What are we looking forward to this year?
By meanie
As everything is now coming along nicely and we have come to terms with our winter losses, I got to wondering what other people are looking forward to this season.
One of the spurs for this thought was seeing that my yellow Penstemon is close to opening. Although a small plant, a yellow one was too good to pass by.
After that, the next one to look forward to is a plant that has frustrated me for a few years – Hymenocallis festalis. The flower stem on one of the bulbs is now very prominent, whilst the other bulb has produced eight offsets so far in addition to the main shoot.
Later in the year, I’m hoping to see my seed grown Plumbago bloom.
I also have three bulbs for Scadoxus multiflorus, but they are so incredibly slow that I fear I may fail with this beauty…..
And finally, this years big project – Erythrina crista-galli. I’ve had the best growth ever this year and, touch wood, it has remained spider mite free so far. So, all things being equal, I’m optimistic that I may finally get this to bloom. The link below is to the photo that I took at the botanic gardens last summer…….
So, what are you guys looking forward to?
26 May, 2011
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Nothing sad about that Mariek - mine undergo daily inspections and I can tell you what has buds forming or not!!!!
27 May, 2011
I didn't manage to get much in the ground last year, since getting the house habitable was the priority...but, I'm waiting and watching to see if a little chocolate cosmos, which has reappeared despite all the odds, will come into flower!
All the clematis have already been and gone, except one armandii which has decided to flower again and is lovely.
I'm also watching an amazing Lagerstroemia, which I inherited, come into bud. It's enormous and has been in the earth longer than I've been on it...thankyou, Mme. Huret!
Apart from that, most of my garden was only planted this year and, like Mariek, I'm really looking forward to seeing all the plants fill out and flourish...
...although...I'm particularly drawn to my new little campanula punctata, malva sylvestris and hydrangea quercifolia....!
27 May, 2011
good blog, mostly i've started a new project this year andean and south american plants, got the seed from a friend that visited there and have got a challenge to grow them..
not all have been successful but only time will tell..
27 May, 2011
Karen - watch that Campanula! Mine are trying to take over!
Surreylad - There are some lovely plants to be had there!
27 May, 2011
yes that's what i was thinking, i have some in their second year of growth so hopefully next year or the year after they may flower, but started properly this year.
27 May, 2011
looking in my garden every morning carnt beleave how it changes day to day , i love it .................. but my rose arch is wot i am looking 4 ward tooo now .
27 May, 2011
When my Mother died last year I took bits from her favourite plants and moved most of her pot grown plants to grow in my garden. In their first year here it has been a case of ensuring they survived, I'm pleased to say there haven't been many casualties (mainly heathers and her mimosa which had been hard hit in the '09-10 winter) . This year I am getting better aquainted with their individual needs and enjoying integrating them into my garden. She had several lavenders which are just budding and colour is beginning to show in the buds of my Father's rhododendron. I am looking forward to her japanese anemones and hardy fuchsia producing more flower this year.
I am also enjoying my daughter's delight in creating her own garden. The very neglected and overgrown garden that she and her boyfriend aquired last year is gradually turning into a traditional cottage garden in her care, complete with veg patch and chickens.
28 May, 2011
I'm looking forward to a garden I can look after and keep tidier than last year. I have put some slabs down and have my plants round the edges so that I can get to them - to tame them lol
My plumbago is flowering already so looking forward to that aswell :)
28 May, 2011
I'm looking forward to seeing the rambling rose 'Rambling Rector' clamber up to the top of the new arbour, my neighbours removing the Bindweed from their side of the fence as it comes through to my garden! Also, the grapes on the vine we planted last year, ornamental, won't make a good vintage from them!
28 May, 2011
Good blog Meanie - only just seen it (not to worry!) - so I WAS looking forward to seeing my Cleome-from-seed in flower (they are now), seeing a flower on my 2-year old Chaenomales 'apple blossom' (yes!), and seeing my Trillium flower again (no, but still alive).
18 Jul, 2011
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There is just so much to look forward to in our garden at this time of year. Although most of my plant are quite small I still have some buds on them - salvia, poppies, roses (one of which I moved earlier so am pleased that it's got blooms on at all), lavender.
Sad person that I am, I even get excited to see just one flower.
What I'm looking forward to mostly this year though is to see all my plants fill out as most of them were very small when I planted them.
27 May, 2011