I wasn't disappointed with the second programme.
By meadowland
‘Your Garden made Perfect ’ aired its second programme last night….I may be in the minority, but I wasn’t disappointed….well,the chosen garden I certainly didn’t like…it was more like a beer garden or a builders site.The flock of geese I did love…
The husband did admit he was a party animal though, maybe for that family it was the right decision.
The male designer was spot on with his open and airy plan…grasses were just right allowing you to see through and beyond…..and how nice to update the pond.(Memory of the owner’s father) The pergola didn’t dominate either.All in all,that should have won.
The lower budget garden design was so apt for the younger aged group.What a transformation.
The programme is so refreshing compared with current ones.Last night the visit to the sculpture garden was interesting.,one I haven’t visited.
How did you all feel about it?
12 Feb, 2021
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Julia - so glad you’ve posted this - I agree with every word! I was so cross with the chosen design that it kept me awake ... far too many uprights, which made the garden seem smaller because overcrowded. I felt sympathy for the couple who had agonised over the choice ... I wished they could have talked more to the designers, maybe asking for minor changes before it was built. Surely they didn’t really want a dance floor?! Yes, the other one wasn’t perfect, but might have suited the wife better.
In my experience, in “real life”, I loved the design I was offered, but didn’t want some of his “Chelsea” type touches, saying that I just wanted an informal, relaxing space. He was fine with that. Maybe sometimes it’s difficult for the couples to describe exactly what they would like.
12 Feb, 2021
The content is interesting, particularly the public gardens they visit to illustrate 'types'. The main grouse I would have with the whole programme is the constant repetition of points they have already made, making the programme far longer than it needs to be and treating the viewer as if they are all slow of understanding. (This is a theme in so many factual tv. programmes at the moment, IMHO). And the "wowing" by the presenter is grating. I think if I watch any more I shall be "fast-forwarding" and probably "muting" the presenter!
12 Feb, 2021
That’s a great idea, Ange. It drove us mad too, so I’ll be fast-forwarding next time. When I did a garden design course in 2006, luckily we just used set squares and compasses ... I’d have been hopeless with CGI!
12 Feb, 2021
Cheap, cynical tv., Sheila. Stretch what could be said in 30 minutes over an hour with repetition of pictures and voiceover. No extra cost but bigger timeslot filled.
I must admit I would be hopeless with set-squares and compasses, never mind CGI!
13 Feb, 2021
It was a dream come true for me Ange, AND I sat at a proper technical drawing easel!
13 Feb, 2021
Hi Julia, I have to admit, I wasn’t keen on the chosen design. There was a lot of hardscaping. It did look a bit like the builders were half way through a job with the ‘scaffolding’ look. It was a bit sad the pond had been removed entirely, the other design had incorporated his Dad’s memory which was nice.
Last week, I was watching repeats of “Big dreams small spaces” with Monty. I was in bed and it was on in the evenings on ‘together’ - a tv channel.
I really enjoyed this first time round and still loved watching it on repeat.
13 Feb, 2021
I didn't like it at all, but I'm not sure they really wanted a garden, to grow plants, perhaps they just wanted a flat area to dance round in & entertain. I hated that great ugly pagoda, so I switched off. Did it all get nicely planted up?
Not a garden for me! Has anyone been watching Monty Don's gardens that he's been visiting in America? (Repeats I expect), but so beautiful & old trees to die for.
Wish I could have been there with him on his tour.
I agree with all the points raised about dumming down & padding out on tv. My other pet hate is background music/
silly sounds, even when people are speaking. Why is it necessary? I'm forever turning the sound down but then I have to read subtitles, not so nice. We ought to have a choice, whether we want it or not.
13 Feb, 2021
Yes, .Monty is always so watchable ... knowledgeable and modest. Last night he was asked “ Do you have a garden?” and he just nodded saying I have a garden, when he could have said “I broadcast to the nation every week!”
13 Feb, 2021
Didn’t see the program you were referring to but Feverfew seen the American gardens with Monty Don when the were first shown it was a lovely series they were fabulous gardens .
15 Feb, 2021
Julia, I hope OH will be sharing some pics of his progression, it sounds like a fab project! Thankfully as you say, the weather is improving..just in time.
Have to say, I always enjoy Monty’s travels around the world seeking out fabulous gardens. Loved the Italian one he did a few years back.
15 Feb, 2021
Julia, the third episode of Your Garden made Perfect was fantastic. The young man’s, Tom’s, design was SO imaginative, I was just blown away! You’ll enjoy it, I’m sure 🙂.
18 Feb, 2021
Have to agree, Julia..I couldn’t believe it was 60 thousand pounds worth! I didn’t like the pathways either. They looked like they had been wacker plated awaiting the next stage.
The pond/lake wasn’t like the plan, it was missing some of the stepping stones and oak bridges. I appreciate the team returned in the cooler months when the trees were bare, but, I don’t think it was worth the money to be honest.
Yes, the lower budget garden was better value, but, yes, felt a bit too closed in.
19 Feb, 2021
A lot of the budget possibly went on the labour to build the lake, with boulders etc. But I was glad to see the changes because that must have meant the owners had tweaked he design so that the garden was perfect for them. I would like to have had a plant list because I loved those bronze grasses!
19 Feb, 2021
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I enjoyed the programme as well and liked the male designers garden best. Saw sheep in the field, with the picket fence gone how long before they are eating the flowers? unless there is something at the back of the border not shown. The first programme I saw people were upset about monkey puzzle tree going, but left it would have overshadowed the whole garden as with the hedge not suitable as gets too wide for average garden. There seems to be much better materials about now for decking if one has to have it for different levels. Just goes to show how are needs and likes are rightly different.
12 Feb, 2021