Good and Bad News
By nana_d
Hi everyone went to the doctors tonight and he has said that I have not got ring worm that is the good news he said that I could have one of three other skin complaints all of which are not curable but can be managed not so good news he has now booked me in to see a dermatologist urgently. Bad bad news is none of the three probable complaints are contagious which means I can go back to work at this point I almost begged for a second opinion but as the second opinion would be from his brother (if you remember for my other blog the one that didn’t go to charm school) I kept mum.
Right onto more good news OH came home with a huge pot that he was given by his daughter she was going to throw it out and that there was another one the same but he couldn’t fit it in the car.
OH has also been productive and mended our fence which I then had to paint Sat and Sun LONG FENCE!.
OH’s grape vines harvest below might be able to get a glass of Chateau De Brian at a squeeze.
And as I have been off work have managed to do another mosaic which will be grouted tomorrow and I have not had to use a hammer and chisel on this one which I am calling I-Fish:)
Finally planted some Cosmos in the front garden and they are still going strong so I took a picture of them.
Thanks for reading this rather long blog everyone:)
4 Oct, 2011
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nana d sorry to hear of your drs visit i hope it will soon be sorted out and manageable for you. the big pot is fab and your mosaic just lovely, well done, regards....
4 Oct, 2011
Hope you get better very soon Nana d - take all the care you can :)))))))))) Your mosaic is so awesome - amazing work - and lovely photos :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))
4 Oct, 2011
Nana d, as long as your complaint can be managed, that's some sort of good news then isn't it and there's all sorts of treatments available today, so I'd try not to worry too much. The pot is lovely (OH can get the other one on the next visit!! lol). Fences always look so much better when they're painted (look brand new). Your mosaic's brilliant (I like the title I-Fish - very good). And finally, your cosmos are very pretty (do these come back every year or do you have to re-grow 'em?). By the way, I enjoyed the blog:o)))
4 Oct, 2011
Nana D ,get to that dermatologist fast ,those Drs sound disinterested ,it so annoys me . Sudden onset like that does not sound incurable ! You have been working with substances that you could be reacting to though .
Love the Cosmos , better eat the grapes . The mosaic should be called Mata Ecan [Malay] , not sure of the spelling , it means "fish-eye " and is on either side of Malasian fishing boats .
4 Oct, 2011
Thanks everyone for all your lovely comments re the I-fish mosaic:) Driad your Mata Ecan sounds a cool name. Dr Adrian (nice one:)) is getting me an urgent appointment to see the dermatologist so hopefully will get more of a result. Sheilar I planted them from seed they grow really fast but then they die off but the seeds were really cheap.
4 Oct, 2011
Blog wasn't long at all Nana! I hope your skin gets sorted out asap...not nice for you. I hope you don't turn out to be allergic to PVA or you're in trouble! lol. The mosaic is stunning...really unique, bold and fascinating! I think many of us are enjoying our late cosmos flowers this year!
4 Oct, 2011
Thanks Karen hope glad you like it I am pleased with this one so far.. as long as it look good when it's grouted fingers crossed! Yes think the Cosmos think it summer now as we had such a rubbish June, July and August. Are you busy collecting more sea glass for your next mosaic??
4 Oct, 2011
Too busy today Nana....but soon! :))) Enjoy the grouting....they always look better once grouted, so it's sure to be a success!
4 Oct, 2011
Phew! Nana!! That's a heck of a fence Nana! It must have taken ages, but you did a fab job, it looks great! And well done on the mosaic, it looks lovely!! I hope you get your appointment soon so you can get some treatment and put your mind at rest. Good luck!x
4 Oct, 2011
Hi Libet yes it did take me about 5 hours in all but I got up early Sat and Sun and did it while it wasn't too hot:) Thanks for your comment on the mosaic enjoyed doing this one a great deal. I am keeping my fingers crossed that the appointment is soon, forgot to say to the doctor that I have private medical through work it might have got me an appointment sooner:(
4 Oct, 2011
YOU GO GIRL!!!!! Amazing!!! Love the detail in the iris! What a huge difference from your 1st one. Can't wait to see it grouted.
