Old Moor April Visit
By mrsmelon
I managed to get out for a little while..feeling rather ill with headache, coughing and runny nose, this is not just any bad cold, this is your M&S bad cold…LOL
I have a new camera, well my hubbys old one and I was dying to get out and take some photos… Hope you like them, my 1st attempt with an SLR.
I feel a little posh…LOL
Willow Arch – will take some through-out the year to see the seasons changes.
This guy was definately keeping his eye on me…Think it was all the sniffy and blowing my nose that disturbed him.
So we only browsed around for a couple of hours and had to get back home for my dose of Lemsip. Hope you all had a fantastic day.
Mrs M (Debbie)
11 Apr, 2010
Previous post: I feel like 3 of the 7 Dwarf's/ Don't push it
Next post: Don't push it v2
You did really well lovely photos, i hope your feeling better aswell.
11 Apr, 2010
I see you have done rather well, with your new camera,super pics.
The Guy at the end, probably thought these Humans, are so noisy!
spoiling our moments of privacy....LOL Wishing you better, mrsmelon
11 Apr, 2010
Stunning pics,and so clear.Hope you felt better being out in the fresh air.Its horrible having a M &S cold,Debbie,I sympathise with you ..Get well soon...
11 Apr, 2010
Brilliant pics Mrs M :~)).
11 Apr, 2010
Those photos are fantastic! Sorry you've been so unwell - get better soon!
11 Apr, 2010
I agree with Spritz, lovely wildlife.
Hope your cold reverts to a Netto one soon!
11 Apr, 2010
Luv your willow arch, some great photo`s even if you had the sniffs it didn`t hamper the brilliant photography.
11 Apr, 2010
fantastic shots
11 Apr, 2010
Sorry you have the lurgi, please tell me what setting you used for your birds and the butterfly, I use an SLR and my shots are not as clear as yours, what make is it too? your photos are excellent.
11 Apr, 2010
You've taken some great photos. Keep it up. I want to see more ...lol :o))
12 Apr, 2010
Thanks to everyone for your nice comments - I am feeling a little better today, just sound like a barking seal.
I have a very knowledgable hubby that is showing me the ropes, plus i have been instructed by him to read the following book - Understanding Exposure, Bryan Peterson.
I am sure they will be plenty more photos, I have the urge to want to get the camera out all the time.... It will have to wait, I need to go to work...Day off on Thursday.
I have a Cannon 500d, lens sigma 18/200 OS
Butterfly settings
Speed - ISO 100
Focal Length - 200mm
Aperture f /8.0
Shutter speed 1/200 sec
Bird settings
Speed - ISO 100
Focal Length - 115mm
Aperture f /8.0
Shutter speed 1/400 sec
Bird Eye settings
Speed - ISO 100
Focal Length - 115mm
Aperture f /8.0
Shutter speed 1/250 sec
12 Apr, 2010
I'm full of a cold today as well, where do they come from ? Felt fine yesterday ! Your photos are beautiful, really enjoyed looking at them. : o ) )
12 Apr, 2010
Thanks for the info, will try out these settings, although mine is a Nikon d60, you are lucky to have someone to help with the camera, OH has a lovely camera but uses auto for everything, have been on the web a few times which has helped.
12 Apr, 2010
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Well I do hope you feel better sooner rather than later. Concidering that was the 1st time with a SLr there fantastic photos !!!! Well done you. I'll better get out and about and learn to use mine that i got for my birthday
11 Apr, 2010