My old man the dustbin man!
By mookins
He really is a dustbin man bless him, he doesnt have the most pleasnt of jobs but when he was made redundant 2 months after little Cody was born he took the next job he could.Yes he was embarressed to start with and no the money isnt that great at all…. well not he he works for anyway.BUT its a job and he has a laugh so hes happy…
A sprightly young man of 38 (nearly) keen photgrapher since I bought him a little digital olympus camera when we first met. He got more and more frustrated with its limited use and has now this huge thing with various lenses of all sizes, and he talks photographic nonsense if you ask me, ISO and digital noise, RAW, elements blah blah blah. All i know id that the RAW pictures are too big for GOY!!Books and magazines litter the house with information and tricks and tips. Hes signed up for a photography course in Spetember.I havent seen his face for years its either stuck in a photography book or hidden behind the camera.
He says “loook theres a Kestral” or “ive just seen the great bearded greentop warbler” (this one I made up) and me having terrible eye sight am looking everywhere can I see it…. pah… course I cant, they all look the same up in the sky anyway hehehe
Back to the story. He recently entered a competition through his work where you send in pictures you have taken to do with Wildlife. Its all linked with the Natural History Museum in London.
We had an email though yesterday to say of the 250 entries, he has been selected into the final 20!! he has been invited (with a guest) to attend the award evening in Natural History Museum Earth Galleries in London!!
How fab is that. I just had to tell you all. Im so pleased for him. I got the kids all sat down and we waitied for him to come in and he was like " what have you done" as we were all looking sombre. hehehe
hes well chuffed and has said even if he doesnt win hes pleased as punch for getting this far.
So there you go. what with this and me having my college interview on thusrday for a gardening course its all smiles and nervous laughter here.
love to all
x x x
31 Aug, 2009
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Oh thats great news Mookins congrats to your hubby and also you.I just have to say that "binmen " do a marvellous job where would we be without them,so tell hubby not to feel embaressed bout his job.Three cheers for the Binmen"Lol:~)))))
31 Aug, 2009
I'm so pleased for you both. Tell him congratulations :o)
I hope you both enjoy your trip to London.
31 Aug, 2009
Every cloud has a silver lining, well done to your hubby, photography is a great and interesting hobby. Enjoy your trip.
31 Aug, 2009
Thats great news well done both of you.
31 Aug, 2009
Spot on both. He should be chuffed as should you for your course.
Congrats both!!
31 Aug, 2009
Yes Mookins I have one of those camera's with the lenses too, I know what your talking about even if you don't, it is hard getting your shots selected, I have had an SLR filmstock camera for 30yrs and a digital for the last 5 years and I have only had one shot selected for use on a flyer to promote the dangers of pylons (long story) So well done to your hubby and good luck with the college interview, please let us know how everything goes.
31 Aug, 2009
Congratulations to hubby how super I hope all goes well for him and for you too with your college course
Nice to share your happy news
31 Aug, 2009
Oh that is fantastic Mookins. Congratulations to you both. Well done. Let us know how you go with your course.
There is nothing wrong with any job. He is working to support his family and that is admirable. :o)
1 Sep, 2009
Wow !
Clever hubby, he must be chuffed to bits Mookins.
I have the type of camera he has - all ISO and F-stops etc. !!!!
It'll be great to hear what happens next, would you keep us posted please ?
(Good luck Thursday by the way !)
1 Sep, 2009
Well done hubby, I hope you have a great time in London. It doesn't matter at all what job any of us do, we are all important in different ways. We can't manage without bin men, look what happens when there's a dispute....chaos!I It seems like it's good news all round in your house, have you started your new job yet and if so, how's it going? Good luck with the interview on Thursday
1 Sep, 2009
thanks everyone, hubby has been smiling like a cheshire cat (looks odd) hes said thanks for all the great comments and remember your binmen at christmas hehehe
Lily2 started my lil job this sat just gone and loved it. So friendly there and bent over backwards to help me.
All starting to look up for a change.Am so proud of him although he keeps telling me not to get my hopes up, but I know how good his pics are, so cant help myself.
yes college interview thursday fingers crossed, apparently they have been in-undated with applications this year!! just shows how popular gardening really is now
(just wonder how many will actually stay the whole course!!)
x x x
1 Sep, 2009
So is hubby taking all your great pics? Well done to you both and Good Luck.
