Time is a-tickin'...
By mebennet
The cucumbers are not gone. I shed a lonely tear. It seems that disease doesnt take long to devastate crops. Lessons learned. On the plus side…time to make gherkins?
Life moves on, cucumbers have been harvested and room has been made for my lovely melon plant. Lets hope all that extra space will get her putting out lovely melons. Lets just say, the plant aint generous with her female flowers! Just for fun, here’s today’s harvest. Next year: Market stall!
Pretty typical harvest at the moment. The potatoes are just looovely. Im secretly enjoying that no one is showing up to the “open” school gardening days! More for us
Oh, the school yard has this nice crab apple tree. I’m going to make some crab apple jelly. I think I’ll do a post with recipe.
Above are the Barlotta Lingua di Fuoco drying beans. I’m struggling to be patient and keep these on the plant. I’ve been naughty and tried one. They arent that great raw. I am looking forward to seeing how many we get for winter soups cooked in the classroom in the middle of January!
You know when you guy fancy smancy dried beans at the supermarket? Well these are Black Turtle Beans from the health food isle at Tescos. I tried Mung and Adzuki beans too but I reckon Britain isnt tropical enough for them. The turtle beans are fattening up nicely in their pods and have many beans on each plant. Maybe I can start a new trend?
I am waiting with anticipation to see whether or not my seed-down hollyhocks will flower this season. I know its late and I’m optimistic but they look like they really want to peek out and say “hello”. Anticipation…
15 Aug, 2009
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Recent posts by mebennet
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14 Aug, 2009
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