Things are really really bad...............
By nana_d
Weather here in Sunny(not) Bournemouth is horrendous torrents of rain and very cold, but what has upset me more than anything is that because I cannot go out in my garden………. I HAVE GOT NO EXCUSE NOT TO DO HOUSEWORK:( Please weather get better soon otherwise I might have to do some ironing too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
17 Jun, 2011
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Note to myself ....must get a dog!
17 Jun, 2011
Lol... :o)))
17 Jun, 2011
Ironing? not heard of that before!lol.
Perhaps invest in a big greenhouse.
17 Jun, 2011
Ironing? Isn't that something to do with golf? (snigger!) Yep, you need a greenhouse, even a little 'un!
17 Jun, 2011
Oh definitely a greenhouse needed tootsweet, ironing is a bad word in my dictionary and an even worse job......
17 Jun, 2011
Note to myself..........must get a dog and a greenhouse!
17 Jun, 2011
Ironing!! I hate ironing with a passion in fact i hardly iron anything these days! I have a dog and a teeny greenhouse still have to do housework though :o( Its raining here this afternoon but nothing like you've had it Nana
17 Jun, 2011
Mmmm ironing is the last resort I find stretching the washing definately cuts the nasty task down by half:)
17 Jun, 2011
Boy, I agree with that, ALWAYS get it out of the machine immediately, always use fabric conditioner, always shake it and hang it straight away - but you still have to iron the linen or cottons, pain in the proverbial. Its chucking it down here today and I've had to bite the bullet and do the housework. Mind, I must admit, my birthday cards were still up, surrounded by dust, and my birthday was in the middle of May... Dusting is something I tend to ignore, preferring to do the bathroom and kitchen instead, but really, note to self, get a grip and clean more often... (now that voice in my head is saying, why?...)
17 Jun, 2011
haha Nana - my thoughts - I hate mess but I also hate cleaning and housework - the BBC got it wrong for here - just started raining but the usual rubbish drizzle we usually get - hope for something better for you tomorrow :):)
17 Jun, 2011
Ironing nothing wrong with ironing
17 Jun, 2011
yea, nothing wrong with ironing, Jiffy - as long as I don't have to do it.
17 Jun, 2011
I don't that for sure
17 Jun, 2011
Nothing wrong with ironing jiffy - do you want mine? In Cambridge many people ride bikes, if you are run over by a bike it is called being ironed!
I think you need to use wet days to plan or re-plan your garden, (or cook) so when the sun comes out you are raring to go!
17 Jun, 2011
Hi Sticky thats exactly what I did a nice chicken curry:) Done the housework but the ironing............over to you Jiffy can I send it by post? Perhaps I should start thinking about what to do with the front garden Bamboo. Stopped raining so hard here Paul but drizzling still. Had GreenThumb today to .............wait for it put some water retention treatment on the lawn they advised it had a good watering after the treatment so every rain cloud has a silver lining:)
17 Jun, 2011
That curry sounds really good. Did you see alan t tonight? The lady on there had a lovely idea, making small stepping stones with inset pebbles - now that would be a good thing to do indoors
17 Jun, 2011
Oh Sticki I missed it again how annoying is it on again on another day?
17 Jun, 2011
You could try that iplayer thing?
17 Jun, 2011
Housework here today too but only this morning....because they GOT IT WRONG again ! rain at all..and I did the corners and everything.!..and the minimum of ironing..which I don't mind at all..I can hear you all muttering.."strange woman " Lol.
17 Jun, 2011
Hi Bloomer not strange at all at least you dont have to iron everything in the morning before work in a panic:) Yes Sticki good idea I'll put it on the Iplayer thing:)
17 Jun, 2011
That's true,Nana d,and to be honest,I'm like a lot of others..only do the essential stuff..gave that lark up,a long time point really..we did used to make work for ourselves,didn't we ?
17 Jun, 2011
We certainly did:)
17 Jun, 2011
Friends, from Bournemouth, are arriving sunday for a couple of weeks and we have occasional thundershowers forcast for the weekend. As it's 'tipping-down' there I now feel better, knowing our showers will be an improvement.
BTW, blame the bad weather on the cricket test match being played at Southampton. Cricket matches are far more effective than any 'rain dance'.
18 Jun, 2011
Wimbledon tennis fortnight is usually good for rain too!
18 Jun, 2011
Stickitofee...Yes, and most outside Rock Festivals, offend the rain gods....
18 Jun, 2011
Oh that's right expats - Mudstonbury?
18 Jun, 2011
Ha ha, no Glastonbury this year, sadly, they're just putting on reruns of performances from previous years on the tv late at night. On the other hand, they would certainly have got drowned this year..
