By Misscupcake
United Kingdom
ID please :O)
Hey guys if anyone can ID this plant/shrub I would be very grateful. I planted it last year but stupidly forgot to write down what it is. It seems a little unruly and doesn't really have any shape but lot's of vines which before I staked where everywhere. Any ideas on what it is or what to do with it would be much appreciated :O)

8 Sep, 2011
Leaves don't look leathery enough for that, do they Julien? Not sure myself, doesn't look dark enough green either. It's a twining climber for sure, but those leaves look like they're deciduous to me...
8 Sep, 2011
It's not Jasmine beesianum?
8 Sep, 2011
Yes thats what i was thinking the leaves dont look that tough and green, have not seen this jasmine if it is one, could be though looking at the twinning habbit.
8 Sep, 2011
Described as a 'scrambler' in my book - and I recall a question a couple of months ago with a rather straggly out of control plant and it turned out to be Jasmine, beesianum I think... definitely Jasmine, not officinale or polyanthus or nudiflorum, that I do recall.
8 Sep, 2011
Just googled it and looks very similar to what you are stating Bamboo, cheers ive learnt a new plant.
8 Sep, 2011
It looks exactly like that one some time ago that was scrambling over the neighbour's fence. Someone in Scotland asked the question, I think. There was a lot of discussion but I think Jasminum beesianum won the day in the end. I wonder if it's still fighting back over the fence?
8 Sep, 2011
Yep, that's the query I was thinking of - I didn't recognise it at the time, but checking later, it was that - so I remembered the beesanium bit right then, that's a relief, I couldn't quite recall the variety.
8 Sep, 2011
Oh thanks guys. I think you're right too, I was sure I remembered planting a jasmine last year this must be it. It looks tawfully unruly. Any ideas on what to do with it? Maybe an obelisk or do you think I should lift and replant in a more appropriate place? This is right under my front window!
8 Sep, 2011
That is not Jasmine.
8 Sep, 2011
I had a look and it is definitely Jasminum beesianum. It looks exactely the same and it also gets those red/pink flowers on it. I think I will lift it and give it a more appropriate home. Perhaps in my woodland that gets more sunshine than where it currently is. It could perhaps grow it along my fence?!
8 Sep, 2011
It's exactly the same as the nightmare one in my neighbour's garden and over my hedge..Jasminium Beesianum.
Most of it has been removed, it just keeps reappearing - but I will not be defeated. They don't want to use weedkiller on it - as it may kill everything else.
Be carefull misscupcake - it sprouts up everywhere!!
You would need a 20ft obelisk before long if it grows like my neighbours one. If you look back at my question history you will see the picture I posted and the comments and advice I was given.
Here is a link to my question
8 Sep, 2011
There we are, I knew it was someone Scottish! ;-)
I have two of these - been in a bit over a year and neither one is flourishing. Miniscule little flowers and a little bit of spindly growth.
9 Sep, 2011
Misscupcake, you can expect it to get 15 feet tall and up to 8 feet wide - find a spot where it can do that if it wants (needs to be sunny, preferably) and give it a good strong support, such as a rigid trellis, to scramble up, tie in unruly growths as they appear.
9 Sep, 2011
Thanks Bamboo for that advice but I think it will have to go. I checked your link Scottish and it has quite frankly scared me. It looks like the whomping willow out of Harry Potter. Beattie you are more than welcome to this one if you like? I'm afraid it will be too much for my garden :O(
Thanks everyone for helping me before it took over!
9 Sep, 2011
Thanks Misscupcake, but TBH, when I saw the problem plant that Scottish has been battling, I was very relieved that mine are little one foot high weakings..... Now I'm keeping a beady eye on them in case they make a takeover bid.
9 Sep, 2011
No worries Beattie but I will warn you, I planted mine last year and it stayed a 'weakling' until this summer and then it started to take over.
9 Sep, 2011
Good luck Mcc. Bamboo is right you will need a large support system for it.
According to my neighbour - she brought it from her mother's garden as it was not showing any signs of growing and was a little pathetic looking thing!
I wish she had kept it where it was!!!!! It has sprouted itself almost the full length of my front garden. I am hauling up metres of offshoot or runners or whatever they are called every other week!
9 Sep, 2011
Scary! What HAVE I planted?!
9 Sep, 2011
Oh no that doesn't sound good. As soon as I get home from Mum's on Sun come rain, wind or shine I'm getting it out. I hope it doesn't sprout everywhere.............eeeeeeeek!
9 Sep, 2011
Don't forget Beattie - this one was just left to do it's own thing!! I didn't even pay any attention to it until it was too late! If both of you are able to keep an eye on it it shouldn't become a problem.....touch wood!!!
9 Sep, 2011
It sounds to vigorous to me. Where are all the offshoots coming from? Is the main plant still there or did it seed in your garden?
9 Sep, 2011
I don't know what the techincal name for it is but the main plant has put out runner things from its base and they have layer themself right under and along the hedge.
If I remember when I next get stuck into it I will take pictures for you. It has shoots coming out on the pavement side too!
10 Sep, 2011
Mine started to do that I thought I had those viney weeds growing under the other plants and then realised it was this. It will have to go, it's like a monster!
10 Sep, 2011
Let's be sensible here and take a different view - its only a monster and out of control because you didn't expect it to have this growth habit, nor to be so vigorous, as Scottish's neighbour didn't either. Given the right spot with plenty of room and a good support, it'd be a good plant. This is definitely a case of wrong plant wrong place this time though;-))
10 Sep, 2011
I see what you're saying Bamboo but this plant unfortunately is far too vigorous for my garden. I have nowhere really that I could put this. Also upon closer inspection the vines have spread the full lenght of my house under my front windows. This is only at a year old. I really did underestimate it's capabilities. It will unfortunately have to go. If anybody would like it please let me know.
10 Sep, 2011
Err, no, thanks very much, lol!
11 Sep, 2011
There must be someone out there who can offer this plant good home. You could try post again with a new question offering the plant Misscc.
Poor plant :(
You sure you don't want it Bamboo...:))))))))))))))))
11 Sep, 2011
I'm not usually one for looking a gift horse in the mouth, but in this instance, I'm going to;-)))
11 Sep, 2011
Haha Bamboo are you sure?????? What about you Scottish you sure also? :O) Final answers!!!!
In reality Scottish I do believe you have put everybody off now showing us the pics of your neighbours one ;o)
11 Sep, 2011
Don't even need to phone a friend :)
I'm sure there are hundred of members who have
a. not seen the pictures
b. would like this plant
c. have room for it.
I feel guilty now about putting people of this plant because as Bamboo said in her earlier comments planted in the right place this plant would be great.
11 Sep, 2011
Cor blimey, you and your guilt, Scottish - your pics were a useful demonstration of the need to select the right plant for the right place, and what happens if you don't, so far from feeling guilty, you should be patting yourself on the back!
12 Sep, 2011
Haha Scottish you are funny. In all seriousness though I really appreciate you pointing out the implications of having this plant. I am the one who should feel guilty for purchasing this plant and putting it in such an innapropriate place. You live and you learn........................especially in gardening! A friend of mine may take it though so fear not :O)
12 Sep, 2011
Very true Bamboo, no more guilt :)
I'm glad Mcc x
12 Sep, 2011
Previous question
Is it Clematis armandii ?
8 Sep, 2011