My favourite time of year
By marshmallow
This is the view up my garden just now. You can’t see any of the definition from this angle but I like all the lush growth and am pleased with the colours and all the fresh green.
The new pergola has actually been built. Paul designed it and he and my son built it over one of the long weekends. We are looking for some new slabs as the old ones are very uneven and always look dirty.
My younger son took this picture. He has discovered the macro setting on my camera and usually only takes very close shots of plants and insects, some very good too. We asked him to take some of the work in progress and this is what he came up with.
Here is my tiny grapevine. Already looking beautiful. I wanted it for the lovely leaves and so we had to build the pergola for it to go over. Ho hum. It will look better when we get some new slabs around it and something to cover the metalwork
This is the star of the show at the moment.
Here is my Rosa rugosa which smell heavenly but has lethal thorns.
I am very pleased with my bean plants so far. I would not normally plant them out this early but the weather has been so good I thought I would risk it. If frost threatens, I’ll run out with some fleece. They are in quite a shelterd place so I’m looking forward to the beans…
Here my iris hedge. The real colour does not show up too well on this photo. They are a lovely purpley blue. This hedge happened by accident really. I was reducing some clumps and I put some here in my vegetable garden to use for cutting. That was about 3 years ago. They have spread and joined up. I’ve left the compost heap in the picture to show Aneagilis194 that not all of my garden is beautiful (although I do love my compost heap). The hedge hides it somewhat and I am hoping that the sweet peas and squash will grow and cover the wigwam behind.
My green house is full:
So we have built this temporary cold frame which will be there for a few more weeks and then brassicas will go in this plot.
11 May, 2011
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You have a lovely garden. It seems to go on for ever lol. And your greenhouse is being made good use of I can see. Good luck and I hope you enjoy your fresh vegetables :)
12 May, 2011
My kind of garden, Love it!
12 May, 2011
Thank you. Yes, our son does have an eye for the photo. His close ups are good too. I'll put some on sometime.
12 May, 2011
Goodness me - how healthy your plants look and what a lot you have growing - well done.
13 May, 2011
Fabulous Clematis with so many flowers ... you'll love sitting beneath the vine covered pergola in the Summer months ... well done on the design and construction ... : o ))
13 May, 2011
Thank you. I confess to being an addict. At this time of year I do wonder why I am growing so much from seed. I have run out of space in greenhouse and garden but I'll fit it all in somehow.
14 May, 2011
Recent posts by marshmallow
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5 May, 2010
Gosh you've been busy, your garden is beautiful, and productive! The iris 'hedge' is really unusual and it has worked out well for you, very useful, and you can't say that very often about an iris, although they are gorgeous! I know what you mean about the rugosa rose, m&s have them surrounding their car park, and they smell fantastic, then when you get out of your car...the thorns tear you to shreds! Maybe it's to make you go in and buy more clothes! Finally, that pergola is a work of art, beautifully designed and executed! Complete stunner! And tell you son his pics are great too, he has a good eye for a dramatic shot, well done!
11 May, 2011