Sorry about the Dr, wishing you well there!
Lol at Lulu...sounds like you've thrown out a challenge to the males :) As far as starting to copy, I would be honoured if you 'copied' one of mine!!! Shame you didn't think to ask for royalties before you started this new craze :)))))))
4 Oct, 2011
Very impressed with the fish mosaic Nana d, sorry to hear about your skin problems though, hope it isn`t anything you are using in your mosaic work as you seem to be enjoying it so much, lets hope it soon gets sorted out for you..
Good work on the fencing, I still haven`t done mine, lol.
Lovely pic of the cosmos..
4 Oct, 2011
Ha ha thanks Lil thing is I have not done any art since I was at school loved it then so they say you pick up where you left off art wise so there you have it a sixteen year old artwork inside a 54 year old Nana lol:) So looking forward to grouting it tomorrow! Thanks Linclass for your lovely comment on the mosaic and Cosmos:). Could be the the adhesive that I was using on the other two that was very dusty? will make sure I am covered up when I mix the grout tomorrow just in case!
4 Oct, 2011
Erm Ok............ROYALTIES!!!!!
4 Oct, 2011
Ring the Dr tomorrow Nana! Tell him about your insurance!! You'll probably get an appointment by next week...!
4 Oct, 2011
Hope you're ok hen :) love the pics x
4 Oct, 2011
Spraying is far quicker for fences borrrrrrrring having to paint fences, great job you ve done love your Cosmos beautiful and your fish eye means long life and protection a fish is for long life the all seeing eye protection.
4 Oct, 2011
Thanks Pixi and 6d I agree 6d re the spraying but it was the neighbours side and I was frightened to use it in case I got it on his drive use the spray for our back garden when we didn't have any plants much much quicker. Hi Libet will ring him tomorrow:)
4 Oct, 2011
I understand yes best to paint then.
4 Oct, 2011
Nana d...Try Aveeno on you skin, bath-oil and moisturiser. It is harmless but soothing on loads of skin conditions.
5 Oct, 2011
Hi Pimpernel, how stange went out last night to Boots and bought the Aveeno body moisteriser because I'd remembered someone saying how good it was for their eczema in fact I bought two lots while I was there as they had a third of all the Aveeno range. Skin feels much softer this morning unfortunately the cream for the ring worm really dried it out. Thanks.
5 Oct, 2011
Good, The bath oil helps no end with eczema and psoriasis.
5 Oct, 2011
I don't think your blog was long Nanad.
The cosmos are wonderful' I'll have to remember to sew some next yr.
Sorry to hear of your ongoing medical condition. I hope you can get some treatment for it.
Well fancy throwing that lovely pot out ! What's the matter with the woman lol - but you have benefitted from it. I hope you can get the other one too :o))
5 Oct, 2011
I am sorry to hear young people like you to have health problems, even minor. I thought I was the only one with a million of problems. I have quite serious itching problems for many years which I may have inherited from my mum. I am a man, I am quite old, have more serious things to consider and I pay little attention to my skin problems. Seeing my GP? He always writes a prescription even before I finish my sentence and explain my problem. He has given me some cremes which did not work. Seeing a specialist? May take many months and be seen by a very young trainee doctor. When at work I was a member of a private medical scheme. It caused me too much in taxes, I was never explained how it worked and never used it. Paying to go to an expensive private clinic? You may see the same doctor you saw at your local hospital. It did happen to me some years ago, when I decided to take a relative to a private clinic for a second opinion. He was the same doctor we saw before.
I hope your skin problem is nothing very serious and will be cured very soon. All the best.
5 Oct, 2011
Thanks Pimpernel with get the oil today. Thank you Hywel I cannot believe that someone would throw that pot away anyway as I have gained one big lovely pot and another what can I put in them????
