8 pages from yahoo answers - now i'm really confused!!
Funny codes continued. I put read the same question on Yahoo Answers and there were 8 pages i printed. I noticed that some were repeated, i think i missed out the one’s down twice. If it’s any help to anybody else this is the list of funny codes that i found
;) or ;-) = wink. 8) or :) or :-) or {:^) = smiley face = happy. IMHO (imho) = in my humble opinion/in my honest opinion. IRL= in real life. AFK= away from keyboard. Noob/Newbie= Beginner, Novice user. LMAO= Laughing my ass off. LOL (lol) Laugh out loud/ Lots of love. BBIAB= be back in a bit. BBIAM= be back in a minute. BBL= be back later. BRB= be right back. BTW= by the way. OT= off topic. ROFL= rolling on the floor laughing. ROFLNAO= rolling on the floor laughing my ass off. Pmsl= Pisses myself laughing. 2moro= Tomorrow. 2nite= Tonight. BTW= by the way. B4N= Bye for now. BCNU= be seeing you. BFF= Best friends forever. CYA= cover your ass. CUL= see you later. WTF= What the F**k. DBEYR= Don’t believe everything you read. DILLIGAS= Do i look like i give a s**t. FUD= Fear, uncertainty and Disinformation. FWIW= for what it’s worth. Gr8= great. ILY= I love you. ISO= In search of. J/K= just kidding. L8R= Later. LYLAS= Love you like a sister. MHOTY= My hat’s off to you. NIMBY= Not in my back yard. NP= No problem. NUB – it stands for a new person. OIC= Oh i see. OMG= Oh my God. POV= Point of view. RBTL= Read between the lines. RT= Real time. RTM= Read the manual. SH= S**t happens. SITD= Still in the dark. SOL= S**t out of luck. STBY= Sucks to be you. SWAK= Sealed with a kiss. TFH= Thread from hell. THX= Thanks. TLC= Tender loving care. TMI= Too much information. TTYL= Talk to you later. TYVM= Thank you very much. VBG= Very big grin. WEG= Wicked evil grin. WYWH= Wish you were here. XOXO – it means Hugs and Kisses. HFWPOH= Hit forehead with palm of hand. IMO= In my opinion.
I might try a few, but don’t think i will start to learn the new language, i will keep the list in case i need to know what someone elses is writing about.
Two i couldn’t find were :O & :D ? Does anyone know what two dots and an O means and two dots and a D??? I guess that :( means the opposite to happy!
1 Jun, 2008
Previous post: Growsonyou & funny codes???
Next post: Fuel price concerns
IMO TMI LOL ~ In my opinion Too much information
Must laugh!!!!
1 Jun, 2008
There's also WYSIWYG=what you see is what you get.
I think :0 and :D are surprised and laughing respectively (again, view them sideways on). And yes :( is the opposite of :)
1 Jun, 2008
Well I think I'll just give up INRAT ( I'll Never Remember All That ) !
1 Jun, 2008
Just ask any teenager!
1 Jun, 2008
OMG Mark what you started ? Happy in my ignorance now realise messages within message may mean something quite different.Think I ll stick to long hand .
1 Jun, 2008
And snail mail instead of e-mail?
1 Jun, 2008
It's no wonder some teenagers leave school & still can't spell or compose a decent letter/C.V. "Speaking from personal experience here."
1 Jun, 2008
I absolutely refuse to learn all that lot! How can anybody understand a message written in those codes? Not me. :-( I shall stick to the very few I know. ;-)
1 Jun, 2008
As i said i've no intention of learning this new language, i'll stick to writing what i know. (my list is just to try to understand if others use it). I am sure teenagers do understand this code language, as they probably use it all the time. Messages within messages - some codes have more than one meaning! I certainly still use a lot of snail mail, although i do use some email now. I can see now why teenagers do leave school not able to spell real words etc. They use code language. I certainly would have difficulty understanding that lot, if somebody did write in those codes i think i would be hours trying to work out what it said - even with my list. lol :-)
1 Jun, 2008
I'm sorry, but I'm sticking to writing everything in full!
I enjoy the English language!
3 Jun, 2008
I think we should all talk a language that will go over all the kids' heads so they'll ignore us, look at us in a strange way as if we're all aliens, grunt, shrug their shoulders and walk off in a huff insisting they're right.
Oh, sorry ! Of course, how silly of me, s'already 'appened !
3 Jun, 2008
Well, this is a gardening site Marksbegonias, you planted a seed there and wow ! just look how its grown !!
3 Jun, 2008
:-D I'ts nice to read all these comments along the same thoughts as i have. I wrote a blog because i was seeing some codes i didn't understand, thought i would try to discover what they meant, looked a bit too hard (i think) and came up with a list which i thought i would add it to see if anyone else would be interested. OMG what a lot of comments saying that everyone else, nearly, prefers longhand as well (i am pleased that there are others that feel the same as i do), and enjoy the real English language.
I shall try to use one or two funny codes sometimes (rarely) when i think about it, such as laugh out loud, oh my god, and smiley faces. It is amusing to think of this as the language that Kids don't understand as opposed to the codes being a language that i don't understand. Never thought of a blog as planting a seed before, but you are certainly right cluelesskev, it has grown - loads of comments, shows how strongly we all feel here at growsonyou about writing properly rather than in strange codes. :-)
4 Jun, 2008
It's that irritating mobile phone language. Costs less to send I think.
29 Jun, 2008
Recent posts by marksbegonias
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- Plants moved into greenhouse
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- email from Shrewsbury show!
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- @ Tatton Park
22 Jul, 2010
Not quite sure why a line has appeared through some of this information ;) or ;-) = wink. 8) or :) or :-) or {:^) = smiley face = happy.
Some has decided to turn bold, and the *marks have vanished. e.g. WTF= what the f**k (four letter word)
SH= Shit happens. etc. HFWPOH.
1 Jun, 2008