18 Jun, 2011
My elderly neighbour loves ironing. Her daughter brings hers over. When she goes to stay with her daughter on the rare weekend, I see her dragging a huge ironing board to the car. I said I would bring mine over for her. LOL
18 Jun, 2011
thank heavens some people like it, but it is the most hated activity, apparently, though narrowly beaten to first place by, ooh, I hesitate to mention this, CLEANING THE OVEN...
And to Jiffy - I note you say 'ironing's all right' and then later admitted that you never do it yourself... very funny, course it's alright if you're watching someone else doing it, lol;-))
18 Jun, 2011
Jiffy how do you manage not to do ironing?
Cleaning the oven is required less than ironing!
18 Jun, 2011
I don't do it and Miss Jiff (OH) doesn't do it (the ironing that is) we fold things up carefully, or put them on hangers and let them dry naturally
18 Jun, 2011
Ah ha now the truth is coming out Jiffy:) I do the same as you for the most part but some things still need a bit of an iron. Bamboo has Glastonbury been cancelled a friend Tom from work was supposed to be going? Still raining here little bits of sunshine then great big cloud bursts I am getting cabin fever need to be outside!
18 Jun, 2011
well i wish i could do that ~ well done you.
18 Jun, 2011
I should get in there Alexb and get your name put on the neighbours ironing rota and just think you will be keeping her very happy:)
18 Jun, 2011
OH,Bamboo..THE OVEN ! I totally agree with you..the worst job ever! and the weather today ? lovely! windy,but warm and sunny..after I staked everything I could,yesterday,and moved pots under the patio preparation for the horrendous weather we were supposed to have !..Someone is having a laugh..!!!
18 Jun, 2011
Not here they weren't, we've had the lot, thunder, lightning, hail, rain, bit of sun, lots of cloud.
18 Jun, 2011
oh dear..its been nice here again today as well,but very windy..just been watching the weather for the week on Countryfile..doomed by the sound of things ! I shall be taking it with a pinch of salt.!
19 Jun, 2011
Have you sent the nice weather down here bloomer? It's beautiful here today - I'm planning to spend the day in the garden.
20 Jun, 2011
I did is your turn ! :o) it has been gorgeous today too..very warm..we have been at our daughters house,while they are on took us three hours labour each,to plant a rose ! ..there was a massive cherry tree in the garden,when they moved in,which was soon disposed of..but the roots are everywhere..almost the length of the border,and straight across the we are ever going to get rid of them,I dont the way,the Rose was bought as a gift from her partner...its name ? " Lucky " ! not for us,it wasn't ! that heat ...
20 Jun, 2011
It turned cloudy later on and poured with rain in the evening - the plants will be happy I think!
Three hours root digging - that is very hard work - off to the spa and sauna for you today!
21 Jun, 2011
Lol,Sticki..think lunch out is a better idea..:o) We had a good downpour everything coming up roses ? sorry,bad joke..
21 Jun, 2011
Lunch out is just as good if not better! I don't think it's an outing if I don't have at least a nice cup of coffee!
21 Jun, 2011
Me either..:o) Decided to go to a farm shop tearoom for one of their lovely ham and cheese toasties with salad..and strangely enough,there is a big garden centre within easy walking distance!..just may have a look..just maybe ! Lol.
21 Jun, 2011
ooooh what a lovely thought ~ lucky you. we ought to have a blog on tea and coffee shops!!
21 Jun, 2011
Lol,Sticki..we had a lovely lunch,and packed out as usual..we were very good,and didn't have any home made cake..and there were lots of different ones to tempt us !..just too perfect,aren't we ? :o)..I didn't buy anything at the GC either..but I fell in love with a new deciduous Berberis..the tiny leaves were such a glowing colour..orangey red..and it starts off light green before it changes..only grows about 2'x2'.(old money)..and guess what ? I have forgotten the name already..that means I may have to go again..! They were £9.99p each ..shall I or shan't I ? It just keeps coming back into my mind..I think I'm in love ! :o)))))))))
21 Jun, 2011
Berberis 'Admiration'? Berberis 'bagatelle'? Let us know what its called if you buy one...
21 Jun, 2011
sounds like a traffic light plant to me, starts off green, turns to glowing orange and then no doubt goes bright red, which means ~ stop here and buy me!!??
21 Jun, 2011
Sorry has totally gone ! I can't believe I didn't make a note of it ! I was so busy talking to the assistant about it,and I didn't go back to have another look..what am I like ? Dozy,I'd say Lol. I will google the ones you mentioned,just to see if it looks like either of those..
Lol,Sticki..that sounds a perfect discription..:o))
21 Jun, 2011
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Ironing ? oh no !!!
I've been training my dogs indoors ...
which meant I had to delay any housework ;o)
17 Jun, 2011