Summer Containers
By melchisedec
Here are some of the containers I definitely was not going to plant up this summer. I’m quite glad I did, though!
I have had Hosta “Blue Moon” for years, in a fairly small pot. I potted it on a couple of years ago and it has almost doubled in size. The buds of the flowers look very promising – I shall post a photo when they are fully out :
The petunias have been amazing this year – long-lasting, and huge :
That lovely blue pansy has been flowering for months :
The nicotiana has burgeoned and flowers beautifully, but I can’t detect any scent from it :
After avoiding busy lizzies for a couple of years due to the fungal problem, I risked a few this year, and most (but not all) have been lovely. I am so glad, because I missed them :
Aerial view of summer garden :
16 Jul, 2013
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Lovely, vibrant colour from your containers, Mel. This sun has made such a difference. Aerial view of your garden is great; from private jet, helicopter or bedroom window?
16 Jul, 2013
Thank you, Anujag. I am so glad you enjoyed the blog.
Tuesdaybear - from the helicopter, natch! (So hard to focus properly from the jet...) The sun certainly has made a difference. Quite apart from the containers, the perennials in the borders are soaking it up. The roses are better than they have been for years.
16 Jul, 2013
Lovely relaxed planting - bet you're glad you did the containers after all. I didn't do as many this year, expecting another horrible wet summer...
16 Jul, 2013
Thank you, Steragram. Well - this weather has come as quite a surprise after our recent experiences. I didn't do quite as many as last year, partly because I had some of the larger pots already half planted-up with "left-overs" (like pansies) and so I just topped them up. I would have missed them if I hadn't done them.
16 Jul, 2013
They look lovely and colourful Susanne :)
17 Jul, 2013
They look so good, I bet you're glad you did them now :o)
17 Jul, 2013
Thank you, Sheila and Hywel. I am very glad, even when I'm watering them!
17 Jul, 2013
Gorgeous Mel
17 Jul, 2013
Thanks, Moti!
17 Jul, 2013
Lovely aerial view. Lol.
My busy-lizzies failed (sob), but, like you, I'm pleased with the petunias.
18 Jul, 2013
Thanks, Mouldy. It is so disappointing when the busy lizzies succumb to the awful fungal disease which has affected them recently. They look as if they have been sprayed overnight with weedkiller. I had a New Guinea that collapsed like that (only one, though). I really hope that it was a one-off. Petunias are fab when they are good, though, aren't they? They often sulk in wet weather, but ..... (I daren't say it!!!)
18 Jul, 2013
Fabulous ! how do you keep your hosta looking so good?
18 Jul, 2013
Thank you! I'm not sure, Teddygirljacqui! I lost all my others. It has always been in a shady position, and has really taken off since I potted it on a couple of years ago (it is about 10 years old). I am very pleased with it!
19 Jul, 2013
What a picture they all look - imagine if you hadn't done them what you'd be missing?!!
By the way I saw daffodil bulbs on sale in a nearby garden centre yesterday in case you are thinking ahead!!!
4 Aug, 2013
Oh my - so the seasons turn, Wildrose! My crocosmia is almost out. It always reminds me that summer is progressing fast. I have to admit, though, that September is my favourite month (I was born on the 1st, so perhaps I'm biased). I love the quality of the light, and the sense of new beginnings (I worked in Education all my life - it is always the start of the year for me) and Autumn is so beautiful...
4 Aug, 2013
Ah, but you had the satisfaction of seeing them growing.
We, I got nothing.
8 baskets & 4 planters & not a sausage!
5 Aug, 2013
Are you saying that all your containers failed, Mouldy? What a pity! I wonder why?
5 Aug, 2013
Bless you, no, Mel, just the busy-lizzies + what the squirrels bit, then discarded bulb-wise. Lol.
9 Aug, 2013
Well - I'm glad to hear that, Mouldy.
9 Aug, 2013
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Fantastic containers! 'I will most definitely not plant containers this year' is the most common last words before spring arrives and all of us succumb to the planting bug! Lovely bright colours in your garden. Thanks for sharing. I saw your previous blog only now. I was not even a member when you wrote it. Loved reading it!
16 Jul, 2013