Dry Molasses explained!
By n2organics
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Dry molasses isn’t really straight dried molasses. It’s molasses sprayed on a grain residue carrier. It’s an excellent carbon source that stimulates beneficial microorganisms. And, it repels fire ants.
Sweet syrup that is a carbohydrate used as a soil amendment to feed and stimulate microorganisms. Contains sulfur, potash, and many trace minerals. Approximate analysis is 1-0-5. Molasses provides food for microorganisms and is a source of carbon, sulfur, and potash. It is a good, quick source of energy for the soil life and microbes in a compost pile, and will chase fire ants away. It is a carbon source and feeds beneficial microbes creating greater nature fertility. Liquid molasses is used in sprays and dry molasses is used as an ingredient in organic fertilizers. It contains sulfur, potash, and other trace minerals. Excellent foliar feeding material and can be mixed with other organic liquids. Use at 2-4 quarts/acre for soil application. For foliar application on broadleaf plants use 1 pint per acre. For grasses and grains still use 1 quart per acre. Blackstrap molasses is the best choice because it contains the sulfur and iron of the original material.
Molasses is the best sugar for horticultural use because of its trace minerals. Blackstrap is hard to find but is the best molasses because of the sulfur and iron, but any kind will work. Molasses is a carbon source and feeds the beneficial microbes creating greater natural plant fertility. Molasses also has a nice side benefit. When used with compost tea and orange oil, it kills fire ants and other insect pests. By itself, molasses repels fire ants effectively.
QUESTION: What is the application rate for dry molasses on a lawn? And how should I set the spreader? E.S., Dallas
ANSWER: Most broadcast or cyclone spreaders will put out about 10 pounds per 1,000 square feet when the setting is wide open. I usually make two passes to put out 20 pounds per 1,000 square feet. A benefit of organic fertilizers is that no harm is done when the application rate isn’t exact.
This comes from the dirt doctor Dirt doctor
I have had great results with my lawn, plants, flower beds, and other areas using “sugars” to prep the soil and enhance biological activity.. ;-)
3 Sep, 2009
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Thanks for this info.
3 Sep, 2009