Quick Update
By nana_d
No gardening news except all my summer plants need taking out etc and winter ones put in and tables chairs etc put away for another winter:( No more mosaics at the moment either as we are starting the decorating in our last room in the bungalow which will be our bedroom! It will have taken just over two years to completely re-do the bungalow and the back garden. Next year the front garden to tackle lots of ideas for that though which is exciting.
Went to the consultant today re skin problem and she thinks it is most likely to be Lichen Planus or a slight possibility of another skin problem which was such a mouthful I can’t remember it lol! But I am having two biopsy’s next Tuesday which will confirm what it is which is great news.
Grand children were christened on Sunday which was lovely really nice service and they were little angels of course!
My daughter Lisa and her boyfriend Nick who is godfather to Max
My son Lee with his wife Lou and baby Max
Lee my other daughter Laura’s boyfriend who is god father to Livvy (Laura escaped my camera which is a shame) with Max who was getting a little bit bored by this time lol!
Laura with her boyfriend Lee at our family get together in the summer (ish) didn’t want to leave her out lol:)
That all for now:)
11 Oct, 2011
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Mmm well there was a picture of me and OH but he looked good but I.... cos my hair is blond (naturally of course lol) it made me look as if I had a halo above my head so decided not to put it in:( Feel a lot better now I know something is being done and the consultant eyes lit up when she saw my complaint you could almost hear her saying to herself..........this makes a change we don't get many of these lol:)
11 Oct, 2011
Thanks BB :) Yes it is lovely being a mum and a nana.
11 Oct, 2011
Good news Nana, and lovely photos of beautiful family! :)
11 Oct, 2011
Lovely photo`s Nana d, hope you get some news soon as regards your skin problem, then you might get it sorted, its a frustrating time waiting on results for anything...
11 Oct, 2011
Those are good photos :o)
I hope your skin problems are cured very soon...
11 Oct, 2011
Thanks Karen and Linclass apparantly I will have to wait around two weeks for my results so not too long:)
11 Oct, 2011
Thanks TT fro your lovely comment if it is Lichen Planus it will go in it's own good time can be 3mths to 18mths but betnovate can be used as well as UVA treatment if it gets really bad.
11 Oct, 2011
I just looked up Lichen Planus on the internet...
seems the cause is not fully understood ...
... get well soon ... xxx
11 Oct, 2011
Lovely family pics. Hope your problem's sorted soon.
11 Oct, 2011
Yes TT could be triggered off by quite a few things but a couple of months ago I burnt just above my right chest when putting roast pots into hot fat and it blistered really badly and looking on the net it says that Lichen Planus can be triggered off by a burn or an injury so that would make sense. Shame they don't know much about it but it will go eventually:)
11 Oct, 2011
Thanks Sheilar:)
11 Oct, 2011
Glad you're feeling better :)
11 Oct, 2011
I hope all goes okay for you Nana d - nice photos - just take care Nana :))))))))))))- I know what you mean about summer plants - I really really hate winter I hate the run up to it - :))))
11 Oct, 2011
Hi BB have to admit things have been quite hectic but they have calmed down a bit now just the decorating to do but I quite enjoyed that once I get stuck in. My Dr (the nice one) thought one of the things it could be was Guttate Psoriasis but consultant said it definitely wasn't Psoriasis. Sure it will sort itself out and once I have had the biopsy I will know for sure:)
Thanks Paul, yes quite alot to sort out and I really want to get it done this weekend cos I have a green bin I can fill that will be collected on the monday of next week.
Thanks Pixi:)
11 Oct, 2011
Lovely family photos, Nana d, just love the expression on Max's face ... lol! ... Hope you get a confirmed diagnosis (and treatment) before very long ... :o)
11 Oct, 2011
Thanks Shirley hope all is well with you too:) Eh BB did it not make sense or are you referring to the work I have planned lol!
11 Oct, 2011
Beautiful family Deb!
Good to hear you'll have an answer soon regarding your skin.
12 Oct, 2011
Lovely pics, enjoyed looking at them.
Glad there's been a diagnosis (sort of!)
good luck with the decorating!!
Is anyone getting a mosaic for xmas!!?
12 Oct, 2011
Hi Lil/Lulu thanks for lovely comments hope you are both mosacing like crazy?? Cannot wait to finish decorating and get the garden sorted so I can start again so many idea's going through my head wanna to a couple for the grand kids rooms too. Good news re skin in as far as I am getting nearer to knowing exactly what we are dealing with bad news in if it is Lichen Planus there is little known about it and no cure it can be managed to a degree and it normally goes of it own accord.
Question for you Lulu (surprise surprise) when you use plywood for inside project do you prep it with with watered down PVA before you start? Also what do you put on your outside pieces after you have finished them to seal or protect them??
Loving all your mosaics girls they are just getting better and better and have reached awesomeness:)
12 Oct, 2011
I hope you get good results.
You've got a great looking family :o)
12 Oct, 2011
Thanks Hywel:) Hi BB once bedroom is done I will be able to relax alot and we are planning on taking a holiday:)
12 Oct, 2011
GOod! You need one! :)
12 Oct, 2011
Thanks Pixi:))
12 Oct, 2011
:))))) x
12 Oct, 2011
Most prob a cheapy to Gran Canaria just need somewhere hot to sit/lay and relax been looking at around the 28th November Self Catering and flight flying from Bournemouth £155.00 each not bad at all so it is do able
12 Oct, 2011
Aw put me in your suitcase please lol ;)
12 Oct, 2011
Ha ha OK Pixi but you will have to practice curling up into a really tight ball and getting down to 20kg lol:)
12 Oct, 2011
oh dear..then I;'d have to stop eathing chocolate and cakes! hmmm..think I'll stay at home lol :)
12 Oct, 2011
A sleepy answer here (after a day with fellow GoYers!)
You can prime with pva before you start. Outside ones I don't put anything on to protect them. Some slip china won't tolerate frost. Be careful to grout really well so no damp gets in and should be ok! ZZZZzzzzzzzzzz
12 Oct, 2011
Ah thank you Lulu nite nite, tomorrow you can tell me how how day went who came to see you... did you do a mosaic class for them?:)
12 Oct, 2011
No mosaicing Nana, not enough room in my studio for 5 people!! Brian did bring me two sheets of stained glass!!:)
13 Oct, 2011
Hi Lulu put that comment in before I read the blog about your visitors good news re the stained glass and BJS's painting was excellent:) Sounds like you had a fab day!
13 Oct, 2011
It was Nana, it was great fun :)
13 Oct, 2011
great blog nana_d and great seeing your family..great that you shared it too..really enjoyable seeing a part of your life..i hope any issues with the skin and the halo are sorted soon..thank you again for sharing your great pictures
19 Oct, 2011
Thanks Skipscanda ha ha I should have posted the halo picture it would have caused a laugh:) Biopsies (not sure if I have spelt that correctly) were done yesterday and were not too uncomfortable until she started stitching the one on my shin and somehow managed to sew a bit that wasn't numbed by the injection OUCH! Should hear the results in a couple of weeks:)
19 Oct, 2011
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Lovely pics..where are you!!!! lol :) hope youre feeling better :)x
11 Oct, 2011