Is it only me...
By mookins
who isnt planting bulbs this year? I see this mad rush of people at the garden centre grabbing these bulbs left right and centre, and I just havent got passion for these?
Ive seen a few I like but am more interested in shrubs and cuttings and seeds.
Im not too bothered about my garden not having colour over winter, especially as Norfolk is usually a soggy, dismal, bloomin cold area. The last thing I want to do is remove snow so the bulbs can be seen!!
Im planning on covering the inside of my greenhouse with bubble wrap as its not a heated one, I have lots of little greenhouse type lids to go over my cuttings and seeds, and will think about giving a en extra bit of heat towards feb march time to help give them a boost.
We dont suffer to badly here with fosts… not that I remember anyway. Its never really been an issue for me. Just got to work out which plants need to go in the greenhouse to be protected.
In the mean time we had a catologue come through today full of seeds!!!
WOW… seed heaven, may have to purchase another greenhouse AND CONVERT the kids bedrooms hehe
One thing for sure is I will definatly be growing some more of these:
Burning bush, this was taken last week, it is now all this beautiful purple/pink colour, gorgeous, going to see how it copes with winter and if its any good I may use it as hedging as my Photinia is not enough (another words Im bored of it)
Right off to get a glass of water, been feeling a bit nauseus past few days…think its the thouoght of the dreaded WINTER!!
x x x
17 Sep, 2009
Previous post: My old man the dustbin man!
Next post: Put in the oven for Cody and me....
I dont think i could ever hate something in the garden, even creeping buttercup which is everywhere is pretty hehe
will have a look,
x x x
17 Sep, 2009
Oh heck Mookins....we really are going to have to try to convert you to bulbs....they give months of colour, from Jan through to May, if you choose the right varieties. I'm on a mission now to try and get you to change your mind,lol.
Off to write a blog now, in praise of bulbs....:)) xx
17 Sep, 2009
here we go again
I think it was Louse and Spritz that finally got me into clematis, but bulbs...nah they just dont do it for me
x x x
17 Sep, 2009
Lol....oh they will...:))
17 Sep, 2009
LOL :)
17 Sep, 2009
I'm not greatly into bulbs but I do love daffodils in the spring, the yellow is so bright and cheery, also little ones like pink and blue chinodoxia and crocus....and hyacinths....and ...well maybe I am into bulbs after all (I've just convinced myself!) LOL
17 Sep, 2009
i didnt use to be bothered eith jen but i have got a few this year as i hate being left out lol, soive put a few in my raised bed where i could find room, and some in pots, but do i water the pots or let nature see to that ? um someone help me there, anyway whats this feel a bit nauseaus jen ! umm your not are you :o)
17 Sep, 2009
LOL! Jen, you've set Di off! I did the same when I said I wasnt into daffys!
The burning bush is gorgeous!!
17 Sep, 2009
Oh, Mookins - we really will have to sort you out, won't we - well done Di - a very good start!
17 Sep, 2009
I'm more concerned about the nausia, any answer Jen? Hu? Hu?
17 Sep, 2009
hehehe what are you like... no I am not pregnant hehehehe
Most of the family have had a sick bug for the past few weeks, both the inlaws sisterin laws 3 kids and my mum and lil Cody so think it maybe my turn, although I may just be having sympathy nausea
now peeps(Ian and sanbaz) stop talking about that if it happens I will hold you two responsible.....thats sounds really weird hehe
but will blame you for talking it up
now Im going to have a good read through the seeds book and spend money I dont have hehehe
x x x
18 Sep, 2009
I put bubble wrap in my greenhouse, no heating but i also besides putting bubble wrap up,i've got shelving with covers on as well so all my plants and seeds etc should be really warm, as for bulbs Sandra i let nature look after them, usually water them when i first put them in but thats it then.
18 Sep, 2009
I can just imagine that conversation with your other half, Jen! LOL!
"Darling I'm pregnant, & its Sanbaz & Ian's fault!"
Hee hee!
18 Sep, 2009
hehe try to get out of that one!!
xx x
18 Sep, 2009
18 Sep, 2009
think of snowdrops mookins, the darkest coldest january day and under the magnolia--snowdrops--
18 Sep, 2009
yes that sounds wonderfull pam :o)
18 Sep, 2009
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I think bulbs are like anything else .... the interest comes 'in time'.
I wasn't interested in them for a long time and a few years ago i got interested - a bit like me and the Dahlias now - not interested until a couple of months ago and now want a collection !!!!
If you picture bulbs as tall Daffodils and Tulips bending or breaking in the winds try looking at the dwarfs and miniatures .... there are some gorgeous things out there.
I wrote a blog a few weeks ago showing which dwarfs and minis i'd just bought !
In 'My Garden' there's a picture of my favourite ever tulip 'Tulip Saxatilis' ..... see if you like that :)
Come to think of it, you might hate it !!!!!
17 Sep, 2009