good pictures, some are brilliant / stunning – and i really appreciate the chance of looking through them (i’m sure i’m not the only one that enjoys looking). When i add pictures myself there are always positive comments, which gives encouragement to continue with taking pictures of the plants and adding them to the site, Wonderful stuff!
I must admit that i am starting to get a bit bemused (if thats the right word) with all the funny little codes – i think lol is laugh, but i don’t think i know any others. It would be useful if there was some kind of list of these codes and their meanings to enable people, like me that tries to guess what the codes mean by the words around them, to know what exactly is meant. There seems to be more codes appearing as of late. Perhaps i’m just a bit slow at picking them up.
29 May, 2008
Previous post: Best Dibleys display i've seen yet!
Next post: 8 pages from yahoo answers - now i'm really confused!!
LMAO = laugh my ass off / Wink ; )
29 May, 2008
its true mark that it is taking longer each day to go thru all the photos and blogs... i love checking them all out, ive gotten some great ideas too from other members of goy
29 May, 2008
I know what you mean Mark I have to get up that bit earlier to look at all the photos that have been posted
29 May, 2008
I think i shall have to start getting up earlier, the clock wizzes round so quickly, but i just want to finish looking through the new pictures that have been put up since i last looked - don't want to miss any!
I've written those codes on a post-it-note and stuck it on the front of the computer screen for reference, Thanks for pointing these out.
29 May, 2008
Another lol -" lots of love " Barb
29 May, 2008
You are right it does take ages to get through all the blogs and pictures, i've been sat at my laptop for over an hour. talking of shortening words, i keep wonting to right as if im texting people.
29 May, 2008
Must admit that texting is not something that i have ever done, never - don't know why.
lol, laugh out loud and lots of love - i've added that to my list, thanks.
29 May, 2008
Well, I'm finally back online here at home after a 3-week absence. Don't know how I'll ever catch up now with everything - but I'll try. I began by looking at all your new begonia pics, btw (meaning;- by the way). Great plants!
29 May, 2008
Welcome back David. Well, I say that for all of us who have a job to go to, we should all take an extra day off so that we have plenty of time for GOY as it grows :)
29 May, 2008
Hi Mike! What a gr8 idea! Until recently, I was able to sneak on here now and again at work, but the site has succumbed to a filter which blocks anything with message boards and forums - damn!
30 May, 2008
gr8 ? probably great. I'll have to add that one to my list aswell. Yes I'm no good with this new text language either. How many more are there? and Crispook pointed out to me about the smiley faces. I thought people had hit the wrong keys by mistake. I don't turn my head sideways to look at them incase I have a crick, lol.
That was the first one I learnt when I sent in a blog asking what it meant.
30 May, 2008
Hi David its been quite without u ( u make so much noise ) lol ,So what pics u got 2 load then? :) I get on GOY @least twice a day :) im lucky as im out work @ mo (If u call that lucky ) when weathers bad i get on here more as i cant garden with my soil being more clay in the new Beds i started back in feb .Its a great site as weve all agred in the past :)Id certainly be lost now with out my GOY Friends &the chat&knowledge im still gaining XXX
30 May, 2008
heres another one OMG oh my god as in poor spritz,,, flash flooding is really bad down her way, i was just watching it on the news.
30 May, 2008
You need a BBOA.
Big Book Of Abreviations.
30 May, 2008
When i read what they do mean / stand for, they do make sense, if i can remember them all - have to keep my list in place (started another post-it-note list).
I wonder who thought of them all, or are they just created as people type (and then catch on with others).
30 May, 2008
I think youve got it - they just catch on and more along the way as they are developed with all the phone texting etc. Ttyl - talk to you later!
30 May, 2008
Go to if you really want to freak yourself out with a whole new language!!
30 May, 2008
Hi Jacque! Glad to be back, dear! I have so many pics that the Spring ones are now out of date - sigh! Anyhow, here's one of my own for everyone here who grows stuff - GOYM8! - not GrowsonYou (the affectionate term for this site), but "Good on Ya, Mate! As (the seemingly irritating) Mr Titchmarsh often said, "Whatever the weather this weekend...enjoy your garden" everyone!
31 May, 2008
I've been looking at some of the codes, and i think i will try using them (or some anyway) it feels a bit like another language, but using it is the only way i will get used to it and understand what others mean when they use these codes.
31 May, 2008
Grammazoo, for some reason i couldn't get through to the site you mentioned to freak me out. But when i looked on Yahoo Answers someone else had asked the same question. There were 8 pages, so i've put some of it in a new blog - it might be of use to others in the same boat as me.
I think i've seen on this sight :( which i assume to be the opposite of :) but i haven't quite worked out :O or :D are these supposed to be an expression like the smiley face ones???
1 Jun, 2008
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lol = laugh out loud
And on the same track:
rofl - rolls on floor laughing
pmsl = pisses myself laughing
:-) and this is a smiley, turn your head on the side and look at it
29 May, 2008