All in a day's work!
By merfyn_james
It’s nice finishing work at about 1.30pm ~ but not so nice having to get up at 5.30am to go to work! Still, never mind, it gives me the afternoon to spend in the garden, dreaming up ideas for the future. I’ll have a sneaky little measure up for the proposed mini greenhouse as well, just to see where it’ll best fit. Plus, after I finish work on Thursday I’ve got ten whole days off! Woo hoo!
For some reason I didn’t sleep very well last night, and was wide awake at 4am. I’ve got the season’s first camera club meeting tonight, which won’t finish till about 10.30pm, and then it’s a 20 minute drive home. I’ll be shattered by then no doubt.
My ten days off will be spread between my garden and my camera ~ as usual, so it’s quite weather dependent what I’ll do. I’ll get some bulbs in tomorrow for dear Mrs James ~ she’s bought loads of them for some reason. How many containers does she think I’ve got? Never mind, it’ll put a smile on her lovely face ~ bless her little cottons!
Go on ~ have a go! Which famous film is this scene in the attached picture from. Let’s see who gets it right first!!
7 Sep, 2009
Previous post: A change of plants!
Next post: Getting rather excited!
No; not The Birds Mookins! Have another go! x
7 Sep, 2009
Free willy?
x x x
7 Sep, 2009
Key Largo?
7 Sep, 2009
Dont think Ive see n Key Largo, whos in it?
x x x
7 Sep, 2009
No. You're both wrong again! It is quite a famous film. I'll give you a clue:
It's a period romantic film. Meryl Streep!!!!!
7 Sep, 2009
Fatal attraction?
x x x
7 Sep, 2009
I've got to give it to you Mookins - you're a trier! But you're still wrong as well!!! LOL x
7 Sep, 2009
heheheh... you made me chuckle
im racking my brain but cannot think of anything else
unles its the spot where Harold Bishop got washed away in Neighbours...but I doubt it
x x x
7 Sep, 2009
LMAO!!!!! Absolutely nothing to do with Neighbours, and I haven't been to Oz so I couldn't have taken the photo. It was made in the UK.
7 Sep, 2009
Great pic but have absolutely no idea...last guess Mamma Mia?
x x x
Oh and hubby just called me stupid as Fatal attraction was Glenn Close!!
x x x
7 Sep, 2009
The French Lieutenants Woman?
7 Sep, 2009
YES! The French Lieutenant's Woman it is! It is a picture of the famous Cob in Lyme Regis. Well done Robert (I presume your name is Robert???)
7 Sep, 2009
Key Largo was a bumphrey goghcart film mookins!
8 Sep, 2009
I can clearly see that you're a film buff Mookins! LOL x
8 Sep, 2009
well done Rbtkew
Indy is that meant to be Humphrey Bogart... you trying to make me look sillier than I do hehe
x x x ashamed am usually quite good ... no actually I am rubbish hehehe
x x x
8 Sep, 2009
doh missed out on this one, like a good quiz lol, nice pic and good luck with the plans merfyn :o)
8 Sep, 2009
Me too Sanbaz...never mind...probably wouldn't have got it right!! That ol' Merfyn..he's a bit of a romantic eh? :0)
8 Sep, 2009
no im rubbish at quizz`s yes he is an ol romantic, bless
8 Sep, 2009
Not such a romantic today ladies - I've got a stinking head cold (man flu!!). Still, I suppose the Indian meal tonight will sort it out! I hope it will anyway, because I've got a six-hour drive to Wales tomorrow - straight after work!
9 Sep, 2009
Mookins thats what I said, Bumphrey Goghcart, hows that confusing?
9 Sep, 2009
get a few hot toddies down you merfyn, hope you feel better
10 Sep, 2009
Second warning do not bring it up with you mate stay there and infect those sais surrounding you!!!
11 Sep, 2009
Poor old Merf! I thought I was the only one who had to be up and about for work at 5.30 every day! Dark, innit?
I've not seen 'The French Lieutenant's Woman' for years. I thought it was a dreadful film! But a clever still to get people guessing, nevertheless!
17 Sep, 2009
Not my sort of film either, Bscott! But that scene is quite likeable!
17 Sep, 2009
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The Birds?
x x x
7 Sep, 2009