Hope you both get exactly what you want (and deserve)
Fingers crossed for Thursday Mookins :-)
x x x
1 Sep, 2009
some of them are mine hun,
but the better ones are his
thanks for all the kind comments
x x
1 Sep, 2009
Isn,t it wonderful to hear some good news for a change !
Congratulations to your Hubby Mookins , they say everything happens for a reason , you say he entered the comp. through his work so if he had not accepted that job he wouldn't have entered the comp. so there was a reason :o)
Good luck on Thursday I hope all goes well for you to :-)
1 Sep, 2009
Thank you Amy, am a firm believer in fate (although sometimes find it hard to understand why) and its like you said happened for a reason
x x x
1 Sep, 2009
Is it Easton you are hoping to get into Mookins ? being a Norfolk person I know someone who did a gardening course there also at Burlingham !
He is is working for himself now 7 days a week and is so busy ....
1 Sep, 2009
No unfortunatly not Amy,
Easton college is way out of my price league and most of the part time courses they offer in gardening you have to be employed in the gardening trade :o(
mines at Great Yarmouth college
not as posh but will be ok... I hope
x x x
1 Sep, 2009
Nothing wrong with photography Mookins - it happens to be my other hobby! Camera Club starts next Monday again - whoo hoo!! All the best to hubby in his endeavours, and he is NOT to feel embarrassed about his job - at least he thought about his family and got off his arse to find one when he was made redundant. There are a lot of people who wouldn't bother. Hope he wins!
1 Sep, 2009
What a heartwarming story, and what clever hubby you have. Congratulations to you both. Sounds as though are both plucky, positive people and deserve everything to turn out well as it seems to be. However he gets on, sounds as though his determination will always come through. Good luck you both deserve it.
1 Sep, 2009
Congrats to you both, great achievements.....and we all need bin men, what a mess we'd be in without them.
1 Sep, 2009
well done. enjoy the nhm it is fantastic. if you've never been have a good look at the carvings on the stonework. it is stunning.
1 Sep, 2009
Ooh sounds fab,
I think I may be more excited than hubby hehe
can you imagine what Il be like if he won?
probably removed from the building for distubance!!
2 Sep, 2009
always give our binmen a case of stella at xmas , and a thank you card!!
well done and hope you get 1st prize for the pic........................steve
2 Sep, 2009
Great news alround Mookins. Congrats to you both.I bet the kids are proud of their clever mum and dad.
2 Sep, 2009
well done to hubby jen and well done and good luck for your course, we are all proud of you x
2 Sep, 2009
Great Yarmouth is just as good Mookins , good luck to you ..
And I agree with M. James ..absolutely .. :o)
3 Sep, 2009
Congratulations! You are right to be so proud of him.
I had a friend who is a very good home photographer. She was able to find a small art studio that would exhibit some of her best works! It didn't cost her anything to have it set up once she was accepted and she even made a bit of money when a few of them sold!
You should shop around and see if anyone is willing to put on a show of his photographs!
13 Sep, 2009
I would love to have got to your blog earlier so that I could have said something nice before everyone else had said it first.
Well done to both of you.
17 Sep, 2009
Thank you Toto
thats very sweet
unfortunatly I didnt get the college course placement :o(
but still looking forward to hubbys award night
x x x
17 Sep, 2009
Sorry you were unsuccessful but keep trying as I'm sure you will get there. The very best of luck to hubby for his award night.
17 Sep, 2009
so sorry jen about the course :o( dont give up though x
17 Sep, 2009
Never mind will try again next year. Apparently my love of gardening isnt enought to warrent a place, they give places firstlyto people in jobs with horticulture and then who have a bit more experience than me... another words they probably think this is a whim.
thanks peeps
x x x
17 Sep, 2009
Oh, what a shame Mookins. Sorry to hear that. Don't be discouraged.
Have you thought about doing any online courses? Distance education is very common over here. There is a horticulture program at the University of Guelph in Ontario....
19 Sep, 2009
Well done hubby....
when plans don't work out, like your college course placement, there's often a better opportunity comes along..... it just isn't obvious at the time that it wasn't meant to be...
Have you made any new plans ?
7 Oct, 2009
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Mookins thats fabulous news,well done hubby,hope he enjoys the awards and good luck to you for Thursday.......
31 Aug, 2009