Mzgreenfingers's Profile

About me
When I downsized just over two years ago I was able to bring some of my favorite plants with me - a couple of tree ferns lived in dust bins for over a year!!! as did my standard small rose (I cant remember the name I've had it for over ten years) some of the plants in my new garden have been given by friends as cutting etc - its amazing what people do when they see you have a new garden to furnish!!! just love being outside - will be moving a few plants & trees this autumn as they've overgrown their space. I've managed to grow some veg in between other plants as well, lettuce, tomatoes, potatoes in a pot - will try runner beans next year. I miss my Veg plot!!!
Must add I'm not too good at remembering plant names but I know what I like and it seems to work.
My other interests are music - sport especialy rugby & cricket - voluntary work with autistic young adults - help train them to get into the world of work.
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Joined in Aug 2008
Country: United Kingdom
County: Northampton