We tried our best:(
By nana_d
Update on bedroom, unfortunately all the will in the world late nights and early mornings and OH spending all day today means we will still not be finished in time, however hopefully second coat of topcoat will be going on the skirting in a minute and the the carpet will be fitted tomorrow am. We will then put sheets down and finish the rest.
Just having a very large scotch and coke with OH and going to bed hopefully we can see any misses on the paint and in daylight do rest of paintwork and put feature wall paper up over the weekend. Last room in the bungalow only 2.75 years plus back garden…..not bad:) Think that is the scotch and coke talking now lol!
27 Oct, 2011
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Well done... Look how much you've achieved from your last blog...It looks great Nana :)
28 Oct, 2011
Thanks Paul and Franny paint has dried on walls and skirting so should be OK for when the carpet fitter arrives this morning just need to put plenty of sheets down and finish the rest over next couple of days:)
28 Oct, 2011
Well done ... renovating and decorating takes much longer than some would imagine... and can be very tiring...
Hoping the carpet fitting goes according to plan :o)
28 Oct, 2011
Weel done both of you! you deserve a large one!!!!!:)
28 Oct, 2011
it looks so much better already. you have done a great job. enjoy putting your feet up.
28 Oct, 2011
Thanks all ...at work at the mo in my lunch will not get home till late but OH called and carpet has been fitted and bedroom units have arrived bit more top coating feature wallpaper to go up and new wood to be fitted for new curtain rail so should be moved out of the spare room in time for our lodger to move in Tuesday! I expect there to be a few choice words as OH tries to assemble the units lol:)
28 Oct, 2011
what an umprovement, will we see it all finished, you have worked so hard...
28 Oct, 2011
THats great Nana! :) oh stay away from him while he's doing that! lol
28 Oct, 2011
Is that a D.I.Y job? It looks very professional to me. Next time you want to demolish something call me!!
28 Oct, 2011
Hi Cazat yes I will post a pic when it's finished hopefully over the weekend:) Hi Pixi just called him and he is putting the wardrobes up at the mo and I am shocked to say that he is really impressed with them and says the instructions are very good so maybe no blasphemy in my house after all ...unless I stub my toe lol:)
28 Oct, 2011
It is indeed DIY Costas since buying this bungalow over 2.5yrs ago I have become a dab hand at DIY and other half is a jack of all trades. Will definitely give you a call if I need a wall knocked down:) How are you since your fall off the sofa and seeing ghosts hope you are better??
28 Oct, 2011
Did you enjoy your scotch and coke ? :o)
Well it's looking much better now. What a relief !
29 Oct, 2011
Hi Hywel I certainly did and this morning getting the last of the top coating done then when that is dry wall papering the feature wall will OH is starting to put up the units hoorah:)
29 Oct, 2011
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Done a lot though Nana - and great improvement - steady with that booze :D
28 Oct, 2011