5 Oct, 2011
Ooooh I wonder what ? You can show us what you decide :o)
5 Oct, 2011
hope you get something sorted out with the dreaded rash nana, and love your new mosaic, very abstract, well done, you have a flare for design mrs lol, :o))
5 Oct, 2011
Hi Sandra thanks for your lovely comment when you gonna give it a try? and how is your painting getting on?? Disaster with the grout when I got home from work one of the iris bits came out so had to stick it it with lots of grout and the colour from the iris bits started to run into the grout luckily it's contained to the middle bit will see what it looks like when it dries tomorrow:( Phoned Dr this morning and told him I had private health care with work so he is going to refer me privately and I should get to see a specialist soon:)
5 Oct, 2011
Flash the rash Nana...I'll show you mine if......
5 Oct, 2011
Hmmm Pimpernel you remind me of someone I know very well on this website who are you BB or GB perhaps?? :)
5 Oct, 2011
By the way, you can always paint any runs in the grout!
Was the stuff that ran dyed shell perchance!!
5 Oct, 2011
Give a dog a bad name...
I got no recipies see I can not spell em.
5 Oct, 2011
painting going well nana, we are doing fun projects at the moment for grundy gallery exibition in november, its a two part things, so two paintings each, first seaside of any coastal painting, then winter scene or xmas, and can only be smallish paintings as lot of people will be displaying work, not the type of painting i like but iv chosen ones to do and give my neice and nephew, child like, fun though.
next will be something from my cornwall hols, so looking forward to that, im having my owm exibition next oct just in our local library for two weeks so looking forward to that, its my mums idea lol,so need to paint a few so i can decide what to hang.
love it though so not hard work.
going to private doc sounds like a good idea to me, can be the same doctor as you see on NH but somehow they treat you different, it happened to me when i had cancer, couldnt believe it was the same doctor and got different care, not good really, we are all entitled to good care whether we have money or not dont you think, but you get what you can done and hope it gets results :o))
5 Oct, 2011
Yes indeedy Lulu looked lovely but will not be using them again! Has this kind of thing happened to you before using them then? Will see how it dries might look OK having pale mint green in the middle bit lol:)
5 Oct, 2011
Hi Pimpernel I will be waiting for you to slip up and spell things rite lol!
5 Oct, 2011
I av a fantastic Banana..Bread
5 Oct, 2011
Hi Sandra, glad you are still enjoying your painting hope your exhibition goes well. Yes will most probably see the same doctor just a bit quicker. Sorry to hear that you had cancer Sandra and that you didn't get good care until you went private I agree the level of care and their attitude should be the same. Hope all is OK with you now Sandra?
5 Oct, 2011
Nope, I think I knew they were dyed!! Anything with an unusual colour is usually dyed!
5 Oct, 2011
Well I am living and a learning actually don't like it as much now is grouted has lost is vibrancy but I shall give it a good polish up when it's dried completely might feel better about the grout then:)
5 Oct, 2011
May I wish You the best and You feeling better and better day after day....
With courtesy from France
7 Oct, 2011
I want to wish You the best and You feeling better and better day after day..
With courtesy from France
7 Oct, 2011
Sorry, I made a mistake and I see my comment twice;anyway I hope two times is better that one..;-))
7 Oct, 2011
Ah Ray merci :)
7 Oct, 2011
They change so dramatically once grouted!! I often prefer the pregrout stage. Am trying to make them differently to make up for it now. I think the stag and the new fish one are fine with the grout!! Makes a nice change!
8 Oct, 2011
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OMG that mosaic is brilliant, stunning and powerful. You gals (no blokes on goy have made any yet!) but you girls are giving me inspiration!!
Am going through a dry spell, apart from messing one up, being covered in paint and with a sore throat to boot!!
I'm about to start copying you and lil and Karen and Sticki!
4 Oct, 2011